Xiaoju always knew that Xu Yi had a good memory, and she discovered it when she was filming with Xu Yi.

Xu Yi was different from her. He took over the position of the male lead temporarily halfway through. Before that, he had never read the script for this role, let alone familiarized himself with the lines in advance.

Xiaoju got the script half a month before filming and reviewed it half a month in advance. Before filming, Xiaoju had memorized the lines of the first 100 scenes.

When she first acted with Xu Yi, Xiaoju felt Xu Yi's strong memory. Xu Yi only read the script once the night before each filming.

Many times, Xu Yi read it beside her. Xiaoju didn't see how much time he spent, but when filming the next day, Xiaoju was surprised to find that as long as the other actors were strong, all the scenes with Xu Yi were filmed very smoothly.

Not only because Xu Yi's acting skills can drive other actors, but also because Xu Yi, the male lead with many lines, never said a wrong line during filming.

The director and the staff of the program group praised Xu Yi for this, praising Xu Yi for his professionalism. In such a high-intensity shooting, he was able to perform at such a high level. I believe he must have worked hard behind the scenes and recited his lines until the late night every day.

But only Xiaoju knew that Xu Yi was not the type who worked hard. He was serious, but he never needed to spend so much time on it.

At that time, Xiaoju understood this as Xu Yi's acting talent. He understood the role well and naturally understood the character's lines.

But now it seems that Xiaoju thinks this is entirely due to Xu Yi's superb memory.

But no matter what the reason is, Xiaoju always feels at ease with a boyfriend who is super capable.

Just as she said, she sat next to Xu Yi and was responsible for cheering him on.

In between answering questions, Xu Yi would occasionally tell her,"I see you like the desserts here very much. While I'm answering questions, you should eat some more. I'll take you to eat after we finish recording, but the earliest will be tomorrow."

Xiaoju happily ate the dessert while scanning the answers of each group. She ate with relish. In other groups, two people were frowning and working on the test papers, and she was the only one eating dessert here. It was really great to feel that others were nervous about the college entrance examination, while she was sleeping leisurely in the examination room. She had never experienced it before. This time, thanks to Xu Yi, Xiaoju was able to have such a special experience.

Xiaoju felt very happy. This was the new value she found in this game.

Xu Yi was glad that he paid attention when the tour guide took them to visit the ancient town. He felt that the program group would not arrange this link just for a visit. When the director took them sightseeing, he remembered every scenic spot he visited and every introduction he said.

Especially when seeing trademarks, poems, and the names of some customs, Xu Yi would make special notes.

With the help of the system, Xu Yi already has the skill of remembering everything he sees. Not only the script, but anything he has noticed once will be completely stored in his mind.

When needed, Xu Yi only needs to mobilize his memory a little, and the information will naturally appear in his mind. It took Xu Yi about ten minutes to finish this set of test papers, and then handed it to the director team for review.

When seeing Xu Yi stand up and hand in the papers, the other groups of Running Man members were so surprised that their mouths opened wide. They were so wide that they could almost swallow a light bulb.

"No way? I haven't even finished the application yet, and you've already finished it?"

"Are you guessing because there are too many questions and they are too complicated, and you don't know how to answer them?"

After hearing Chen He's guess, the brothers of the Running Man team nodded and affirmed each other, thinking that this must be the case.

They thought that Xu Yi had just boasted that he knew all the questions, and he did it in front of his girlfriend Xiaoju. If he fell to the last, it would be embarrassing.

Now if you guess quickly and hand in the paper, you can at least grab the first place. Anyway, no one knows how to answer, it all depends on who guesses the best, maybe they will get the first place. Everyone was thinking this, only to hear the director put down Xu Yi's test paper and announced in an extremely shocked voice:"……All correct, 100 points"


Now, it was the turn of the other six groups of guests to be shocked.

"waht? This test paper, full marks?"

"Is it a human?"

"Director, did you make a wrong judgment?"

"Or is it that the difficulty of his test paper is different from ours?"

At this moment, the one who was more skeptical than the members and guests of the Running Man team was actually the director team. They really showed no mercy when choosing these 100 questions.

The staff of the director team discussed three times whether to reduce the difficulty of the questions. The original rule was that 60 questions had to be answered correctly and more than 60 points were scored in order to record a valid score.

Later, it was changed to that the team that handed in the paper in the shortest time and scored more than 60 points could get the first place.

But later, considering the scope and difficulty of these questions, the director team deleted this restriction that must pass the test.

They were really worried that the seven groups of guests would only get 20 or 30 points, or even more than ten points, in the end, completely relying on guessing.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yi not only answered quickly, but also answered every question correctly, which really caught the director team off guard. But at the same time, it also gave the director team a great surprise.

The current audience's aesthetic taste likes to watch this kind of super-god-like academic tyrant plot. Before, Xu Yi had not established The character of a top student was shown for the first time in their program.

Thinking of this, the staff of the director team were very excited. This ordinary test paper level seems to be able to create a wave of ratings with Xu Yi's super performance.

The director can already imagine the barrage that will appear on the screens of major websites when the program is broadcast. It is guaranteed that there will be a row of shocks, and then the screen will be full of"Xu Yi 6666".

The second group to hand in the test paper was Lu Han's group, fifteen minutes after Xu Yi handed in the paper. Lu Han's group barely answered 60 questions correctly and got a barely passing score.

Seeing that Lu Han had also handed in the paper, the other groups were a little anxious. They all guessed randomly and then handed in the paper in a hurry.

The results are naturally imaginable. No one passed. The highest one, the Royal Blue Group, only got 49 points, which was considered to be a relatively accurate guess.

Lu Han got second place, and the score between him and Xu Yi's group was almost one test paper away.

Lu Han felt ashamed and bowed to Xu Yi:"God, please accept my knees!"

Xu Yi waved his hand and said lightly:"I just guessed faster and more accurately than you, no need to call me a master."

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