As soon as the two of them came on stage, everyone saw their positions and the extra props on the stage, and they found clues.

Xu Yi and Xiaoju did not stand together. Xu Yi stood on the wooden box built by the props team. Looking from a distance, it looked like a simulated small bridge.

Xiaoju stood on the other side of the stage, covering her face with her sleeves, and looking at the small bridge from a distance.

Then, Xu Yi sang a sentence, and heard the obvious"courtship" signal in the song. Then Xiaoju sang back to Xu Yi on the other side of the stage, and the brothers of the Running Man Group understood it instantly.

Just now when they were visiting the ancient town, they passed by many small bridges of various shapes across the water. But only one of the bridges was decorated with flowers around it.

The girls were curious and asked the tour guide one after another. So the tour guide explained the meaning of the bridge to everyone.

This bridge has a nice name, called"Magpie Bridge". Looking at the literal meaning, you can also guess that it is related to love.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet once a year on the Magpie Bridge, but the ancient town holds several"blind date meetings" every year for unmarried men and women of marriageable age in the town.

The young man sings a courtship song on the bridge. If the girl under the bridge answers, the young man goes down the bridge to greet the girl and go up with him. If the girl is willing to follow, it means it's a success.

At this time, Xu Yi walked down the bridge and extended his hand to Xiaoju like a gentleman. Xiaoju put her hand into Xu Yi's big hand, covered her face with her long sleeves, and shyly agreed.

The two came to the Magpie Bridge and sang duet again. As soon as Xiaoju and Xu Yi opened their mouths, they amazed everyone.

"Just like how did these two record the theme song so quickly yesterday?"

"After seeing them live today, I understand it better.……"

"It sounds so good~ I haven't seen the live broadcast of the ancient town blind date conference, but just looking at the two of them, I can imagine the lively scene"

"They sang out the pictures and their aspirations."

Only Chen He and Zheng Kai, the two unruly brothers, maliciously reminded the other five couples:"Do you have a sense of crisis? You just applaud here!""

"Looking at their tacit understanding in this couple's duet, I guess all the major TV stations will invite them to perform on New Year's Eve this year"

"You...are in danger!"

However, the other five pairs of real lovers were calm and not frightened by the two brothers at all. Instead, they ordered the two to shut up, which affected their watching of Xu Yi and Xiaoju's performance.

Xiaoju and Xu Yi sang about four sentences, and then they stopped. Everyone in the audience was still not satisfied. The live duet between the two was so magical that people couldn't stop listening.

But the performance prepared by Xu Yi and Xiaoju had already come to the next part in an orderly manner.

Xu Yi took out the flute that he had borrowed from the props team early in the morning, and after Xiaoju stood in the center of the stage, he began to play it.

This part was Xiaoju's solo dance. Xu Yi played the flute to accompany Xiaoju, just like last time in the sea of flowers in the Miao village.

Xu Yi's intention was the same as last time, hoping that Xiaoju could show herself more in front of the camera. Xu Yi knew that her dancing skills were very deep, but when she was dancing modern dance, she didn't show her dancing skills very well.

Xu Yi hoped that the audience would see Xiaoju become more powerful. side of her, and more people are attracted to her.

But what is different from the last time is Xiaoju's mood when dancing. Last time in the Miao village, Xiaoju didn't know that Xu Yi could dance, and she only felt romantic about him playing the flute to accompany her.

But this time, during the choreography and the subsequent rehearsal of the two, Xiaoju has witnessed Xu Yi's dancing skills. Xiaoju knows that Xu Yi can dance, and he is now willing to be her accompaniment, just to leave more opportunities for herself.

In addition to feeling romantic, Xiaoju was deeply moved.

Xu Yi is so good to her.

How could there be such an excellent and such a good man?

And this man is now hers. When Xiaoju thought of this, the sweetness of a girl unconsciously appeared on her cheeks. From the inside out, from the heart.

The running men's team and guests in the audience were touched by the sweet smile on Xiaoju's face. Especially a few girls, who felt as if they were immersed in honey, exclaimed happily:

"This is what it feels like to be in love……"

"I didn't expect that after so many years of marriage, I could experience it again."

"Just think about the opportunity I got from others."

"It's a bit pitiful to think about it, but I miss it very much……"

Xiaoju exudes the unique sweet scent of a woman in love, which attracts all the male guests present and locks their gazes.

At this time, Xu Yi put down the flute he was playing, ran to the center of the stage where Xiaoju was, and danced with her.

The appearance of Xu Yi successfully brought the male guests back to their senses. Everyone began to appreciate the dance of the two, which is the real essence of this show - an ancient dance for two.

From the moment Xu Yi came on stage and swung his long sleeves and did somersaults, the audience began to exclaim"Wow".

Xiaoju had just demonstrated the soft dance part. Since Xu Yi joined the dance, the performance of the two has been heading towards difficult moves.

Xu Yi showed more of the male strength, often lifting Xiaoju. Xiaoju is responsible for the feminine softness, doing various extreme moves on Xu Yi's palms and body.

Every time they see a move, the audience exclaims.

"Didn't Xu Yi start out as a group performer? How come he can dance so well?"

"This level of dance skills is not something that ordinary people can master in just two or three months!"

"I've watched Xiaoju dance for so many years, but this is the first time I've seen her dance like this!"

"It turns out that she can dance such a difficult dance. It seems that she was delayed by the group before.……"

The two performed this ancient duet dance to perfection with both strength and softness. At the end, Xu Yi held Xiaoju in one hand and turned more than ten times as the dance ending.

All the guests in the audience stood up excitedly, cheering and applauding the two.

"It's so exciting, it feels like watching a real ancient performance"

"The finale performance of the two of you has raised the standard of our report performance by several levels!"

The anonymous voting session of each group began, and the result was already obvious.

After the five-minute voting session, the director announced the rankings. Under the fair judgment of the crowd, Xiaoju and Xu Yi won the first place as expected.

Everyone was convinced and well-deserved.

After hearing the rankings of the two, they applauded their wonderful performances again. Everyone felt that being able to see the rich ancient dance performance of the two on the spot today was the biggest gain of this recording.

The director was also very satisfied with this. He thought this session was very ordinary, even a little boring, and was still planning how to find the highlights in his mind.

But now after watching the performances of Xu Yi and Xiaoju, the director felt that he didn't have to worry about it anymore. This might be the part with the highest ratings when it was broadcast.

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