After an hour of preparation, each group took turns to perform on stage.

Although this theater has a long history and the building looks a bit shabby. But it is precisely because of its simplicity that it is unique to be in it.

The facilities of the theater are also very complete. There is a row of seats for spectators below, just for other groups who have not taken their turn to go on stage to sit and watch.

The first to go on stage were still Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong's group, and the two performed singing. But it was not the kind of popular singing, but a local popular singing style, a bit like Pingju.

Guan Xiaotong's grandfather is a master in this area. She has been influenced by it since she was a child and is very familiar with it. It happened that when she was visiting the ancient town just now, she heard the tour guide mention it.

So, when they heard this topic, the two had already thought of the repertoire for the performance.

Lu Han learns things very quickly. Guan Xiaotong taught him in an hour. When the two went on stage, they sang a well-known folk song here, combining the elements of the ancient town to the extreme.

The brothers of the Running Man Group all applauded and praised them for making a good start for this"Ancient Town Report Performance".

Then, each group performed on stage one after another.

Wang Zulan and Yananjie performed a double act and a cross-dressing performance. Both of them are masters of imitation, imitating the daily scenes of a couple opening a store and taking care of their children.

Because of the humorous and exaggerated performance, coupled with the contrast caused by the two cross-dressing, the brothers and guests of the Running Man Group laughed out loud. In the group of Chao Ge and Sun Li, at the request of the audience, Sun Li played the role of Concubine Xi, who everyone wanted to see up close. However, Chao Ge did not play the role of a eunuch as everyone joked, but played the role of the emperor, and had a taste of the emperor.

The script is similar to what was said before, and it is a clip of the emperor and his concubine going to the south of the Yangtze River and visiting incognito. It's just that Chao Ge was still acting seriously at the beginning, like an emperor, but later he was about to show off and become the king of Huaguoshan.

Because he accidentally didn't hold it back, the character of Concubine Xi, played by Sun Li next to him, also collapsed. Influenced by her husband, Sun Li went off track without realizing it.

However, the audience in the audience enjoyed watching the show very much, and they concluded that after the show was broadcast, the audience would also enjoy watching it very much.

Only after Sun Li stepped down, she kept complaining to Brother Chao:"I'm afraid I won't be able to get the role of the Empress in the future, and this is all your fault!"

The two groups of Xiao Ming and Baby, Da Hei Niu and Sister Bing Bing who came on stage later all chose their old professions and used acting methods to perform more serious plots.

The group of Xiao Ming and Baby performed a period drama. Before the war, a young girl and a young man got engaged and said they would get married after the New Year. Unexpectedly, the war broke out before they survived the Spring Festival.

The two were separated in the war, and they returned to the ancient town to live several years later, but things had changed. The two lived for most of their lives and finally met under a locust tree.

This locust tree was the place where the two had made their love. At that time, there were only a few locust flowers left on the tree, and they all withered. The two agreed to wait until the locust tree blooms next year, and they will come together to enjoy the flowers.

Just returned to the hometown again, although the locust tree is still alive, but I don't know whether it is due to climate, soil or other complex reasons caused by war, the locust tree will no longer bloom.

But one day after 20 years, somehow, the locust tree miraculously came back to life, and the branches were full of flowers again.

Because of this miraculous blooming, the two finally met under the locust tree, and at this time they were already frost-covered and in tears. After baby and Xiaoming finished this segment, the brothers of the Running Man Group did not tease, but Xiaoju, Guan Xiaotong, Bingbing, Sun Li, and the female guests, as well as the staff present, had red eyes.

When the tour guide introduced them to the ancient town just now, he once introduced a locust tree that was more than 100 years old. At that time, the tour guide also told the story of the miraculous rebirth and blooming of the dead tree after 20 years. It is also for this reason that this tree is now regarded as a sacred tree by the residents of the ancient town.

The two took this as inspiration to create a story with a touching plot that makes people linger for a long time.

The play played by Da Hei Niu and Sister Bing Bing is an idol drama with a romantic atmosphere.

Sister Bing Bing plays a female president who accidentally bought a sketch of an ancient town at an art exhibition. Because she particularly liked the atmosphere in the painting, she found this ancient town, and took this opportunity to meet the owner of the painting, Da Hei Niu.

In order to drive away the black-hearted investors, the two later joined forces to revitalize the tourism industry of the ancient town and maintain the original ecological life of the residents of the ancient town. During this period, they gradually fell in love and finally got married.

The plot is very idol drama, beautiful and moving, and also very educational.

But it still did not escape the complaints of the brothers of the Running Man Group:"Da Hei Niu, you are really disrespectful to the elderly."

"You are old, and you still want to imitate others and act in idol dramas!"

"You just want to use this show to show your affection with Sister Bingbing in front of the whole nation!"

In the end, it was Sister Bingbing who stood up to protest and helped Big Black Bull with his injuries in disguise, and everyone finally stopped complaining about him.

The next pair of brothers to take the stage were Chen He and Zheng Kai. When they came on stage, they both covered their heads and wore black and white coats. Everyone was still saying that they were"playing tricks."

When the show really started, the two put down their sleeves covering their faces, and everyone realized that they were not playing tricks, but really acting as ghosts.

Because the two of them put on the black and white ghost makeup themselves, the exaggerated effect was really unbearable to look at. When the director saw their faces, he immediately called a halt.

The director stepped forward and reprimanded them:"What ancient town elements did you two combine in this show?"

The two answered confidently:"This ancient town is surrounded by water, and there are suspension bridges everywhere. This kind of terrain is the most abundant source of water ghosts!"

The director was almost mad at the two of them, but he didn't know how to refute them, as if they made some sense.

Later, the two performed a clip where they drank wine, immediately removed their makeup, took off their black and white robes and turned back into normal people, and forcibly combined the elements of the ancient town together, because the wine they drank was the famous"Peach Blossom Drunk" in the ancient town.

At the end, the performance tone of the show was finally pulled back and it looked normal. Otherwise, it would be regarded as feudal superstition and harmonized.

Chen He and Zheng Kai passed the test in a thrilling way. They were almost disqualified by the director because of the violation of the program content.

After six groups performed, it was finally Xiaoju and Xu Yi's group.

Looking at the Hanfu costumes they wore and the props such as the Xiao and the fan in their hands, everyone felt a strong sense of anticipation.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Xu Yi and Xiaoju began their ancient dance performance.

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