Hearing Xu Yi's suggestion to choose a dance project, or ancient dance, Xiaoju opened her eyes wide in surprise.

She looked at Xu Yi and asked in disbelief:"Can you dance?"

Xu Yi nodded at Xiaoju and said with a smile:"Of course. Otherwise, why would I suggest this option?"

Xu Yi thought to himself, five minutes ago, I didn't know how to dance. But now, I know how to dance.

The reason is naturally due to the system bonus.

Like everyone else, Xu Yi began to wait and see since he heard the director announce the impromptu performance of the second level competition.

While everyone was complaining and joking with each other, Xu Yi had basically found out the projects that each group was going to perform. The performance content of each group was different, which was a tacit understanding after everyone discussed it.

The brothers of the Running Man Group have gone through the baptism of N seasons and are most clear about the recording of the program. Xu Yi later thought that this kind of discussion before the game should also be regarded as an important part of the program process.

Especially for performance projects like this, if everyone performs the same type, then the program will be monotonous when it is broadcast, and it will definitely not have a good effect.

Nowadays, the audience has a picky taste, and it is not enough to just deal with it like this. If he and Xiaoju are the first to broadcast the same type of content as other groups, it would be better, at least it would be fresher for the audience.

If it is broadcast after others, it would be really embarrassing.

If he and Xiaoju perform better than others, it will slap the people in the first group in the face. In this kind of program that is not based on performance, Xu Yi feels that it is unnecessary.

What's more, everyone in the Running Man Group takes good care of him and Xiaoju, and Xu Yi doesn't want to tear them down.

Moreover, there is a worse possibility, although Xu Yi thinks that the probability of this possibility is almost 0. That is, if he and Xiaoju perform worse than the previous group, they will become cannon fodder and be in a very embarrassing situation.

A while ago, he and Xiaoju were on the hot search many times because of their public relationship. The two are now hot as a couple in the entertainment industry.

But this popularity also means that they are being watched by many parties. Among these many parties, there will naturally be people who are not optimistic about them.

If such an embarrassing incident happened in the popular show Running Man, it would be like handing black material to the keyboard warriors on the Internet.

Xiaoju cherishes the show Running Man and has been working hard to have a good performance. Xu Yi can't allow this to happen. He doesn't want to see Xiaoju sad.

Moreover, Xu Yi just saw Xiaoju asking Guan Xiaotong and baby about the content of their two groups.

Xu Yi saw Xiaoju's expression was tangled again after hearing their answers. Xu Yi guessed that Xiaoju had the same idea as him and wanted to perform a program different from others.

Combined with the information he just got about the content of the performances of each group, Xu Yi thought about it and realized that the only thing he and Xiaoju could perform was dance.

It happened that Xiaoju was a professional in dance. Last time in the sea of flowers in Miao Village, Xu Yi saw Xiaoju's dance and knew her strength.

The problem lies with himself.

So Xu Yi decisively opened the system and spent 5,000 popularity points to learn"Dance Mastery".

Xu Yi thought that Xiaoju must have thought about the option of dancing, but he thought that he couldn't dance, so he ruled this option out first. In the end, he couldn't find a suitable performance project and got tangled up.

Sure enough, after hearing him say the suggestion of"dancing", Xiaoju was shocked.

"I've never seen you dance, but I've heard that you can dance……"

Xiaoju asked Xu Yi in disbelief:"And it's an ancient dance……"

She was embarrassed to continue, ancient dance is the most difficult. Not only does it require dance skills, but also a deep dance foundation.

Ancient dance is different from modern dance. You can't dance it out in a short period of training. If you don't have a foundation, you can only dance by imitating others. In this way, even non-professionals can tell at a glance.

Because the threshold for dancing ancient dance is too high!

Xu Yi has understood Xiaoju's psychological activities from her tone and expression. Xu Yi knew that Xiaoju was worried that he would make a fool of himself.

Xu Yi couldn't explain it clearly to Xiaoju, but just asked Xiaoju with a smile in a relaxed tone:"When has your husband ever lied to you?"

""No." Xiaoju answered without hesitation,"Not even once."

After three seconds, Xiaoju took Xu Yi's hand and ran to the costume and props group:"Let's go! Let's go look at the costumes first, I have a few good ideas!" Xu

Yi saw that Xiaoju was full of energy and had already started planning the dance costumes, and knew that she no longer doubted herself.

Xu Yi also devoted himself to it, and went with Xiaoju to the room where the costumes were placed, choosing clothes that would be suitable for them to wear during the performance later.

While Xiaoju was choosing, she told Xu Yi about her ideas with a beaming face. When it came to the dance project that Xiaoju was good at and loved, Xiaoju had a lot of ideas.

Seeing Xiaoju's high spirits, Xu Yi couldn't help but feel that he had made the right choice to choose the dance project.

In fact, Xu Yi also had selfish motives for choosing this. As a fan of Xiaoju, he also liked to watch Xiaoju dance.

However, the dances he saw Xiaoju dance in the past were basically modern dances, and there were few such ancient dances. Since he saw it once in the Miao village last time, Xu Yi couldn't forget it and wanted to see Xiaoju dance again

《After the recording of"Longing for Life", Xu Yi watched the response during the live broadcast. The response to Xiaoju's dance was also very good. Fans felt the same as him, thinking that Xiaoju's ancient dance was very amazing and wanted to watch it again.

《"Running Man" is also a program that attracts public attention. If Xiaoju can dance ancient dance here again, I believe she will gain more fans who love her.

Therefore, when choreographing the dance, Xu Yi was also very attentive. He has been thinking about how to highlight Xiaoju and show Xiaoju's strength to the greatest extent.

With the blessing of the system, Xu Yi is now a dance master. Not only can he dance, but he also has strong strength in dance choreography.

Xu Yi can give her appropriate suggestions for many places where Xiaoju is stuck. Not only can the choreography go on smoothly, but the effect is more amazing than what Xiaoju originally imagined.

After hearing several suggestions made by Xu Yi on choreography, Xiaoju immediately had a bottom line in her heart. This is not something that ordinary dancers can do.

Xu Yi's professional attainments amazed Xiaoju.

At the same time, Xiaoju was a little ashamed. Just now, she actually questioned whether Xu Yi could dance in an instant?

Her husband has always been low-key. He always says he can't, and there is no time to brag or pretend to know.

Although it was a surprise to Xiaoju that Xu Yi could dance ancient dance, Xiaoju thought about it and realized that there was nothing to be surprised about considering Xu Yi's low-key personality.

Her husband had always been like this. He could do everything and was an all-round boyfriend.

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