According to the timer, Xu Yi and Xiao Ju were five seconds slower than Da Hei Niu and Bing Bing. In the end, they took second place in this round.

Although Xiao Ju knew that Xu Yi felt sorry for her, she thought that if she could hold on and sprint the last part, they should be able to take first place.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ju couldn't help but whispered,"What a pity!"……"

After hearing this, Xu Yi was just thinking about how to comfort Xiaoju.

But before he could open his mouth, the brothers of the Running Man team saw Xiaoju's depressed expression and came up to comfort her in a friendly manner:"The game has only been played for the first round, you still have a chance"

"Besides, you are the second place, and this show is based on a points system, so you can also earn a lot of points."

"The key is that you two show your affection and love in various ways, which shows us Xu Yi's ability to pamper his wife."

"Seeing is believing~"

"In the past, I saw many celebrities on Weibo complaining about you guys showing off your love all over the internet, and I thought they were just unworldly!"

"After seeing each other today, we are also jealous."

The above are the complaints of several brothers in the Running Man Team.

Speaking of jealous people, the most jealous ones are the"girlfriends group" of the brothers in the Running Man Team.

Sister Bingbing poked Da Hei Niu's shoulder and reminded Da Hei Niu meaningfully:"Take advantage of the opportunity to record the show, and quickly learn from Xu Yi."

Sun Li also looked at Xu Yi with envy, and then said dissatisfiedly:"Since I got married, I haven't seen such watery eyes and enjoyed such thoughtfulness."

After that, Sun Li turned to look at baby and Guan Xiaotong:"What about you?"

Baby and Guan Xiaotong were stunned by the question. Sun Li paused, thought about it and gave up:"Forget it, one of you has just got married and the other is still in the passionate love period. I'd better ask Ya Nan!"

Ya Nan, who was called, smiled at Sun Li tacitly.

The brothers of the Running Man Team were all in danger, looking at Xu Yi and said:"Brother, are you causing trouble for us?"

At this time, Chen He and Zheng Kai came out laughing triumphantly:"Are you still laughing at our combination? We are in a much better situation than you right now!"

Everyone laughed and pretended to denounce Xu Yi, but they were all joking. They denounced for ten seconds, and the rest of the time they were praising Xu Yi, especially the female guests present.

After the first round of the game, Xu Yi was unanimously recognized by the Running Man team for his boyfriend power and strong attitude towards his wife, and was given the title of"Wife-protecting Maniac".

Everyone talked lively for a while, and then the director arranged for everyone to move to the second game location.

Before starting the second game, the director team arranged for everyone to visit the local ancient town first. City Z is located in the south of the Yangtze River, with beautiful scenery. It is a famous water town.

People live around water, in ancient towns. The ancient town buildings here have a long history, and the way people live is itself a culture and art.

Every year people from all over the world come here to watch There are tens of millions of tourists who come here just to see the charm of the ancient town.

The ancient town here can be said to be a part of ** culture.

Xu Yi has watched this program and understands the intentions of the director team. He knows that they want to use the moment of sightseeing for the guests to promote the ancient town and boost the tourism industry here.

But it is very likely that in addition to this, the director team also has other deeper intentions. Xu Yi did not take it lightly. While sightseeing in the ancient town, he was also paying attention to his surroundings, especially those places that looked suspicious.

The director specially hired by the program team followed the Running Man team while explaining to them the special architecture and cultural customs of the ancient town.

Xu Yi was also listening very carefully, and his intuition told him that it was not that simple.

While sightseeing in the ancient town, Xu Yi noticed that Xiaoju was very happy.

Along the way, Xiaoju's face was full of smiles. With a smile on her face, she would occasionally ask the tour guide about the food and customs of the ancient town. She also agreed with Xu Yi that after they finished recording the show, Xu Yi would come to accompany her to eat all the food one by one.

Xu Yi naturally agreed happily.

Later, Xu Yi heard Xiaoju occasionally mention that the reason why she was so excited was because she had been busy with work in the past two years and had no time to travel. But she herself likes to travel and see the outside world.

Xu Yi felt a little sorry for Xiaoju. For her dream, she lost a lot and could not choose what she wanted to do freely like ordinary girls.

Xu Yi secretly decided in his heart that when he had time later, he would definitely give Xiaoju a long and beautiful trip.

After visiting the ancient town for about an hour, everyone was taken to an ancient place by the program crew. In front of the stage where people are entertained.

The program team announced the second level, which is related to the visit just now, as Xu Yi thought.

The second level is an improvisational performance, requiring each group of contestants to combine the elements of the ancient town to give a wonderful performance. The preparation time is one hour. After the performance, each group votes anonymously. According to the final number of votes, the ranking is determined, and the game points for this level are accumulated.

After the director announced the content of this level, the brothers of the Running Man Group began to discuss it in a hurry.

It’s called a discussion, but in fact they are all spying on each other. After spying on the content of other people’s performances, they will formulate their own to ensure that there is no mistake.

Chen He and Zheng Kai first launched a spying offensive against Brother Chao, but threw the topic to Sun Li:"Sister Li, we want to feel your aura when you play the role of the imperial concubine up close, can you satisfy us?"

"Okay." Sun Li agreed immediately, then looked at Brother Chao and reflected,"But what role do you play?"

Chen He and Zheng Kai helped Brother Chao answer:"Eunuch, eunuch is the most suitable! The eunuch accompanied the empress to the south of the Yangtze River, and went on a private visit in disguise.……"

"Suitable at all!" Brother Chao was made to laugh by the two of them,"This episode is about couples, and they want me to be a eunuch. Is there something wrong with the script?"

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

The other groups were also discussing the projects they were going to perform, and they asked other groups.

At present, Xiaoju has heard that their performances include singing, double-act, idol dramas, period dramas, sketches and other forms.

This almost covers all the performances that Xiaoju could think of, and Xiaoju was a little worried. She didn't really want to do the same kind of performance as the other groups. This was a program she and Xu Yi performed together in the Running Man group. It was very meaningful, and she wanted to do something special.

Xu Yi saw Xiaoju's entanglement, he pulled Xiaoju aside, and asked her to make sure,"What are you bothering us to perform?"

"Yeah." Xiaoju nodded at Xu Yi,"It seems that other groups have already thought of it, there is nothing new."

Hearing this, Xu Yi looked at Xiaoju and suggested,"Why don't we dance to an ancient dance? This should not have been selected by any group yet."

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