Xu Yi wanted to do forward jumps, reverse jumps, and fancy jumps, not to show off. He just found that he jumped too fast after the first few jumps.

In fact, it was not too fast for him. This was much slower than his normal speed of skipping rope on flat ground.

But Xu Yi glanced at Xiaoju and found that Xiaoju was jumping a little hard. Xiaoju didn't jump very slowly, but at his speed. Xu Yi estimated that he would finish 20 jumps, and Xiaoju had not completed her 10.

Xu Yi knew that Xiaoju was always strong, and he was afraid that Xiaoju would have a psychological burden. So, he used several fancy jumps.

Because if he jumped normally, Xu Yi really didn't know how to slow down again...

Unexpectedly, it attracted a burst of exclamations from the Running Man team. He didn't mean to show off.

Xu Yi slowed down his speed and completed his 20 jumps just before Xiaoju was about to finish ten jumps.

Then, Xu Yi ran to Xiaoju's side. After Xiaoju finished jumping, he held her up with his arms horizontally, and ran to the first obstacle climbing wall in a princess-like posture.

When Xu Yi ran, he deliberately slowed down his pace and did not run very fast. His main point was to keep his upper body stable, worried that Xiaoju would feel too bumpy and get scared.

At this moment, Xu Yi looked down and saw Xiaoju in his arms, her face flushed, and sweat oozing from the tip of her nose and forehead. It should be the result of jumping rope on the acupressure mat just now, which opened up her meridians.

Xu Yi didn't think there was anything wrong at first, but he felt that Xiaoju, who was soaked in sweat after exercise, was even more charming.

But when Xiaoju climbed up the climbing wall, he saw that Xiaoju's feet had several places of delicate skin rubbed by the acupressure mat, and Xu Yi frowned unconsciously.

Xu Yi directly picked up Xiaoju vertically on the spot, and carried Xiaoju over more than half of the climbing wall in one go. Xiaoju

's feet stood on the steppable part of the climbing wall, and her hands could already support the top of the wall. Afterwards, Xu Yi supported Xiaoju with his hands and shoulders. Xiaoju, who had a good dance background and a light and flexible body, easily climbed over the climbing wall.

Seeing Xiaoju pass the obstacle, Xu Yi climbed up the climbing wall with his long arms and legs and jumped down.

After that, it was time for the"refreshing" rope skipping session. Because Xu Yi had just seen the condition of Xiaoju's feet when she was climbing the wall.

Thinking of the worried expression on Xiaoju's face at the beginning of the game, Xu Yi felt very distressed.

This time, Xu Yi didn't worry too much. He directly said to Xiaoju:"Just jump five."

The rope skipping project in this session requires each group to complete 20, and girls must complete at least 5.

Xiaoju wanted to say"I'm fine, I will try to jump more", but before she could open her mouth, she saw Xu Yi jumping with the rope.

This time, Xu Yi didn't do those fancy moves that deliberately slowed down the speed, but focused on rope skipping and really treated it as a competition.

His rope skipping speed this time once again refreshed everyone's cognition. There were once again some unbelievable exclamations in the Running Man group.

"Brother, you are walking on flat ground!"

"You can be even faster, are you human?"

"I won't dare to claim that I am the little prince of acupressure pad anymore.……"

"It turns out that the speed just now was a trick up his sleeve."

Xiao Ju was skipping rope on the acupressure mat next to Xu Yi, and was amazed at Xu Yi's skipping speed.

If she didn't only need to skip 5, she would be worried that she would be left behind by Xu Yi and drag him down.

Fortunately, the number was much different this time, and Xu Yi took care of her and only asked her to skip 5. Xiao Ju felt that it was much easier than the previous 10, not only because the number was half as much, but also because she felt that her feet had gradually adapted to it.

Unlike the excruciating pain when she first came into contact with the acupressure mat, she was now a little numb from the pain.

The more important reason was that Xu Yi's extraordinary performance inspired her. This is a game for two people, and with such a strong teammate, she couldn't be too bad.

Xiao Ju has always been serious about playing games. This is her first time on the Running Man show, and she hopes that she and Xu Yi can perform well.

She no longer worries about the fact that she skips a lot less than Xu Yi, nor does she want to worry about the pain in her feet.. After jumping these 5, she only needs to run through one more acupressure mat track...although it looks a little too long for her to hopeless, and they can complete the game.

According to Xiaoju's estimation, due to Xu Yi's extraordinary performance, a lot of time has been bought for their group. As long as she can run at a speed that is not inferior to that of other groups of girls, then their group will definitely win.

Xiaoju thought so, and finished the last rope firmly. With the ambition to win, she threw away the skipping rope in her hand and ran on the acupressure mat.

But she just ran twice, and suddenly she felt her body lighten. Then, she smelled a familiar breath. When she looked up, she saw Xu Yi's face in front of her.

Xiaoju found that her feet were now in the air and she was in Xu Yi's arms. Xu Yi was holding her in a princess hug and running towards the finish line.

Xiaoju was stunned for a moment, and then she anxiously reminded Xu Yi:"In this link, the two of us will run separately and run to the finish line together!"

"There is no stipulation for this part in the rules." Xu Yi held Xiaoju in his arms and said calmly.

Xiaoju was very anxious when she heard this:"The rules don't require it, but they gave two acupressure tracks, that's what it means. The female guests in other groups ran there by themselves, and this track is so long... If you run with me in your arms like this, it will affect your speed and make you very tired."

Xu Yi was indifferent and had no intention of letting Xiaoju go. Instead, he persuaded Xiaoju,"We don't have to worry about others. As long as the rules allow, we can do this."��

"It's not this question."Xiao Ju was so excited that she almost jumped out of Xu Yi's arms, but Xu Yi hugged her tightly and didn't give her the chance at all.

Xiao Ju said to Xu Yi anxiously:"Put me down quickly. If I run by myself, I won't slow you down, and we can get the first place."

At this time, Xiao Ju saw Xu Yi's face and suddenly became serious.

Then, she heard Xu Yi say in an unquestionable voice:"It doesn't matter whether you get the first place or not. What matters is that if you continue to run on the acupressure mat, your feet will be worn out and become more painful." After hearing Xu Yi

's words, Xiao Ju was silent for a moment.

For a moment, her eyes were red, and she was warmed by Xu Yi's care and attentiveness.

Xiao Ju thought she had concealed it well, but she didn't expect that she still couldn't escape Xu Yi's eyes.

Xiao Ju no longer refused Xu Yi, and let Xu Yi hold her and run to the finish line.

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