The second group to play was Zheng Kai and Chen He, a pair of brothers in distress. The two of them contracted all the jokes in the entire game.

The skipping session naturally did not distinguish between men and women, and the two were evenly divided, which was fine. But after skipping the rope, the first way to pass the acupressure board was for the man to carry or hug the woman.

In this session, the two almost fought over the question of who carried whom.

Zheng Kai glanced at Chen He's waist and questioned him:"With your old waist, can you carry me?"

Chen He was not to be outdone. He lowered his head and glanced at Zheng Kai's legs, and said contemptuously:"With your short legs, I'm afraid that when you carry me, my feet will not be able to leave the ground. The referee ruled us unqualified, let us start over!"

The two brothers hurt each other and said a lot of insulting words to each other. The other brothers of the Running Man Group were very happy to see it, and they all laughed at the side.

Xu Yi saw that Xiaoju was also smiling happily, and the worried expression on his face just now had disappeared without a trace, and Xu Yi was relieved.

He didn't care who won or lost the game; he didn't care whether his performance on the show satisfied the production team and the audience.

Xu Yi only cared whether Xiaoju had fun, or at least felt comfortable.

The brothers of the Running Man team were all watching Zheng Kai and Chen He gloating:"Well, one minute has passed now. If you two continue to argue, you can be directly booked as the last one. I think it's very stable now."……"

After hearing this, the two suddenly realized and stopped arguing immediately. Zheng Kai jumped onto Chen He's back without saying a word, and Chen He quickly reached the first obstacle with Zheng Kai on his back.

In the obstacle section, the two boys were more dominant. When skipping rope, the two of them also shared equally and recovered a lot of time.

At the finish line, the two were only five seconds slower than Lu Han's group. This made the other couples who did not play feel pressured.

Several people from the Running Man team took care of Xu Yi and Xiao Ju for their first time on the show. They were foreign guests, so they let them conserve their energy and kept them until the end.

After that, the other four groups came on stage one after another to play games.

The skipping rope part was similar. The boys jumped as fast and as much as possible to share the burden for the girls. But basically, the boys only jumped about five or eight more than the girls.

When it came to the part where the boys carried or hugged the girls through the acupressure board, old couples like Chao Ge and Sun Li actually chose the fastest way to pass the level.

Brother Chao carried Sun Li on his back, regardless of his image, and quickly ran to the obstacle. The way he put her down was also very casual, and he almost threw her onto the climbing wall.

The brothers of the Running Man team below all spoke on behalf of the queen, saying that they wanted to give Brother Chao a"thousand-foot red slap".

Brother Xiaoming and Baby, as well as Da Hei Niu and Sister Bing Bing, when passing the acupressure board in this section, the men all adopted the posture of princess-carrying the women.

But judging from the sweat on the men's foreheads and the screams from time to time, they were still a little reluctant.

Fortunately, the distance of this acupressure board was not long, and the two of them gritted their teeth and held on. But in the subsequent rock climbing section, when the girls' arms were not strong enough and needed the support of boys, Da Hei Niu was fine, but Brother Xiaoming was obviously tired.

When it came to Wang Zulan and Sister Yanan, the way they chose was even more special. Because of the relationship between the two's body shapes, mainly the height difference, their group chose the way that Sister Yanan carried Wang Zulan on her back to pass the acupressure board.

Beforehand, the two also specifically consulted the director team about the rules to see if it was possible. The director said OK, anyway, one person has to carry or hold another person, wanting to show the interaction between couples.

On the Chinese Valentine's Day, give some benefits to the audience.

After the four groups finished, the ranking changed. The group of Da Hei Niu and Bing Bing took the least time, only 2 minutes and 25 seconds. At present, the team of Wang Zulan and Yanan is temporarily behind, taking 3 minutes and 48 seconds.

Finally, it was Xiaoju and Xu Yi's turn to play.

The brothers of the Running Man Group were very friendly and shouted"Come on!" to the two of them off the court. Xiaoju and Xu Yi felt very good and instantly felt that the competition was not so tense.

The two stood on the acupressure mat and smiled at each other. Then picked up the skipping rope, and Xu Yi nodded to the staff in charge of timing in the director's team.

The staff began to count down:"3, 2, 1."

He pressed the timer and gave the order:"Start timing!"

Xiaoju waved the skipping rope in her hand and began to complete the first skipping action on the acupressure mat. According to what Xu Yi had discussed with her before, she didn't have to think too much, just think about completing the basic number of girls required by the program group, the indicator of ten skipping actions.

At that time, in order to relieve Xiaoju's nervousness, Xu Yi said to her:"Leave the rest to me."

Xiaoju felt very relieved when she heard the three words"Leave it to me" from Xu Yi. In her heart, there is nothing in this world that can be difficult for Xu Yi.

Originally, she knew that her situation was not very suitable for this acupressure board and might not perform well, so she was a little worried. But after hearing Xu Yi's words, Xiaoju was instantly not afraid of anything.

As he promised Xiaoju, Xu Yi did his best to do the part of skipping rope that he could do.

From the beginning, when he heard this rule, he didn't think about the distribution problem. In the first session, there were 30 skipping ropes in total, and girls were required to jump at least 10.

Xu Yi thought to himself that there was no doubt that he had to complete 20.

But when discussing with Xiaoju, Xu Yi did not say it so bluntly to Xiaoju. He just told Xiaoju to think about completing 10 first.

In fact, he was thinking in his heart that he had to complete these 20 skipping ropes as quickly as possible, and Xiaoju didn't want to jump one more.

After Xu Yi stepped on the acupressure mat, he realized that it was really painful, more painful than he had imagined.���The way Wang Zulan and the others screamed and howled on the acupressure mat was not an exaggeration, it was really unbearable, especially after they started to move.

After actually feeling the power of the acupressure mat, Xu Yi wanted to finish 20 jumps as quickly as possible to help Xiaoju reduce the burden.

From the moment he grabbed the jump rope and jumped two times, the Running Man team let out a cry of surprise.

"Oh my god, what is this operation?"

"Am I blind? Is there a massage pad underneath him?"

"Director team, are you guys cheating?"

"This speed makes me dizzy……"

"I think the way he jumps rope on the acupressure mat is even better than when I jump on the ground!"


Xu Yi jumped very easily, not only jumping forward, backward, but also jumping in fancy styles, but his speed was still very fast.

Although his physical fitness had been systematically strengthened, it still hurt when his feet touched the acupressure mat.

But when he saw Xiaoju jumping rope over there with all her effort, Xu Yi forgot everything.

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