The female fans in the live broadcast room were once again impressed by Xu Yi's boyfriend power, and they all turned into girlfriend fans, almost calling him"husband".

However, the next second, when they saw Xiaoju moving a small stool and sitting not far from Xu Yi, staring at Xu Yi infatuatedly, the female fans said"forget it" in their hearts.

Such a beautiful scene, like an idol drama, probably the heroine can only be Xiaoju.

Xiaoju insisted on accompanying Xu Yi, and finally Xu Yi asked her to stay a little further away and sit down to rest.

When Xu Yi was cooking, Xiaoju sat on the small stool the whole time, holding her chin and looking at Xu Yi quietly.

In between cooking, Xu Yi occasionally turned back and looked into Xiaoju's eyes. The two of them didn't need to say anything, and the warmth in that picture almost overflowed from the camera.

Fans in the live broadcast room were worried that they would get diabetes at a young age because they took too much sugar.

I thought I was following a life experience program, but slowly I found out that it was actually a popular science program about ethnic customs, and later I thought it might be a food program.

Now, I feel that my previous feelings were wrong. This is probably... a reality show about couples.

Dog food is everywhere, and the audience in the live broadcast room was caught off guard.

I don't know whether Xu Yi cooks very quickly or the audience is particularly fascinated by watching him cook. In short, during the hour when Xu Yi prepared dinner, the audience did not feel bored at all and left the live broadcast room.

During this period, the number of people in the live broadcast room remained high, even more than the previous number of online people.

Watching a handsome guy cook is a kind of enjoyment, not to mention that the handsome chef has such superb skills.

Everyone watched Xu Yi's cooking movements neatly and smoothly, as if watching a food blogger doing a show. Unconsciously, they watched it all the way.

Teacher Huang also rested almost upstairs. After coming down, he saw that Xu Yi had prepared all the dinner, and he was very happy.

Teacher Huang never expected that he could record the first episode of this season so easily.

Seeing Xu Yi serving the dishes, Teacher Huang went over to help him. Xu Yi didn't say anything, he didn't be polite, and he didn't stop him.

Teacher Huang is the owner of the Mushroom House. He can do whatever he wants. Xu Yi and Teacher Huang served the dishes together.

Peng Peng and Zi Feng also came to join in the fun.

Peng Peng sniffed and said loudly,"I came here because of the smell! It smells so good!"

Zi Feng came to Teacher Huang and swallowed her saliva beside him, praising him endlessly,"What kind of dish is it? It smells so good?"

Teacher Huang couldn't help laughing when he saw his daughter's greedy look. Then, he picked up a chopstick for Zi Feng and put it in her mouth with great pampering,"This dish was made by this handsome brother. You taste it first."

While speaking, Teacher Huang raised his hand and pointed at Xu Yi.

After Zi Feng finished the dish, her eyes suddenly widened. She looked at Xu Yi in shock at first,"Did you make this? I thought it was made by you, dad."

Teacher Huang smiled and shook his head at Zi Feng,"It wasn't made by me. Your dad was sleeping upstairs just now!"

Seeing the spatula in Xu Yi's hand and hearing what Huang Lei said, Zi Feng finally believed it.

She had just finished eating the dish that Huang Lei had picked up for her, and her mouth was full of the aroma of the dish. She couldn't help but praise Xu Yi:"It's really delicious! Brother Xu, you are so talented! This is the most delicious dish I have ever eaten, except for Huang's father."

Xu Yi chuckled and said casually:"It's good that it tastes good. I was worried that everyone would not be used to it and would be hungry for dinner."

While Xu Yi was talking, Bang Bang lowered his head and exaggeratedly stuck out his nose, smelling the aroma of the dish, then looked at Xu Yi and said excitedly:"With this appearance, I can eat three big bowls of rice tonight!"

""Aren't you going to lose weight?" Sister Zifeng shut Pengpeng's mouth with this sentence.

At this time, Teacher Huang and Xu Yi had already arranged the dishes. Teacher Huang said to Zifeng and Pengpeng:"You two go get the bowls and chopsticks!"

Then, he and Xu Yi carried the dishes out of the house.

The dining place for the third season of Mushroom House is at the long wooden table under the pergola in the yard, and Xu Yi and Teacher Huang are going to carry the dishes there.

One round trip was not enough, so the two went into the kitchen and carried it back and forth again.

By the second round, when the two brought the remaining dishes to the long table, a person was already sitting at the long table.

This person not only did not participate in helping when everyone was busy preparing dinner, but also sat down in the middle steadily, picked up the bowl and chopsticks, and started eating.

This person was Cai Xukun, who was invited by the program team for traffic and disappeared for half an afternoon. Cai Xukun has been sleeping soundly upstairs since he sprained his waist while chopping wood. He didn't notice that Teacher Huang and Teacher He went upstairs to rest later.

Until he took a nap and woke up to find that his stomach was rumbling. At this time, he just smelled the fragrance of rice and heard many footsteps downstairs.

Cai Xukun looked at the sky outside, thinking that it was about time for dinner. It was time to go to the kitchen, so he went downstairs.

After going downstairs, he didn't say hello to anyone, but went straight to the dining table in the courtyard.

Seeing the hot dishes and bowls and chopsticks on the table, he started eating as if no one was around. Peng Peng and Zi Feng, who were setting the bowls and chopsticks on the spot, were shocked to see this scene.

They had never seen such an impolite person. He started eating alone before everyone sat down.

But the two were not familiar with him, and they also knew about his black material on the Internet. Seeing his current behavior, neither of them said anything.

Cai Xukun was eating when he suddenly heard footsteps in front of him. He looked up and saw Teacher Huang coming over with a plate of dishes, looking at him with a sullen face.

Cai Xukun looked around and realized that he was a little rash and started eating before everyone started eating.

Seeing that Teacher Huang looked unhappy, he immediately put down his chopsticks, gave Teacher Huang a thumbs up and said,"Everyone says your dishes are delicious, but hearing about them is better than eating them! Today I am convinced, it is simply too delicious. I couldn't help smelling the fragrance, and forgot to wait for everyone to come together……"

As they were talking, Cai Xukun saw Xu Yi carrying dishes beside Teacher Huang and putting them on the table.

Cai Xukun frowned and glanced at Xu Yi with disdain. Then, he saw that Teacher Huang was still looking at him with a cold face, thinking that it must be because Xu Yi pretended to help in the kitchen that Teacher Huang was so disgusted with me and felt that I did nothing.

So, Cai Xukun said to Teacher Huang with a smile:"After we finish eating, I will be responsible for washing the dishes!"

Huang Lei said expressionlessly:"No, the patient can rest, no need to work."

Cai Xukun saw that Teacher Huang had a bad attitude towards him, thinking that it must be because Xu Yi had just been attentive and might have said bad things about him behind his back. The more he thought about it, the more unhappy he became.

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