The director was very happy staring at the growing data in the live broadcast room. While he was happy, he was also a little scared.

Fortunately, Xiao Mi had been insisting on recommending him, and he listened to her and kept Xu Yi. Otherwise, the loss would be great.

The director had never worked with Cai Xukun, but he had always heard that his traffic was not ordinary. The staff gave him the traffic data of Cai Xukun's Weibo and daily traffic, making him think that the traffic of this newcomer was very amazing.

But now it seems that either these data are fake, or half of the traffic is the credit of black fans.

The director has been engaged in television production for a long time, and although he has rich experience in the profession. But he is not very clear about some abnormal conditions in the current entertainment industry.

However, he also heard that there is a kind of red among the young and handsome now, called"black red". Without real talent, they rely on hype to expose and drive traffic.

If there is no suitable positive content suitable for hype, their team would rather pick some negative things that may cause repercussions to hype, and will not focus on producing works.

The director has always been disgusted with this emerging phenomenon in the entertainment industry, so he did not learn more about it.

Now it seems that this Cai Xukun should be such a person. After live broadcasting for half a day, the director saw no less than five scenes of full screen ridicule of Cai Xukun.

Coupled with Cai Xukun's own behaviors, the director understood.

Thinking of Cai Xukun's information and data handed to him by the program team before, the director called the staff responsible for selecting people and said to him dissatisfiedly:"When reviewing the people on the show in the future, do more homework and don't be fooled by superficial phenomena."

The staff saw the director raised his eyebrows and saw that he was really angry. They all know that the director is serious about his work and is also thinking about the show. The director will never allow any situation that will affect the quality of the program.

The staff was a little frightened, but also a little aggrieved. He appealed to the director for himself:"The newcomer Xu Yi is also in the limelight now. He has been on the hot searches recently. He even surpassed Cai Xukun in popularity on Weibo. Besides... the person who agreed to let him go on the show is the director, you……"

The staff thought the director was talking about Xu Yi, but they didn't know that the director was dissatisfied with Cai Xukun.

The director pointed at the bullet screen in the live broadcast room and scolded the staff even more angrily:"I'm not talking about Xu Yi, but this Cai Xukun! Didn't you recommend him to me at the time? Didn't you say that he was responsible for traffic? You said that the first episode of the program must find such a traffic star to increase the exposure of the program? Look at his reputation in the live broadcast room now. When the program is broadcast, I don't know what it will be like!"

The staff stammered out the director's guess:"He... has been like this since his debut. But to some extent, he can also bring traffic."

The director slammed the table and said angrily:"If I had known this, I would not agree to let him go on! Our"Longing for Life" is such a well-made and meaningful program. I don't want it to be covered in dust. I want it to have a greater exposure and be known and loved by the audience. But I don't want to do it this way. It's simply an insult!"

When the staff heard the director say the word"insult", they knew that the problem was serious. He didn't dare to argue anymore, and wisely apologized to the director:"It's my fault, director. I was thinking in the wrong way! But I will learn from my mistakes this time, and I promise I won't make the same mistake again next time."

Fortunately, at this moment, the two cameramen were very sensitive and did not give any shots to Cai Xukun. They kept filming Xu Yi cooking and being praised by Teachers He and Huang.

The director's anger finally subsided when he saw the live broadcast room full of comments praising Xu Yi, and suggested that the program team invite more humble, low-key, and versatile artists like Xu Yi.

Fortunately, he kept Xu Yi, otherwise this episode would have been completely ruined. The director told the staff:"Go, tell all the cameramen to give Xu Yi as many shots as possible, especially the two in charge of the live broadcast."

""Okay, I'll go right away." The staff agreed and went out to do their work.


Xiaoju just hid in the bathroom and sneaked into the live broadcast room of"Longing for Life" with her mobile phone. In the live broadcast, she heard Teacher He and Teacher Huang praise Xu Yi's cooking skills and character, and she was happier than when she heard herself being affirmed.

Especially when she heard the two jokingly discussing to keep Xu Yi as a permanent guest, Xiaoju's eyes almost turned red.

Although she has been Xu Yi's girlfriend for a short time, these advantages of Xu Yi have far exceeded her expectations, and can even be said to be shocking.

After visiting the Miao customs today, Xiaoju felt that she knew very little about Xu Yi's excellence.

In the past, she often thought that as long as everyone could see one tenth of Xu Yi's excellence, they would definitely like him.

Now seeing the situation in the live broadcast room, Xiaoju feels very happy. The man she likes has finally been seen by everyone and shines.

But accompanied by one thing that makes Xiaoju a little worried. That is, Xu Yi's female fans in the live broadcast room have gradually increased, and the confessions are becoming more and more bold.

Xiaoju looked at the barrage a little irritated, but she knew that this was inevitable. After turning off her phone, Xiaoju came out of the bathroom, thinking about seeing Xu Yi as soon as possible.

As long as she saw his face, she would feel at ease.

When Xiaoju came to the kitchen, Teacher He had just accompanied Teacher Huang upstairs to rest. Now with Xu Yi, both of them can have a short break.

Not only them, but also Pengpeng and Zifeng can have a little free time. Xu Yi had just chopped five large baskets of firewood. Not only did he finish his workload for this afternoon, but he also finished his workload for this week.

But when Pengpeng and Zifeng entered the kitchen, they saw Xiaoju helping Xu Yi pass the firewood and help him with his hands, with a sweet smile on his face.

Pengpeng immediately pulled Zifeng away:"Follow me, don't be a light bulb, it's immoral."

Xu Yi was worried that the fumes would smoke Xiaoju's skin, and kept urging her to leave the kitchen. He said he could do it alone. He also told the cameraman not to shoot this part.

Originally, Xu Yi was worried that someone in the live broadcast room would say that Xiaoju was squeamish, or that he differentiated the female stars. Because in the past programs, many female stars also entered the kitchen to help Teacher Huang.

But unexpectedly, the cameraman secretly filmed it. And Xu Yi's action, on the contrary, attracted praise from many female fans in the live broadcast room.

"This is someone else’s boyfriend!"

"Not only is he handsome and talented, he is also nearly omnipotent and considerate to his girlfriend."

"I've been watching live broadcasts for so long, but I've never seen Yishen ask Xiaoju to do one thing"

"I envy, I really envy and hate……"

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