Cai Xukun said to Mr. Huang, but actually to Xu Yi:"I can still do the work of washing dishes. Unlike someone who can't cook, he has to pretend to be able to cook!"

Cai Xukun showed a contemptuous expression to Xu Yi again, thinking that Xu Yi just wanted to take advantage of his injury and absence.

Now it is very popular for male stars in the entertainment industry to establish this kind of good family man with excellent cooking skills. Cai Xukun consciously saw through Xu Yi. He just wanted to come to this popular variety show to attract fans.

The thought of attracting fans made him even more unhappy. There will be many female fans who like him watching this show. Xu Yi wants to snatch his female fans away.

For a while, Cai Xukun was smart enough to make up a palace drama in his mind.

Mr. Huang is a wise man and can see Cai Xukun's thoughts on Xu Yi at once.

Just now, when he saw the live broadcast camera here, he wanted to save some face for Cai Xukun and didn't confront him in person.

But he didn't expect that he didn't do anything himself, and he still had the face to talk about others and make trouble here.

Mr. Huang couldn't stand this kind of trouble-making person, especially a male artist.

He looked at Cai Xukun coldly and told him:"Today's dishes are all made by Xu Yi."

"Cough, cough, cough……"

Cai Xukun was so surprised that he immediately started coughing.

After that, his face flushed red, he raised his finger and pointed at Xu Yi, and then turned to Teacher Huang and asked,"You said that the dishes I just ate were made by him?"

Teacher Huang's expression was still cold:"Except for the mutton stew, the rest of the dishes were made by Xu Yi. While he was cooking, I was resting upstairs, right next to where you were sleeping."

"I heard you snoring loudly in the next room."

When Cai Xukun heard Teacher Huang say this, his idol image immediately surfaced and he lowered his head in embarrassment.

Finally, Teacher Huang spoke for Xu Yi righteously:"He is not pretending, he is really working, just when you were sleeping."

Cai Xukun heard Teacher Huang's dissatisfaction with himself from his words, and immediately shut up and stopped talking. What made him even more unable to let go was that he had just taken a bite of the dish made by Xu Yi, and then praised it for being delicious in front of the camera!

But now, it's too late for him to regret.

It's really too late.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was talking to Teacher Huang and mocking him

"What kind of person is this? Eating food cooked by others and saying that they are just pretending!"

"You are a person who can't even hold chopsticks, you can't even pretend, you can only talk and flatter Teacher Huang. It's a pity that Teacher Huang doesn't fall for it!"

"This person's character is really... I finally understood it in this live broadcast"

"It's too bad. I used to feel a little sympathy when I saw others slandering him, but now I understand."

"Not worthy of sympathy at all!"

There is another part of the comments that are quite funny, which is more joyful.

"When I think of your expression as if you had swallowed shit when you learned the truth, I want to laugh!"

"This is wonderful. Is there any brother who can take a screenshot of the emoticon just now? I want to be an emoticon package!"

"Go to the comments section, someone has already made a collection."

The faithful audience moved to the comments section, and then saw someone put together the expression of Cai Xukun when he was eating the food and looked down on Xu Yi, and the expression of him swallowing shit when he learned from Mr. Huang that the food he was eating was made by Xu Yi, and made a collection of ghost animal expressions.

After watching it, the audience returned to the live broadcast room to post comments, and the scene was very joyful.

"Only this great god has it, I’ve collected it!"

"I can't take it anymore. I'm dying of laughter. Hahahaha……"

"I've accepted it. If anyone dares to mess with me in the future, I will send this set of emoticons to punish him!"

"You Kun finally made some contribution in this live broadcast."

I don't know who posted this collection of expressions online. Maybe Cai Xukun's magic power to attract negative comments is too great and unstoppable.

Once the collection of expressions was released, it instantly became a hit on the Internet. More emoji masters joined in, processing the original pictures and creating more content.

From today on, Cai Xukun has another set of ghost emojis and gifs on the Internet.


The food, bowls and chopsticks were all ready, so everyone sat down and started to eat.

Teacher He, Teacher Huang, Peng Peng and Sister Zi Feng, the four owners of the Mushroom House, raised their glasses together to welcome Xiao Ju, Xu Yi and Cai Xukun.

Although they were not very welcoming to the last person after a series of things happened. But in front of the camera, everyone tried to treat him equally.

Xu Yi drank what Peng Peng had just poured for him in the glass, and only tasted it after he finished drinking it, turned around and asked Teacher He:"Is this... green plum wine?" Teacher He nodded at him and said with a smile:"The young man has a very sensitive tongue~ You can tell it right away?"

Xu Yi smiled and praised:"Because this wine is very well made, the taste of the green plum is not covered by the wine, and it is still very fresh. I think the person who made it must be an expert, and the proportions are so well blended."

"You are also an expert, you figured it out!"

Teacher He praised Xu Yi with a smile, then turned his chin to Teacher Huang beside him and told Xu Yi:"This wine was made by your teacher Huang last year.

It was brought here specially from Zhejiang, and it was said that it would be opened to entertain distinguished guests when they arrived.

" Upon hearing this, Bang Bang raised his head from the rice bowl, looked at Xu Yi and said admiringly:"My brother Yi is still very prestigious!

If it weren't for you, I don't know when I could drink this wine!


""No, Mr. Huang must have thought that everyone had worked hard today, so he brought out some good wine to reward everyone!" Xu Yi said modestly.

Then, he saw Xiaoju drank up the whole glass of green plum wine, and sister Zifeng was pouring her a second glass.

Xu Yi did not stop sister Zifeng, but pulled Xiaoju in a low voice to remind her:"This wine is sweet. Although it is easy to drink, the alcohol content is not small. You don't have a good alcohol tolerance, so don't drink too much." Xiaoju looked at Xu Yi, then looked at the wine in the glass, and said coquettishly:"But it's really delicious."

Xu Yi smiled, and there was nothing he could do about her:"If you like to drink, I'll find a way to get you some when I get home."

"No need."

Teacher He heard the conversation between Xu Yi and Xiao Ju just now, and immediately took the initiative and said:"If Xiao Ju likes it, I will pack some for you before you leave. Is it okay, Teacher Huang?"

Teacher He turned to consult Teacher Huang, and Teacher Huang agreed without hesitation:"Of course, I make this wine for the children I like. If you like it and take it away, it can be regarded as its value."

After Teacher Huang finished speaking, Xiao Ju politely thanked the two teachers:"Thank you Teacher Huang, thank you Teacher He."

Teacher Huang nodded at her.

Teacher He looked at Xiao Ju with a smile and said:"This time we will give you wine first, and next time we will drink your wine!"

"us……"Xiaoju was confused,"What kind of wine do we have?"

"Wedding wine!"

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