Xu Yi glanced around and saw a series of ingredients on the chopping board, including meat filling, carrots, lotus roots, etc.

Xu Yi asked Teacher Huang:"Are you going to make Four Joy Meatballs?""

"Hmm." Teacher Huang tilted his head slightly, raised his chin and pointed in the direction of upstairs, with obvious displeasure in his tone,"The guy called Kun who came with you, didn't he order this dish on the phone?"

Teacher Huang heard that Cai Xukun was on the phone and asked for a lot of things, and angrily didn't want to make any of them for him. However

, seeing that he was injured because of chopping wood just now, although a big reason for the injury was because of his own fault. But Teacher Huang thought about it and didn't want to argue with him, so he decided to make him a four-happiness meatball.

Teacher Huang asked Xu Yi:"Can you make four-happiness meatballs?"


Xu Yi's answer was drowned out by Zi Feng's sister calling Huang Lei"Dad".

"Mr. Huang, Teacher He asked you to come over and take a look. It looks like the mutton pot is ready!"


Teacher Huang agreed to Zifeng's request, and turned to Xu Yi and said,"If you know how to make Four-Happiness Meatballs, just try it. If you don't, you can help me cut the ingredients over there into small cubes."

After saying that, Teacher Huang left with Sister Zifeng. The mutton stew pot was stewing on the stove in the main hall on the first floor.

Teacher He heard the sound of less water inside just now, and worried that the pot would dry up, so he quickly asked Zifeng to call Teacher Huang to come and have a look.

Teacher Huang came over and saw that there was still some soup left. At the current temperature, it would take about half an hour to completely collect the soup.

At this moment, the two Shiba Inus, Xiao O and Xiao H, came over after smelling the smell. The little nose was very sensitive, and it kept getting close to the place where steam was coming out of the casserole, and put its nose on it to sniff, smelling the mutton inside.

Teacher He and Teacher Huang were worried that the two dogs would be scalded by the edge of the pot, so they chased them away several times. But the aroma of mutton was so tempting that the two dogs couldn't be driven away no matter how hard they tried.

Teacher He and Teacher Huang looked at Xiao O and Xiao H and laughed happily. The two middle-aged He was in a playful mood and took many photos around the pot with the two puppies.

After Little O and Little H ran away disappointedly because they couldn't eat the meat, Teacher Huang remembered to go back to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

When Teacher Huang walked back to the kitchen, he saw that Xu Yi had already cut all the ingredients and sorted them in piles in a very organized manner.

At this time, Xu Yi was pinching meatballs with his hands. Teacher Huang looked over and saw that the meatballs pinched by Xu Yi were particularly regular in shape.

The technique was like that of a master craftsman with decades of craftsmanship, and Huang Lei felt inferior to him.

Teacher He followed behind Teacher Huang and wanted to see if there was anything in the kitchen that needed his help. As a result, he and Teacher Huang witnessed the scene of Xu Yi pinching meatballs with his bare hands.

Teacher He opened his eyes wide, and immediately stepped forward excitedly, looked at Xu Yi and said,"I didn't expect you to have such talent? You can actually cook? And such a complicated dish!"

Xu Yi smiled and said lightly,"It's not complicated, just a little bit."

"Are you being modest?" Teacher He looked at Xu Yi with a smile, then turned to Teacher Huang for confirmation,"Although I don't know how to cook, this meatball is not easy to make, right?"

"It's not easy. It's a high-level dish for home cooking."Teacher Huang first affirmed what Teacher He said.

Then, he gave Teacher He the dish that Xu Yi had just cooked:"He just cooked it. This kid really knows how to cook."

Teacher He tasted it and exclaimed:"It's delicious! This refreshing taste exceeds my expectations for this dish."

Teacher He looked at Xu Yi and said excitedly:"I didn't expect that you can not only cook, but also cook so deliciously. I want to invite you to my food show. You are really suitable." The last time Xu Yi went to"Happy Camp" with Teacher He, he got the male part of a chorus song and an invitation to be the male lead in a movie.

This time on"Longing for Life", Teacher He was still there, and he got another invitation to be a variety show guest.

Xu Yi has fallen in love with Teacher He.

Teacher Huang also praised Xu Yi and said:"The key is that this young man is not arrogant or impatient, but humble and low-key. He doesn't get complacent and presumptuous even when he is praised. It's rare. This is really rare."

Teacher He looked at Xu Yi's skillful way of putting the meatballs into the pot, and told Teacher Huang:"We have a capable helper in the kitchen today, so you should take a rest! I know you participated in a variety show a few days ago and injured your right hand. It's a good opportunity to take a good rest."

Teacher Huang nodded and was very relieved about Xu Yi. He looked at Teacher He and said,"Tell the program team in the future that they want such guests to come more often."

After listening to what Teacher Huang said, Teacher He said to Teacher Huang with a smile:"I have a bold idea. How about we keep Xu Yi as a permanent guest?"

"Just now I saw Xu Yi chopping wood and he was also very cool. Bang bang, after seeing him chopping wood, I fell into deep admiration for him and couldn't extricate myself; Xu Yi can also cook such delicious dishes, so you don't have to bear such a heavy cooking work alone in the future."

Teacher Huang smiled when he heard it, and his idea coincided with Teacher He's:"Talk to the director when you have time."

Xu Yi listened on the side, not taking it seriously."Longing for Life" is in its third season, and he has not heard of such a flying guest staying as a permanent guest.

He thinks that Teacher He is just being polite, so he said that. Teacher Huang is just a good person, and maybe he admires him because of his cooking skills, so he goes along with what Teacher He said.

However, Xu Yi's fans in the live broadcast room took the conversation between the two teachers seriously.

"Teacher He did a great job! He must keep my male idol here!"

"The TV series is almost over, and I don’t know where to see my idol"

"If I could stay on this show, I would be able to watch it every Friday."

"Teacher He, please make sure to keep my Yi Shen here!"

After Xu Yi showed off his cooking skills, the live broadcast room was flooded with rainbow fart comments.

"He is handsome, can act, is knowledgeable, helpful, and can cook.……"

"My God, what kind of divine character is this!"

"As a man, I am going to become a fan just by watching this."

The director was in the studio, checking the live broadcast platform. He was also very shocked to see the screen full of comments about Xu Yi. He originally thought that Xu Yi would not bring any traffic to the live broadcast and the program, but he did not expect that his effect would be so good.

The number of people online and the popularity of the live broadcast room increased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye every time Xu Yi's shot came.

On the contrary, Cai Xukun, who was famous for his traffic, frequently made a fool of himself in the live broadcast, which made his already bad image even worse.

Every time he was in the shot, the data of the number of people online and the popularity were not ideal.

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