Teacher Huang was stunned, and he kept suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

Seeing that Teacher Huang was silent, Xu Yi thought that he was not willing to do it, so he asked tentatively:"Are you the type who doesn't like others working with you in the kitchen? Then I won't make trouble for you here."

Before, Xu Yi caught up with two episodes of"Longing for Life" to understand the nature and process of the program.

At this moment, he carefully recalled the contents of those two episodes. In his memory, it seemed that someone had cooked in the kitchen with Teacher Huang. But that person seemed to be Teacher Huang's friend for many years, and usually Sister Zifeng and Pengpeng would occasionally help Teacher Huang.

But they were acquaintances of Teacher Huang, and today was the first time he met Teacher Huang. Maybe Teacher Huang didn't like to cook with people he didn't know well...

Seeing that Teacher Huang didn't respond to him, Xu Yi thought a lot for a while. Now it was a live broadcast again, and he didn't want the scene to be too awkward.

After Xu Yi said to Teacher Huang that he could step down, he was about to turn around and leave. Unexpectedly, at this time, he was stopped by Teacher Huang.

Teacher Huang came back to his senses, stopped Xu Yi and said,"It's not that I don't like others to help me cook, I'm just a little surprised that young people who can cook are extinct nowadays. If you say you can cook some instant noodles or scrambled eggs with tomatoes at home, I won't be surprised. But using such an old-fashioned country stove to cook, many older generations who can cook in the city may not be used to it!" When

Xu Yi heard what Teacher Huang said, he realized that he was not being abrupt, and his heart immediately calmed down.

He smiled and said to Teacher Huang,"I just miss this old-fashioned stove a little, so I really want to try it. When I was a child, I lived with my grandparents in the countryside, and I was always around the stove, which looked very familiar. Later, when I grew up, I also learned to cook for them using the stove."

"Well, you can make this stir-fried corn shoots and meat!" Teacher Huang put the prepared ingredients next to the stove and handed the spatula to Xu Yi.

He stood aside, ready to quietly observe Xu Yi's cooking skills.

At this time, Teacher Huang folded his arms across his chest, and was seriously skeptical of Xu Yi's claim that he could cook. This can't be blamed on Teacher Huang. After all, he has seen too many artists in this program who claim to be kitchen helpers but actually want to grab the spotlight but can't do anything.

Many artists not only don't know how to do anything, but also make things worse when they enter the kitchen. Their idea is nothing more than to take a few photos of themselves cooking with Teacher Huang and this stove, especially the current male stars.

I don't know how the company positions them. They like to give these traffic stars an image of a warm homely man with good cooking skills.

Life-style programs with cooking opportunities , there are not many in the industry. And the popular programs, there are even fewer. So, they are not willing to miss this opportunity.

Even if Xu Yi catches up on all two seasons, I am afraid he will not be able to see the clips of these young handsome guys helping Mr. Huang in the kitchen.

Because they are all just pretending, and they can't cook a dish at all. Not only can they not cook, but they also make a mess in the kitchen.

Many times, Mr. Huang has to redo it again. Of course, this part of the content was deleted by the program team to protect the artists.

So this time, when Mr. Huang saw Xu Yi volunteered to help with cooking, he thought to himself: Here we go again.

He had already made plans to redo the dish, and now he just wanted to watch coldly and take the opportunity to rest. This was the first time Mr. Huang met Xu Yi today. Before this, he had never heard of this person. He was very Xu Yi's initiative to help in the kitchen did not disgust him as much as usual.

He could understand that Xu Yi was a newcomer and needed a chance to perform. It seemed that the dish Xu Kun who came today was already so famous to some extent, and he even injured his waist by chopping wood for the sake of being in the limelight.

At least the young man in front of him looked very polite. He did not forcefully squeeze in and grab the spotlight to be a kitchen helper, but asked himself in advance.

When Mr. Huang was thinking about these things in his mind, he suddenly found that the development of things seemed to be different from what he thought.

Xu Yi stood in front of the stove and fried the dishes very methodically. Outsiders could not tell that the main ingredients of this dish were lean meat, corn shoots and green and red peppers, right?

Just stir-fry A, B and C, and stir-fry them all together. But in fact, this is not the case. The order of cooking this dish is particular. And because this kitchen environment is special and the cooking tools are also special, it is even more particular.

Teacher Huang saw Xu Yi first put the lean meat into the pot to fry, and when the lean meat was half-colored and fried to eight-tenths cooked, Xu Yi's next operation made Teacher Huang believe what he said, that he grew up next to a rural stove and had used the stove to cook.

If this dish is made in the city with a gas stove, the lean meat that is fried to eight-tenths cooked should be served at this time, and then the corn shoots and green and red peppers should be put into the pot.

But Xu Yi did not do that. He pushed all the lean meat to the upper side of the stove pot. Then he put in the remaining three vegetables with the remaining oil.

The essence of this operation is to be familiar with the properties of the rural stove pot and to be able to efficiently use its large area.

If someone has never used this kind of pot to cook, he will never think of such a time-saving and trouble-free cooking method in his life.

After seeing this operation, Teacher Huang knew that Xu Yi was different from those young actors who lied to win the camera, he really could, and he really wanted to help him.

In an instant, Teacher Huang's impression of Xu Yi increased by 80%.

The cooking was very fast. After Xu Yi added the seasonings, he served the dish to Teacher Huang for tasting:"Please try it and see if it's okay?" When

Teacher Huang saw the appearance of the dish Xu Yi brought over, he felt that it was ready. There was no need to smell it carefully, the aroma of vegetables and meat went straight into his nose. Teacher

Huang took a bite, and the taste of this dish was even more amazing. He asked himself that even if he had cooked it just now, he might not be able to make this taste.

Teacher Huang patted Xu Yi on the shoulder and couldn't help but praise him:"Great, young man. The dish you cooked is so delicious and tasty, it's a level higher than mine."

"No, no."Xu Yi quickly waved his hand and said to Mr. Huang,"You are too modest. My cooking skills are just a show in front of you."

Xu Yi was very happy to receive the praise from Mr. Huang. But he absolutely could not admit that he was better at cooking than Mr. Huang.

Although Mr. Huang's main identity was not a chef, he had an identity of"Chef Huang" in this program and in the eyes of the outside world.

Xu Yi could not accept the praise of being better than Mr. Huang.

Although he knew that he had learned"mastery of cooking" and his skills should be better than Mr. Huang or even anyone else, he had to be low-key.

This was not only his creed, but also a way of survival in the complicated entertainment industry.

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