Xiaoju and Xu Yi took the gifts and said goodbye to the village chief's house. Then, the group finally arrived at the Mushroom House, the highlight of this recording.

When the three of them walked to the path leading to the Mushroom House, they happened to meet Teacher He who was returning from the field. Teacher He waved his hand enthusiastically and greeted the three of them.

Xiaoju and Xu Yi had just been on Happy Camp two days ago. Teacher He had always taken good care of the two of them on the show.

At this moment, the two of them felt both cordial and relieved to see Teacher He.

However, it seems that Teacher He has a better relationship with Cai Xukun. As soon as Cai Xukun saw Teacher He reaching out to say hello, he excitedly ran over and hugged Teacher He.

As a representative of the entertainment industry who is famous for his high emotional intelligence and good popularity, Teacher He also hugged Cai Xukun back enthusiastically under the camera.

Cai Xukun pulled Teacher He and walked forward regardless of anything. He said to Teacher He excitedly:"You don't know how much I miss you. I haven't been on your show for a long time."

At this moment, he did not forget to solicit business for himself:"When there is a vacancy for a guest in the base camp, ask me to be the rescue, I will definitely go!"

Xu Yi thought to himself, this is so stupid. In front of the host of the show, he said that there would be a vacancy for the guests of the show, especially for a variety show like Happy Camp that is popular all over the country.

Even if there are no guests, the five members of the Happy Family are enough to support one episode.

For the sake of the program recording, Xu Yi did not say this, but the barrage of comments has already been added.

It was mainly the ikun in the live broadcast room. When they finally saw Cai Xukun's performance and positive performance, the barrage of comments licking him started to appear.

It may be because Cai Xukun has been making a fool of himself just now, and the ikun is really looking for a reason to explode.

"Our Kun Kun is one of the top ten favorite stars voted by the audience of the base camp"

"He has been on the Base Camp ten times in the past year, which is a guarantee of the Base Camp's viewership!"

Kun fans shouted to Teacher He in the live broadcast:"Hurry up and call our Kun Kun to the next Base Camp!"

In the barrage, the straight male audience originally wanted to watch the live broadcast quietly. Just now, Caixu Kun was in the village chief's house, making a fool of himself again and again. In the end, they began to pity him and were too lazy to complain about him.

But now seeing this group of Kun fans jumping up and down here, they don't know how to be low-key and build a good reputation for their master. Everyone couldn't help but complain again

"You Kun are great, all the variety shows in the country rely on you Kun to save the day!"

"I can watch the Happy Family play games and complain about them for a while, but when Cai Xukun is a guest... I'm afraid that even if I show my love for the Happy Family members, I won't be able to last more than two minutes."

"If Nao-kun goes to the base camp to show off his basketball skills, I can stick with it to the end."

"Upstairs, hahahaha……"

""Hurry up and obey me. I want to climb up the electric pole and play Dong Feng Po for Xiu'er!"

Amidst the laughter and joy of the barrage complaining about Cai Xukun, Teacher He led the three people into the Mushroom House.

As the only person on the scene who was familiar with the three of them, Teacher He naturally took on the task of introducing them.

After Cai Xukun walked into the Mushroom House, he was attracted by everything in the Mushroom House and naturally fell behind.

But Xu Yi and Xiaoju thought that although this was the place for recording the program, Teacher He, Teacher Huang, and Sister Peng Peng and Zifeng were permanent guests who lived here for a long time, which was equivalent to the owners of the Mushroom House. As guests visiting other people's homes, they naturally had to greet the hosts first. The two did not look around, but followed Teacher He and went to greet the various owners of the Mushroom House politely as soon as possible.

After Xu Yi and Xiaoju greeted the four hosts, Cai Xukun slowly walked to Teacher Huang.

But When he arrived, Teacher Huang was just putting the cut vegetables into the pot, preparing to make a stewed lamb for everyone.

As soon as the lamb was put into the pot, smoke rose up. Cai Xukun stepped back again and again, not daring to step forward, fearing that the smoke would smoke his skin.

Teacher He and Teacher Huang have been friends for many years and know Teacher Huang's personality and preferences. He knew that Teacher Huang didn't like these young and popular celebrities who have emerged now, and as a university teacher, he attached great importance to etiquette.

Cai Xukun had been here for a long time. As a junior in the entertainment industry and a junior in age, if he didn't say hello to Teacher Huang, then Teacher Huang would have an even worse impression of him.

Just as Teacher He was about to speak, Teacher Huang looked back at the situation and immediately understood it. He took the initiative to say to Teacher He:"I know him, Cai Xukun~ Okay, there's a lot of smoke here, take him out quickly!"

Teacher Huang thought to himself: No need to introduce him, there are a lot of negative news about him on the Internet, so much so that even if I don't want to pay attention to this young man, these negative news will be pushed to me in various ways.

Cai Xukun covered his nose, said"Hello, Teacher Huang", and then ran out of the kitchen.

After leaving the house, Cai Xukun saw Xu Yi standing next to Peng Peng, as if he was about to reach out to take the axe in his hand.

Cai Xukun has watched the first two seasons of"Longing for Life" and knows that every guest will come here to experience the project of chopping wood with an axe.

The audience Everyone's performance in this project is very important, and there has been a selection before, who is the most handsome guest who chops wood in the Mushroom House.

It seems that Xu Yi has done his homework, and he wants to challenge chopping wood and please the audience right from the start.

When he was a Miao customs guide before, he had been overshadowed by Xu Yi enough. Now that he is in the Mushroom House, Xu Yi must not think of stealing his limelight again.

Cai Xukun walked up quickly, got ahead of Xu Yi, and stretched out his hand to grab the axe in Pengpeng's hand.

Pengpeng was stunned, then looked at Cai Xukun who suddenly appeared, and asked:"You want to chop wood?"

"Of course!"

Cai Xukun held the axe and posed with the axe raised vertically and standing at his side:"I'm holding the axe, can't you see it?"

"Look... I see it."

Peng Peng is a sincere person with a good heart. He kindly said to Cai Xukun:"Give me the axe first, and I will show you. If you don't do it correctly, you will get hurt easily." Cai

Xukun looked down on him and looked at Peng Peng with contempt:"Why is it so strenuous! Isn't it just using this axe to split the wood? Soeasy! I know. You see how much sweat you have shed, maybe your method is not quite right! In fact, chopping wood is not that difficult, you can watch me and I will show you! After mastering the skills, you will be able to do it more easily!"

Peng Peng listened to Cai Xukun's expert-like appearance and said so confidently. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and didn't know what to say.

Peng Peng stepped aside, intending to quietly watch the operation of the"wood splitting master".

But the kind-hearted Peng Peng, before Cai Xukun started, still gave him a friendly reminder:"You should warm up at the beginning and take it easy. This may seem easy, but it is actually a bit tiring.

Cai Xukun disagreed:"Why is this tiring? Just watch me!"

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