Peng Peng tried his best to persuade Cai Xukun, but he didn't stop him when he saw that Cai Xukun was still insisting. After giving him a friendly reminder, he hid far away.

After that, it was Cai Xukun's personal"wood-chopping show".

He stood in front of the wood pile with an axe, eager to try.

The ikuns in the live broadcast room were cheering for him and shouting

"Look at my Kun’s handsome axe-holding movement. I will kill every kid (little firewood) with one axe soon!"

"Come on, KunKun↖(^ω^)↗"

"A small firewood can't stop you"

"Bang Bang, what's the big deal! He himself is not skilled, unlike our Kun Kun who is a chosen one with talent for everything."

As if he heard the blind encouragement of the fans, Cai Xukun picked up the axe and started chopping.

After the first axe, Cai Xukun was stunned.

There was no reaction at all...

Bang Bang and Xu Yi were watching from the side, but they saw it clearly. He chopped it crookedly, completely crookedly. When the axe fell, it was five centimeters away from the firewood to be chopped.

The axe didn't even touch the edge of the firewood, and there was no accuracy at all.

After thinking for a while, Cai Xukun also realized it. Maybe he found the wrong direction just now, and he made a mistake. A little off.

Before he started to chop with the second axe, he aimed again and again. He hesitated for nearly a minute before he chopped down with the axe.

This time, Cai Xukun hit the target accurately. His axe was accurate, but the force was totally wrong.

His axe didn't break the firewood, but instead lifted it up.

The flying firewood flew far away because Cai Xukun used the wrong force. This was also the reason why Peng Peng retreated far away in advance. He had encountered this situation when he was chopping firewood in the early days, and he had seen too many artists encounter this situation when they tried for the first time. He was already used to it.

But the firewood that was chopped by Cai Xukun didn't land in a good place, and flew directly towards Xiaoju who was helping Teacher He wash vegetables.

Fortunately, Xu Yi was quick-witted and jumped in front of Xiaoju, blocking the flying firewood with his arm.

The cameraman was shocked. The firewood with spikes flew towards Xiaoju's face. The cameraman next to Xiaoju hesitated for a moment, wondering whether to put down the camera and help Xiaoju block it.

You know, the firewood was heading for Xiaoju's face, and if it hit her, it might Scratched Xiaoju's face. Injuring a female star's face is no small matter, it can be said to be an accident.

Seeing this, Pengpeng immediately stepped forward to stop Cai Xukun. Seeing the two chops that Cai Xukun made just now, Pengpeng was completely sure that he had no idea how to chop wood.

Originally, he wanted him to try it for the sake of novelty, but he was too unreliable. Moreover, Pengpeng saw that Cai Xukun had just done something so dangerous and even excessive, and now he had no intention of stopping.

In the live broadcast room, Xiaoju's fans were also angry.

"This is too dangerous."

"Can't you see that this is almost hurting Xiaoju? Why don't you come over and apologize!"

"A man who lacks basic manners and grace, no wonder people hate him"


Peng Peng stepped forward to stop Cai Xukun, and said frankly:"Let me do it! It's too dangerous for you to do this. It will hurt someone's face."

Cai Xukun was a little embarrassed. He knew that he had just boasted, but he didn't show it at all, and he was very unwilling.

He thought that his female fans in the live broadcast room must be waiting to see his glorious moment of chopping wood. He couldn't leave in such a humiliated way without making any achievements after boasting.

Cai Xukun insisted:"I just made a mistake. Let me try again. I promise I can do it this time. I can help you share the work of chopping wood. Can't you relax a little?"

Peng Peng was about to say,"It's much easier for me to do it myself than to watch you chop like this in fear."

However, before he could say it, he was beaten to it by Xu Yi who came forward. Xu Yi looked at Cai Xukun who was holding the axe tightly, and then looked at Peng Peng.

Xu Yi's voice was neither too loud nor too soft. It seemed that he was talking to Peng Peng, but he was actually talking to Cai Xukun:"Let him try one last time. No matter whether he can chop well or not, it's the last time.""

"What do you mean by"chop well or not? It must be chopped well!" Cai Xukun emphasized unconvincedly.

Xu Yi was too lazy to pay attention to him, anyway, he had made up his mind. After Cai Xukun finished chopping the axe, whether he was willing or not, he would take the axe from his hand and would not let him chop again.

Even if he had to argue with Cai Xukun in front of the camera and live broadcast or even have a physical conflict, Xu Yi would never let him do this again.

Xu Yi would not let the situation that might hurt Xiaoju happen again for the first time.

This time, before Cai Xukun chopped the third axe, Xu Yi adjusted his position and stood directly in the center of the straight line between Cai Xukun and Xiaoju. To ensure that if Cai Xukun lost his aim again and the firewood flew in the same direction as before, he could block and protect Xiaoju in the first time.

Bangbang saw Xu Yi's position and understood his intention. Bangbang also automatically moved to the direction in front of Xiaoju and Teacher He to act as a protective umbrella.

This Cai Xukun is really too dangerous.

The audience in the live broadcast room watched Seeing the two's actions, they all understood and condemned Cai Xukun for not considering the situation and only thinking about showing off.

But looking at the current situation, I'm afraid no one can stop him from the third axe.

So, everyone had to condemn him while focusing their attention on the third axe.

The two cameramen gave all the screens to Cai Xukun, thinking about Xu Yi's words in their hearts. Regardless of whether this axe succeeds or not, this is the last time I will shoot him chopping wood. Hurry up!

Under the eyes of many people, Cai Xukun swung his third axe.

This time, he still did not"disappoint" people, and his failure was not unexpected.

Not only did the axe not touch the firewood at all, it also hit the wooden stakes under which the firewood was chopped. Not touching the firewood and not causing the dangerous behavior just now, Xu Yi, Peng Peng and Xiaoju's fans in the live broadcast room all breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Yi picked up the axe, walked to Cai Xukun, and urged him:"You can leave and rest."

Cai Xukun was very unhappy when he heard Xu Yi's commanding tone:"If you tell me to take a rest, I will take a rest, but I won't, I want to continue!"

"I didn't discuss it with you."Xu Yi's face instantly turned cold, and his tone became more frightening than the commanding tone just now.

The cameraman was shocked. From the beginning of the recording to now, they have always seen Xu Yi as knowledgeable, gentle and elegant, and he always spoke in a calm tone. They have never seen him so cold and solemn.

The camera recorded every expression and tone of Xu Yi's speech, and the audience in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

Everyone suddenly understood that Xu Yi was different when it came to Xiaoju.

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