Xu Yi and Xiao Ju said"thank you" to the old man.

After Xiao Ju thanked the old man, she looked at Xu Yi and said,"It's really as you said! The second cup is bitter tea."

Xu Yi nodded and smiled at Xiao Ju. Seeing her excited look with sparkling eyes, he was very happy.

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room, except for Kun fans, were also excited.

"The old man didn't answer, Xu Kun was hanging the vegetables over there!"

"I still don't understand. If you don't answer, it means you agree.!"

"The village chief is a good man. He didn't have the heart to answer in person and embarrass you, Kun Kun."

But even so, Cai Xukun was quite embarrassed at the moment.

He knew in his heart that the old man didn't answer, and his attitude was already very obvious. Especially when the old man poured a second cup of bitter tea for Xu Yi and Xiao Ju, but there was nothing in front of him.

This really embarrassed Cai Xukun, and Xu Yi was completely right. Doesn't that mean that his words are true in disguise, that is to say... the village chief really doesn't welcome him.

On the other side, Xu Yi's female fans once again showed their starry eyes to Xu Yi, and their admiration for him really reached the extreme.

The male fans were also excited when they saw that Cai Xukun, who was arrogant just now, was now as still as a sculpture with a livid face.

"My boyfriend really understands! Unlike some people who pretend to understand!"

"It's really amazing. I didn't expect to learn so much knowledge by watching a live broadcast."

"I feel embarrassed for Naxukun"

"This is what they call shooting oneself in the foot, right?"

"This is a cool move, I'm afraid only you guys, Kun Kun, can pull it off"

"Really cool! You can't deny it!"

Then, a wave of"66666" started in the barrage.

This time, Cai Xukun was really embarrassed.

Xu Yi and Xiao Ju were on the side, sipping tea elegantly.

He sat opposite the two of them, neither sitting nor standing. Looking at the empty table in front of him, he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into. He also wanted to take a time machine back to three minutes ago to wake up the self who was looking for trouble to provoke Xu Yi.

But now, everything is too late.

Fortunately, at this time, there was a knock on the door:"Village chief!"

The village chief heard someone calling him outside the door and ran straight to the door. Cai Xukun saw a cameraman carrying equipment and following the village chief. He thought that the scene in the live broadcast room should be about the village chief receiving foreign guests. At least it could divert the audience's attention, and it would be best if they could forget about it.

He knew that he had no room for recovery, and he could only hope that this incident would pass quickly.

After a while, the village chief came in with two bags in his hands, and the guests did not follow him.

Seeing this, Cai Xukun was about to ask the village chief what the things in his hands were, thinking that he could divert the attention of the audience in the live broadcast room.

But just as he was about to speak, he thought of the meaning of the full cup of tea and immediately stopped.

This time, it was Xu Yi who spoke first.

When Xu Yi saw the village chief coming back with the two bags, he immediately stood up and said to the village chief with a smile:"Congratulations, village chief."

Xiaoju and Cai Xukun were both stunned when they heard Xu Yi say congratulations. The audience in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

However, the village chief smiled and said to Xu Yi happily,"Thank you."

Xiao Ju opened her eyes wide and asked Xu Yi in surprise:"What's going on? Is there something worth celebrating?"

She was wondering, how come I don't know? I have been in this room all the time, and I have heard everything the village chief said.

Cai Xukun had the same doubts, and he even wondered if he was distracted just now and missed something important.

The audience in the live broadcast room was scolding the camera and the signal.

"Isn't it a live broadcast? Why is the content blocked?"

"Let's be Sherlock Holmes?"

But soon, Xu Yi answered everyone's doubts.

Xu Yi told Xiaoju:"The village chief's family is going to have twins, so I just congratulated the village chief."

At this time, it was Cai Xukun who asked questions faster than Xiaoju:"How did you know?"

After saying this, Cai Xukun covered his mouth and began to regret it. How could he ask Xu Yi? Didn't he lose?

Xu Yi didn't mean to compete with him. He didn't regard anyone as an opponent. He just wanted to be himself.

If someone can occasionally make him feel a little competitive. Then this person definitely can't be Cai Xukun.

Xiaoju also curiously asked Xu Yi:"How do you know that the village chief's family has a child born, and it's twins?"

The barrage was also curious. Isn't this too specific? If you can guess this right, it's simply a god!

Xu Yi pointed to the two bags in the village chief's hand and explained to Xiaoju:"For the Miao people, if a new life is born in the family, the neighbors nearby will send gifts in advance as a celebration."

"If you send candy, it means that the new life to be born is a girl, which means that the little girl will have a sweet life in the future; if you send glutinous rice, it means that the new life to be born is a boy, which means that the boy will eat more, grow up healthily, and take on the responsibilities of a man as soon as possible."

After listening to Xu Yi's words, the village chief looked at Xu Yi with satisfaction and praised him:"I didn't expect that young people nowadays can understand our Miao culture so well. As a native Miao elder, I am very happy."

Seeing the village chief say this, Xiaoju knew that Xu Yi was absolutely right. She immediately opened her mouth and said to the village chief with a smile:"Congratulations, village chief. Your twins will definitely grow up healthily. The girl is cute and caring, and the boy is strong and responsible!"

The village chief was so happy by Xiaoju's words that his eyes narrowed with a smile:"The little girl is so sweet. Whoever becomes your relative must be very sweet every day."

Then the village chief turned around and walked to a cabinet, from which he took out a pair of wooden dolls.

He walked up to Xu Yi and Xiao Ju and handed the dolls to Xiao Ju:"I don't ask for my children to be very successful. As long as they can be like you two, and say a few words to make me happy from the bottom of my heart, I will be satisfied.""

"This gift is for the two of you. Grandpa wishes you two love each other and live together forever!"

Xiaoju looked down at the gift in her hand, and the camera also took a close-up of the village chief's gift. The village chief gave the two of them two wooden dolls, a boy and a girl. They were carved vividly and very delicate. When

Xiaoju heard the meaning of the village chief's words, her heart warmed, and she thanked the village chief with emotion:"Thank you, village chief! Your wishes will definitely come true!"

The audience in the live broadcast room saw that Xiaoju's eyes were full of the sweetness of a girl in love, and they also became agitated

"It makes me want to fall in love!"

In an instant, Xiaoju and Xu Yi became the model couple in the entertainment industry, envied by everyone.

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