When Levin successfully rescued Tyrande from Aissalin and set off back to the military camp, the envoy with the heavy responsibility finally saw the dawn of hope after all the hardships.

Shandris succeeded in persuading the gnome who had strayed into the night elf camp.

This short guide is not only willing to guide them, but will also lead them through numerous mountains to the mysterious Valley of Eternal Blossoms. And all this is only required to pay a reasonable "tour guide fee".

Oso listened to Shandris's report and agreed to the land elf's request without hesitation.

As the overlord of the ancient Kalimdor continent, the night elves can be said to be the richest race in this era, and money is not a scarce thing for them.

As Levin said, the land elves are completely different from some green dwarves. They adhere to the principle of honest business, and the tour guide fees they propose are fair and reasonable, and will never make people feel excessive.

With this guide who is familiar with the terrain leading the way, the rest of the journey becomes easy and smooth.

They walked south along the winding mountain road, admiring Pandaria's unique natural scenery along the way. During this long journey, Oso also obtained a large amount of information about this mysterious continent from this humble guide.

This information is undoubtedly a valuable asset for the envoys. It not only helps them better understand the customs and customs of Pandaria, but also provides strong support for subsequent diplomatic activities.

Orso was full of praise for Shandris's vision and communication skills. She not only successfully resolved the misunderstanding, but also brought unexpected gains to the entire team.

From the mouth of the land spirit, the envoy learned the history of Pandaria and confirmed that most of Levin's information was true.

Nearly two thousand years have passed since the various races of Pandaria broke free from the heavy yoke of the mogu. During these long and tortuous years, Pandaria has experienced countless changes and vicissitudes.

In this long period of time, the race of Pandalia has experienced a lot:

The deep-rooted generational hatred between Jinyu people and hozens is like an insurmountable gap that separates them on two hostile sides. The migration of the buffalo people is like an endless journey. They have experienced countless hardships and hardships on the way to find a new home.

The invasion of Zandalari was like a sudden storm, sweeping across the entire Pandaria, making all races feel an unprecedented crisis.

The Mogu people's counterattack once again enveloped this land in the haze of war. The Four Heavenly Gods left wounds that were difficult to heal in the battle with the Mogu. Although their power was still strong, those scars became their eternal pain.

The mantid's crazy invasion every century is like an inescapable nightmare, causing all races in Pandaria to live in fear and uneasiness.

Among the various tribes that escaped the enslavement of the Mogu, the hardworking and brave Pandaren gradually emerged.

With their perseverance and courageous spirit, they gradually became the new masters of Pandaria. They inherited the rich heritage of the Mogu Empire and used the prosperous Eternal Blossom Valley as their administrative center. Based on this, they continued to expand their territory outwards.

For thousands of years, the Pandaren's footprints have spread all over the territory within the majestic Great Wall - Panlong's Spine.

Whether it is the rugged Kun-Lai Summit, the fertile Valley of the Four Winds, the mysterious emerald forest or the dense Krasarang jungle, they have all left traces of their lives. They use their wisdom and sweat to jointly write the history and future of Pandaria.

The four gods deeply appreciated the kind and brave nature of the pandaren, so they guided this race without reservation, allowing it to embark on the road of rapid development.

Under the blessing of the four gods, the Panda people gradually showed unprecedented prosperity and prosperity.

However, even behind such a prosperous scene, crises still follow.

Although the Mogu tribe gradually declined after being overthrown from their rule, they still retain a strength that cannot be underestimated, even though a lean camel is bigger than a horse. In order to suppress the mogu's counterattack, the pandaren had to deploy a certain number of standing troops throughout Pandaria and remain vigilant at all times.

On the other hand, while inheriting the rich legacy of the Mogu Empire, the Pandaren also shoulder the great responsibility of being Mogu creations of the Titans - they need to guard the ancient gods in this blocked land. The heart of Y'Shaarj, and what's left of it.

This important task is like a double-edged sword, which not only brings glory and dignity, but also increases their burden.

As a family of the Ancient Gods and a remnant of the Ancient Man's Empire, the Mantids have always coveted the hearts of the Ancient Gods. Every hundred years, they will launch large-scale invasions from the Dread Wasteland and Mantis Gaokang against the Panlongs.

In order to resist these ferocious offensives, the Pandaren had to invest a large number of troops to resist. This century-old war not only tests the courage and wisdom of the Pandaren, it is also a severe challenge to their will and determination.

Oso and others also learned an important piece of information from the land elf: the leader of the pandaren is not called a king, but is honored as an emperor.

The current emperor is named Shaohao. He is young and promising and is widely praised by the people. Under his leadership, the Pandaren have shown unprecedented unity and strength.

"When every generation of emperors ascends the throne, they will devoutly ask the Jinyu people's prophets to predict the future destiny of the Pandaren people. I heard that Emperor Shaohao saw some terrible scenes in the future from the prophet's predictions when he ascended the throne~ .." The land spirit spoke eloquently while leading the way, his words full of awe for the emperor.

This short guide was very talkative, and he could answer almost every question raised by Shandris in detail. At the same time, he did not forget to sell his gadgets to the curious night elves around him.

"No one knows the content of that prediction except for a few people. But since Shaohao ascended the throne, he often traveled to the West with a close friend he met by chance in the Emerald Forest - the Monkey King. As if looking for something important, perhaps seeking some kind of relief. "1

"Monkey King?" Shandris interjected curiously, "Are you talking about the Hozen King?"

The land spirit nodded, and the beard on his face trembled, "That's why, although there is a deep feud between the Jinyu people and the Hozen, the Panda people have established a deep friendship with both of them. Thanks to Thanks to the mediation and mediation of the Pandaren, the Jinyu people and the Hozen were able to maintain a fragile peace and did not allow hatred to continue to spread.

"We're almost there." After crossing another hilltop, the land spirit raised his hand and pointed into the distance. The members of the Night Elf Envoy looked in the direction of his finger and saw a majestic and open door standing in front of them, like an entrance to another world. Behind the gate, a golden wheat field comes into view. The plump wheat ears shine brightly in the sun.


Shandis opened her mouth in surprise and said in disbelief: "How is this possible? It's obviously not the harvest season, why are the wheat fields..."

The land elf smiled slightly, raised the brim of his hat, and explained proudly: "This is the greatest gift Pandaria has given us. All the food grown in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms can mature in just one day."

He paused and then said: "This power beyond mortal understanding ensures that the people of all races living in Pandaria will never starve. But... I guess you night elves should also have something similar The technology is right? It’s just not as exaggerated as ours and can achieve three levels of skill.”

When Oso heard this, he just smiled noncommittally.

Of course, the night elves who are nourished by the Well of Eternity do not need to worry about food problems. Not to mention the almost unlimited supply of arcane energy from the Well of Eternity, they have more than half of the world's resources alone. , the night elves will not be greedy because of this food problem.

It is precisely because the land spirit understands this that Tuan Fu shows the magic of Jinxiu Valley without reservation.

On the way near the Eternal Blossom Valley, a rumbling sound suddenly came from the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw a group of Cloud Serpent Knights patrolling high in the sky. These knights rode long three-clawed Serpents, like guardians of the sky, overlooking this mysterious continent. Their figures looked quite impressive in the sun. mighty.

One of the pandaren knights descended slowly on a dragon and hovered in front of the envoy.

He is wearing a gorgeous armor that is exclusive to the Cloud Serpent Knight. The armor is shining with golden light and complements the Cloud Serpent Dragon's scales perfectly. The Pandaren Knight is holding a spear and his eyes are like a torch. At first glance, he is a high-level professional.

The night elves were amazed and stared at the flying dragon. Its scales shone like gems set in the sky.

The knight smiled slightly and said in a loud voice: "Every outsider, welcome to the land of Pandaria. I am Kou Yang, the knight of the Cloud Dragon. May I ask what your responsibilities are when you come here?"

Oso took the initiative to step forward. They experienced hardships and dangers along the way and finally got in touch with the official forces of the Pandaren. The big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground, and a relieved smile appeared on his face.

"Mr. Kou Yang, my name is Otho Black Forest, and I am the ambassador of the Night Elf Resistance." He stepped forward, paid a solemn courtesy to Kou Yang and said: "I led the envoy here, hoping to meet him. Your Majesty, Your Majesty, would like to thank you very much for conveying this information to us.”

"Ambassador?" Kou Yang's eyes flashed with surprise. Although he didn't understand what happened in the Dark Night Empire (Zhao) and what the so-called "resistance army" was about, he knew very well that the person who could bear this title was by no means an ordinary person.

He calmly looked at the envoys in front of him. Every member looked extraordinary, especially Oso, the leader. The aura of a legendary powerhouse was so obvious. Ordinary organizations cannot afford such luxurious manpower, so what they say is probably true.

Kou Yang secretly speculated in his heart, what is the purpose of this group of night elves?

"Sorry, Mr. Ambassador." Kou Yang nodded slightly and apologized, "Your request is indeed beyond my scope of authority. I need to report the matter to my superiors first, please understand."

He thought for a moment and then continued: "If you don't mind, please ask your delegation to rest temporarily in Xifeng Village outside the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. We will report the visit of the night elf delegation as soon as possible. The group will wait patiently for now.”

Oso heard this and nodded, expressing his understanding.

Although worries about the domestic war situation still lingered in his mind, he also understood that at this moment he could only do as he pleased.

"Thank you, Mr. Kou Yang, for the arrangement. What we are going to discuss on this trip is important matters related to the Burning Legion. We hope to be summoned by the emperor of your country as soon as possible."

After that, he briefly described the horror of the Burning Legion.

After hearing this, Kou Yang's expression suddenly became solemn and he nodded solemnly, "Mr. Ambassador, please rest assured that I will report the situation as soon as possible and try my best to facilitate a meeting between you and the emperor."

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