Leaving the hot, humid and lush green Zuldazar jungle, the special envoy finally entered the Kun-Lai Mountains in northern Pandaria.

This continuous mountain range is like a natural barrier, separating the trolls and the pandaren.

Stepping into this area, the suffocating hot and humid air immediately dissipated, followed by waves of dry and cool breeze.

This breeze gently blew over the faces of the members of the special envoy, taking away their fatigue and anxiety, refreshing their spirits and re-injecting vitality.

Kun-Lai Mountains are surrounded by mountains and peaks. The mountain roads here are winding, narrow and rugged, as if they were a test specially set by nature for them. The members of the special envoy carefully traversed these winding mountain trails and maintained a high degree of vigilance at all times. However, unfortunately, several members accidentally slipped and fell into the bottomless valley due to temporary negligence and lack of concentration. Their shouts echoed in the valley, but were soon drowned in the silent valley, remaining in these mountains forever.

After going through untold hardships and traveling through mountains and rivers, Shandis and others finally walked out of the 17 steep mountainous areas and came to a relatively flat and open area. Standing here and looking back at the past, they couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

Before setting off, Levin reminded them in detail about the living habits of the Pandaren. Therefore, before Oso led the team to set off, he had already begun to ask the members of the special envoy to gradually adjust their biological clocks to adapt to the time difference between the two different kingdoms.

Contrary to the norm of night elves, they chose to rush on the road during the day; and at night, they looked for a safe camp to rest to ensure the recovery of physical strength and spirit.

When they came to the foot of the mountain and prepared to set up camp, it was the sunset. The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the mountains, making the entire Kun-Lai Mountains even more magnificent and mysterious. Members of the special envoy stopped one after another to admire this rare beauty. The tranquility and beauty of this moment seemed to be the best comfort for their difficult journey.

Perhaps because we are located in the high-altitude Kun-Lai Mountains, the night sky here is particularly magnificent, as if the entire universe is pouring onto this vast sky.

The dazzling stars are like scattered diamonds, adding a touch of dreamy color to the dark night and providing enough clear illumination to make people intoxicated.

Shandis happened to be on guard duty tonight. She leaned quietly on the treetops, looking at the crooked moon in the sky with blurred eyes, and an inexplicable thought surged in her heart.

She couldn't help but think: "I wonder if Levin has successfully rescued his mentor? It should be very difficult to sneak into the enemy's base camp in Zin Assalin. I hope he can complete his mission as smoothly as I did."


At this moment, a subtle friction sound suddenly came from the surrounding sparse shrubs and plants, as if something was moving gently.

Shandris immediately came back to her senses, clasped the bow and arrow in her hand, and pointed at the source of the sound vigilantly. Her eyes became sharp. The night elf's talent allowed her to easily see through the darkness and see everything hidden in it.

However, Shandis did not speak out hastily. She knew very well that after just experiencing the battle with the troll, the atmosphere in the camp was already too tense. If she did this again, it would probably cause the camp to explode.

So, she chose another way to deal with this unexpected situation.

She closed her eyes and began to pray silently in her heart: "Merciful Moon Goddess, may you give me the light to dispel the darkness.

As her prayers fell, the magic took effect immediately.

"[Guiding Light]!"

A beam of soft moonlight suddenly fell from the sky, shining on the yellow and green bushes. This beam of light is like a guiding light, revealing everything hidden in the darkness to Shandris.

"Wait a minute! Please don't attack, I don't mean any harm!" A slightly nervous and sharp voice suddenly came from the bushes, breaking the tranquility of the night.

As the voice fell, a short creature slowly walked out of the bushes, raising his hands to show his innocent intentions.

Shandis discovered that his height was not even as long as her legs. Such a comparison in body shape made Shandis slightly stunned.

This short creature wore a furry warm hat on his head. The brim of the hat was drooped, almost covering most of his face. Only a pair of sparkling eyes and a long black beard are exposed. This outfit and appearance look quite weird.

Shandis did not relax her vigilance because of the opponent's short size, and still pointed her bow and arrow steadily at the uninvited guest, with scrutiny and caution in her eyes.

"Who are you? Why are you hiding in the dark and observing us secretly?"

This strange creature seemed to be intimidated by Shandis's aura. He quickly pointed at the huge backpack behind him - the package was so big that it was several times his own body.

-Hurryly explained: "Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong! I'm just a passing land trader. Because I've been on dangerous journeys all year round, I always keep a high level of caution and curiosity. I just saw you guys camping here, I couldn't help but hide and observe, and there was really no malicious intent!"

As he spoke, he deliberately opened the backpack behind him, revealing a dazzling array of merchandise inside to prove his identity and purpose of coming.

"Land spirit?" Shandis raised her eyebrows slightly, and Levin's instructions before leaving quickly flashed through her mind.

Shandis remembered the message Levin told her before leaving.

She remembered that Levin had described Pandaria's customs and customs to her in detail, as well as the various labor-killing races here.

"In Pandaria, I personally traveled and got to know each race in depth. Each of these indigenous races has its own unique culture and customs."

Among them, the land elf race left a deep impression on her. Levin once described them this way: "The land elves are a race full of kindness and gentleness. They do not rely on plunder to

but to maintain life through honest labor and trade. You rarely see them doing anything out of the ordinary. They always do their job and stick to their principles. "

Levin also specifically mentioned the relationship between the land elves and the pandaren: "They once fought together to resist the enslavement of the Mogu Empire, so they established a deep alliance with the pandaren. This relationship is not only based on common interests, but also more It's based on mutual respect and trust. If you meet them in Kun-Lai Mountain, you may be able to ask the land spirit to guide you and introduce you to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, and you only need to pay an equivalent fee."

Therefore, when Shandis saw this short land elf walking out of the bushes, she already felt a little bit unsure.

She looked at the creature, and the eyes exposed under the brim of her hat were full of a pleasing smile.

Shandis decided to believe Levin's intelligence, so she slowly put down the officer in her hand.

She tried to make her voice sound soft and friendly: "Mr. Land Elf, we are an envoy from the Dark Night Empire. We have important things to meet with the king of the pandaren, but we are not familiar with this land. You Can you guide us and help us reach the Valley of Eternal Blossoms smoothly?"

When the land spirit heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. He nodded quickly and agreed: "Of course! I know this land well, and I will definitely be able to find the fastest and safest route for you. But..." He paused and touched it with some embarrassment. His own beard, "We need some compensation to maintain our lives. Are you willing to pay the corresponding fees?"

"Of course, we will pay accordingly.

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