Deep in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, the Mogushan Palace stands tall, simple and solemn.

Inside the palace, an old Pandaren man with white beard and hair was sitting quietly in front of the jade-carved window. His eyes revealed the vicissitudes of time and profound wisdom.

"Night Elves?" After hearing the report from the Dragon Knights, a look of surprise flashed across the old man's face, and the jade cup in his hand trembled slightly, "They were actually able to risk crossing the territory occupied by the Zandalari Trolls. Arriving in Pandaria? Are you sure the ambassador mentioned the Burning Legion?"

"Yes, Master Shi Yi." Yao Kaize, the leader of the Xianglong Knights, replied respectfully, "According to the detailed reports of the scouts, almost all the members of the night elves' envoy were injured. It is obvious that they have gone through many hardships."

This old Pandaren man known as Shi Yi is the chief administrative officer under the current emperor. His official position is called Prime Minister in the Pandaren Empire.

He stroked the long beard on his chin, pondered for a moment and then spoke slowly: "No matter what their intentions are, keeping distinguished guests out of the Valley of Eternal Blossoms is definitely not the way we pandas treat guests."

"Your Majesty is still in the Krasarang Jungle seeking the wisdom and guidance of Red Crane Chi-Jing... So be it."

Prime Minister Shi Yi turned to look at the first middle-aged panda man wearing a gorgeous official uniform, "Lord Du Yushan, I need you to use the authority of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to arrange for these night elf envoys to move into the Seven Star Palace as soon as possible." He paused. After a pause, he continued, "I will immediately send someone to inform Your Majesty of the matter."

"Please make sure that our distinguished guests receive the hospitality they deserve." Shi Yi's tone was full of solemnity and respect, "They must be extremely sincere before they are willing to risk crossing the dangerous Zandalari Mountains to reach our Pandari Ya’s.”

Krasarang Jungle is located at the southernmost tip of the ancient continent of Kalimdor. In the jungle, several winding rivers are like many silver snakes running through it. The abundant water resources they bring are like mother's milk, selflessly Nourishing this lush land.

In this jungle full of life, there is an ancient and solemn temple - Zhuhe Temple. It is not only a holy place for warrior monks, but also one of the four gods of Pandaria, Juhu.

The earthly abode of the spirit.

At this moment, in a broad and solemn square in Zhuhe Temple, dozens of temple-protecting monks wearing yellow robes are standing in the square in a mysterious and mysterious position. These are the monks. Unique skills——formation.

The effect of the array is similar to that of the mage. The only difference is that the former is driven by the monk's infuriating energy, while the latter requires the use of arcane energy.

At this moment, the faces of every monk in the formation are filled with determination and piety. Each of them is a warrior who protects the gods, using their faith and strength to maintain the stability of the formation.

In front of the main hall of the temple, the demigod Chi Jing stood quietly.

Its appearance is that of an elegant and splendid crane. Its fiery red feathers and tail feathers shine dazzlingly in the sun. Its snow-white body and wings are dotted with ink-like spots, and its whole body is covered with cloth. It is full of bright red magic patterns that seem to be carefully drawn with a brush. These magic patterns are like flowing flames, both mysterious and full of power.

Chi-Ji's eyes were fixed on the center of the formation, where a middle-aged Pandaren was sitting cross-legged and meditating with his eyes closed.

The warm red light surrounding Chi-Ji's body seemed to be covered with a brilliant halo. It was formed by Zhu He's unique demigod power, which continuously injected into the formations set up by the monks in the square. A steady stream of energy.

In the center of the square, the panda sitting cross-legged is none other than Shaohao, the emperor of the pandas. Time has carved deep marks on his face. He was wearing a slim-fitting training uniform that seemed simple but was clearly made with fine workmanship. It hugged his figure, making him look energetic yet dignified.

However, his brows were furrowed at the moment, as if he was entangled in some confusion deep in his heart.

Chi Jing, the crane demigod, gently walked to Shaohao's side. She said to Shaohao in a gentle tone: "Shaohao, you don't have to be so nervous. Try to relax your mind and body. If you sincerely If you want to dispel the inner fog, you must first allow yourself to enter deep meditation.

Hearing this, Shaohao nodded: "Yes, the trapped Jing heavenly being."

Then, a hozen with a sharp beak and monkey cheeks ran over in small steps, holding an exquisite mask in his hand.

Shaohao took the mask from the hozen and covered his face without any hesitation.

It was a mask with a mysterious totem on it, and it looked extremely strange.

After putting on the mask, Shaohao began to adjust his breathing and slowly fell into the unique meditation of a monk. His brain gradually became ethereal, as if he was isolated from the world around him, leaving only him and his heart.

Just when Shaohao's consciousness gradually sank into the depths of his soul and his connection with the outside world gradually weakened, the mysterious formation in the center of the square suddenly showed subtle fluctuations.

The originally stable red spiritual light began to flicker slightly, as if it was resonating with Shaohao's meditation.

"Is it coming..." Chi Jing's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and his voice was low and full of alertness. Before he finished speaking, his whole body suddenly erupted with dazzling light, like the rising sun, dyeing everything around him with a layer of gold.

At the same time, the temple-protecting monks who were originally sitting still began to take action. They changed their previous calmness and jumped up from the ground, with strong posture and rainbow momentum.

Their hands quickly formed seals, and the cyan true air flow was like a trickle [constantly injected into the formation below them.

In the center of the formation, the ominous black aura surrounding Shaohao gradually gathered and condensed under the guidance of the formation. These breaths were originally like ethereal ghosts, but driven by the formation, they gradually became solid, as if they were being given life.

As the shape of this black figure became clearer and clearer, the monks protecting the temple were finally able to see the true face of this "monster".

Its appearance is strange and twisted, as if it is made up of countless desperate faces and twisted limbs. Since its appearance, this strange energy body that cannot be described in words has been continuously absorbing the desperate emotions from the frightened monks around it, using it as nourishment to strengthen itself.

"A centipede insect, dead but not stiff." Zhuhe Chijing stared at the monster with teeth and claws, slowly uttered a sentence, and then casually introduced the origin of this monster.

"This is the Sha of Wandering, one of the seven evil demons born from the remains of Y'Shaarj, the seven-headed ancient god. It is a collection of despair in Pandaria, and it has been secretly shadowing this land. 1


The leader of the monks at Zhuhe Temple is a middle-aged Pandaren warrior with strong skills and sharp eyes. His face, which has always been calm, is now filled with euphoria.

"Lord Chi-Ji, are we really just trapping it in the formation like this?" He hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but ask: "What if it breaks free..."

Chi Jing shook his head and interrupted the monk leader's worries: "Believe in Shaohao. As a contemporary emperor who is respected by all the people of Pandaria, the courage and wisdom he contains are unimaginable. If he can take the lead If you overcome the despair in your heart, the power of the evil spirit will be greatly weakened."


At this moment, after absorbing enough despair, Wan Zhi Sha, who was trapped in the center of the formation, was finally able to speak, and immediately let out a deafening roar.

"Stupid mortals, do you think this mere formation can seal me?" Wan Zhisha's voice was cold and taunting, "Faced with the fate that you cannot escape, will you just struggle desperately? Humph, it's so pitiful and... sad!"

Every word of Wan Zhisha carries the magic power of darkness, which can quietly invade the hearts of every monk present. Almost at the same moment, the most painful and unacceptable memory fragments in their lives appeared in their minds. These shadows buried deep in their hearts were now ruthlessly uncovered, causing their hearts to be hit hard again.

Despair spread like a plague in Zhuhe Temple, and the black aura crazily poured into its body like the dark elves lured out by the Evil of Desolation. Wan Zhi Sha smiled wildly, enjoying this feast of despair.

"Everyone, hold on! Hold your breath and concentrate, try to recall those good times, and don't let negative emotions completely devour your souls!" Chi-Ji shouted loudly, reminding the monks present.

It should be said that in terms of mental steadfastness, monks are almost the best among all professions. Even priests and paladins are difficult to compare with monks in this aspect.

The reason lies precisely in the mission of the monks.

The specialty of Pandaria, the sha is most fond of psychic attacks.

If their spiritual cultivation was even close, they would have died in the fight against evil spirits.

But ordinary monks alone can only achieve a stalemate with the evil demon at best. It is far from enough to rely on them to fight against this remnant of the ancient god.

As a result, Chi-Ji, as the eye of the formation, increased the output of power, and a warm and moist power slowly gushes out from under the ground within the formation. This power is like sweet spring water, nourishing the dry hearts of the monks, allowing them to find themselves again in the abyss of despair.

However, Shaohao at the center of the formation was completely unaware of everything happening outside. He was immersed in his own meditation world, as if isolated from the outside world.

The Monkey King anxiously stood beside his friend, scratching his head and ears, but he was helpless.

This brave and skilled hozen king is fearless on the battlefield, but in the face of this spiritual confrontation, he feels powerless. He could only guard Shaohao silently, hoping that he would wake up from his meditation as soon as possible.

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