My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 736 A Secret Message Belonging To The Druid

Archdruid Malfurion, as a senior member of the resistance, should have been in this tent long ago and participated in this negotiation.

He was late just because he was too busy.

However, it is fair to say that his busyness is self-inflicted.

In recent times, the loss of Tyrande has been gnawing at his heart. In order to dispel the anxiety in his heart and prevent himself from thinking too much, he devoted himself almost endlessly to the busyness of the battlefield, trying to use fighting to fill the emptiness in his heart and relieve the growing anxiety in his heart.

Upon seeing this, Jarod immediately introduced both parties: "Mr. Sunstrider, please allow me to introduce you to the leader of the Druid sect, the highly respected Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage."·

Dath'Rema narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Malfurion in front of him. The strong "country atmosphere" exuding from him made Dath'Rema, who was accustomed to the refinement and respectability of nobles, feel a little uncomfortable.

At the same time, Malfurion also felt an inexplicable resistance to the "unnatural" arcane energy lingering around Dath'Remar.

In his opinion, the arcane energy drawn from the Well of Eternity seemed to have lost its original purity after being corrupted by the Burning Legion. This is very different from the original arcane energy.

However, both of them were extremely well-educated people, and their inner rejection was not shown on their faces.

Malfurion nodded slightly to Dath'Rema, but his casual gesture only deepened Dath'Rema's displeasure.

The ensuing negotiations were lengthy and cumbersome, full of diplomatic rhetoric and back-and-forth chatter. Representatives from both sides held their own opinions. On the surface, they seemed friendly, but there was hidden edge in their words.

In short, the upper elf and the rebels had a cordial and friendly conversation, fully exchanged opinions, and enhanced their understanding.

270 When the negotiation finally ended and the tired two parties were preparing to leave, Malfurion suddenly turned around and said to Dath'Rema: "Mr. Sunstrider, can you lend me a moment to speak?"

Dath'Rema glanced at him in surprise, then nodded cheerfully: "Of course, I also have some things that I want to communicate privately with Mr. Malfurion."

This scene was keenly captured by Jarod Shadowsong, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

As the leader of the resistance, how keen is Jarod's observation?

In fact, during the negotiation just now, he had already noticed that Dath'Remar and Malfurion seemed to dislike each other.

However, to his surprise, these two people who had been secretly competing with each other just now turned around and met for a private conversation. This dramatic turn was really amazing.

But the Highborne Elves Mission was originally established by Dathrema, and the members of the team were all his capable officers, so there would naturally be no objections to his decision.

Malfurion is also one of the top leaders of the resistance, and he is also the only channel for the resistance to communicate with the demigods. No one in the resistance wants to offend him.

Therefore, when the two asked to talk privately, everyone else in the tent wisely chose to leave.

Soon, only Malfurion and Vosrema were left in the tent.

Seeing that everyone had left, Malfurion asked directly: "I want to ask you about someone."

Dath'Rema raised his eyebrows slightly, recalling a piece of information he had recently received in his mind, then raised an imperceptible arc at the corner of his mouth, and said slowly: "Arch Druid, if you want to ask Tyrande... Regarding the situation of High Priest Feng, I can tell you that she is still imprisoned in the palace by the queen, at least she has not been harmed yet."

"No, I'm not asking her." However, Malfurion shook his head and denied Dath'Rema's guess: "What I want to know is, have you heard any rumors in Zin Aissalin recently? ,For example...where are strange animals and plants that have never been seen before?"

"Huh? It sounds like they are all caused by druid spells." When Dath'Rema heard this, the formulaic smile on his face gradually faded. He looked at Malfurion seriously and asked: "So you You probably want to ask me about a druid - I guess you want to ask Levin Cuiye, right?"

Malfurion's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, and he asked eagerly: "Exactly! It seems that you really know him? Can you tell me the latest news about him?"

"Then you've asked the right person. Regarding Levin Cuiye, I'm afraid no one in the entire Aissalin knows anything about it except me." Dath'Rema nodded and said in a deep voice: "He is in the middle of nowhere. When he entered the city a few months ago, he was unfortunately injured by Archimonde. In order to avoid pursuit, he had to turn into an ordinary crow and hide in my house to recover from his injuries. As far as I know, his injuries should have almost recovered by now. Already."

Malfurion suddenly heard that Levin had been injured by Archimonde himself, and his face instantly turned pale. He instantly recalled the evil energy ray that penetrated the sky like an alien object half a month ago. It was Archimonde. The terrifying mark left by the power of virtue. Fortunately, the other party also confirmed that Levin was still safe and sound. He was relieved and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Later, when he learned that Dath'Remar had protected Levin, his view of this highborne noble suddenly changed. In his eyes, Dath'Rema is no longer the annoying nobleman.

He is a man with a broad mind and loyalty.

After all, Malfurion is an honest man. No matter how much he regards Levin as his love rival, he still has to admit that Levin took a big risk by entering the enemy camp to rescue Tyrande - the level of jealousy he encountered was even greater than Tyrande himself. It all depends on the sky.

Even though Malfurion knew that the other party's intentions were impure, he still believed that Levin had done something that even he himself did not dare to do. Therefore, I feel a debt of gratitude to Levin.

(bcdg) "Mr. Dath'Remar, I thank you from the bottom of my heart." Malfurion's voice was full of sincerity, "Thank you for your willingness to lend a helping hand to him in this critical moment."

"Where," Dath'Rema heard this, but he just shook his head gently, with a bit of indignation in his eyes, "No, you don't have to thank me, Malfurion. I'm not doing this completely. It was out of selflessness. What those demons did was truly heinous. I couldn't sit back and watch." 1

Having said this, he seemed a little excited and couldn't help but confide his difficulties to Malfurion, "In fact, this negotiation was just wishful thinking on my part from beginning to end. The queen and most of the upper elves were all concerned about this." Those who object to it believe that dealing with demons is a sign of weakness."

"I sincerely thank you for your candidness. I have deeply understood this sincerity." Malfurion nodded slightly and said while thinking, "If this negotiation really gets widespread support, we may be able to obtain a more favorable outcome." conditions so as not to leave empty-handed.”

"Ah, I almost forgot," the two chatted for a while, and Dath'Rema suddenly patted her thigh and said suddenly, "Before I left, Levin specifically asked me to forward a letter to you privately."

As he spoke, he reached out and took out a letter from his pocket, and carefully handed it to Malfurion's hand.

Malfurion took the letter—it was more like a thin leaf than a letter.

However, this was not just an ordinary leaf, Malfurion could feel the subtle power of nature contained in it. Although this power was weak, it resonated harmoniously with the surrounding natural environment.

Malfurion understood immediately and slowly injected his natural power into the leaf.

The next moment, he could see that the leaves seemed to sense the infusion of power, and the leaf veins began to slowly squirm, and then grew abnormally at a speed visible to the naked eye, gradually outlining regular patterns. Malfurion took a closer look and saw that these patterns turned out to be Darnassian letters of the night elves, and these letters formed the content of the secret message.

In this way, Levin created a secret letter that only druids could open. Even if such a superstition is discovered by a demon, it will be regarded as ten ordinary leaves.

As we all know, druids only exist among the resistance.

Therefore, this new type of secret message almost completely eliminates the possibility of being discovered.

"Levin's wisdom and creativity are really amazing. I have to find a way to promote it in the military." Malfurion praised sincerely. At this moment, he was completely confirmed that this letter was indeed written by Baicai Wen. 【013504112 Feilu 231161361】

After all, if you want to create such a secret message, you need to have superb control over the power of nature.

Who else but Levin can control the forces of nature so exquisitely?

At least among the upper-class elves and demons in Aissalin, no one can reach such a state.

Next, Malfurion carefully unfolded the secret letter in his hand and read it carefully word for word.

In the letter, Levin's handwriting was vigorous and powerful, and he elaborated on his plans and requirements: requiring the rebels to launch a swift and threatening attack on the Burning Legion's positions at the time specified by him.

The purpose of this offensive is not just to achieve military victory, but more importantly to mobilize the power of the Burning Legion in Assaline City, preferably to lure away Archimonde, the powerful demon lord, and himself , will use this opportunity to create chaos in the city and look for opportunities to rescue the trapped Tyrande.

In addition, Levin specifically mentioned the importance of Dath'Remar.

He said that if we want to successfully rescue Tyrande, Dath'Remar's help is crucial. At the same time, he also appreciated Dath'Rema, as a rare leader of the Lord Harmony faction among the upper elves, who was willing to speak for them from the standpoint of civilians. Therefore, he implored Malfurion to win over this important ally at all costs. .

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