After Malfurion read the secret letter, he already had a plan in mind. He raised his head and met Dath'Rema's curious gaze.

"What is said in the letter?" Dath'Rema couldn't help but ask, "If you need my help in bringing the letter to Levin, I can also help."

"No, there is no need for a secret message. I don't have that much information to convey," Malfurion smiled and shook his head, "You just need to bring him a message for me."

"Okay, no problem." Dath'Rema nodded, "What do you want to tell him?~"

"Tell him," Malfurion's eyes flashed with determination, "I will follow his plan and cooperate with his actions on time. We will definitely succeed."

Seeing Dath'Rema intending to leave, Malfurion moved in his heart and said to him sincerely: "Mr. Dath'Rema, please don't worry. The ultimate goal of our resistance army is always to expel the demons that have invaded our homeland. . We will welcome with open arms any compatriot who is willing to join us and fight together, even high elves who are born into noble families.

When Dathrema heard this, a trace of emotion flashed in his eyes. He nodded solemnly and said: "Thank you for your understanding and acceptance, Mr. Malfurion. I understand what you mean.

I also felt the sincerity of the resistance.

After that, he was ready to leave the resistance camp. However, when he turned around, Malfurion called him, "Mr. Dath'Remar, please wait a moment."

Malfurion led Dath'Rema towards the front line, where many demigods gathered. Surrounded by them, a tall figure stood out - that was Senaci.

"Lord Cenarius," Malfurion saluted respectfully, "this is Mr. Dath'Remar, he is interested in understanding our resistance cause."

As a member of the night elves, Dath'Remar had certainly heard of the reputation of these demigods, but seeing them with his own eyes now still shocked him.

Cenarius nodded, looking at Dath'Remar with his wise eyes. Under his arrangement, several demigods also had a cordial conversation with Dath'Rema, which made Dath'Rema feel flattered.

In this way, Malfurion successfully demonstrated the strength and goodwill of the resistance to Vosrema.

After receiving Malfurion's clear support, the hanging stone in Dath'Rema's heart finally fell to the ground. He made up his mind to leave the gradually declining upper elf society, abandon the doomed ship, and join the hopeful resistance army.

When he told his family about his decision, his wife and children had different reactions.

Both his children agreed with this decision.

"It should have been like this a long time ago, father." His son Kellyb's blood was boiling, and he waved his fist excitedly and said loudly: "I have never been able to understand what those demons are doing. I don't understand why we have to beg for help from the Burning Legion. They came to slaughter our fellow citizens.

"Brother is right." Daughter Elleis also expressed her support without hesitation: "I have also heard about the atrocities of those demons, who killed countless innocent lives. Such behavior is really disturbing. I hate it!"

"However, is it too risky for us to do this?" Mrs. Sun Chaser's eyebrows showed deep worry, "If the matter is exposed, those demons will never let us go.

Our lives will be at stake. "

"But do you think that if you continue to associate with the demons and follow them all the way to the dark side, you will really be safe and worry-free?" Dathrema gently held the lady's hand and shook her head gently, " When I was on a mission to the rebels, I carefully observed their team. They were not a ragtag army, but an army with strict organization and lofty ideals. More importantly, almost all the legendary demigods stood with them. This side... This means that they do have enough power to compete with the devil, and their possibility of success is not small. 11.

Speaking of this, he sighed, "If we don't make changes now, do you think we will have a good ending when the resistance forces conquer Aissalin? How will those demigods and resistance forces view those of us who once were A nobleman in cahoots with the devil?"

In fact, in the process of Dath'Remar making up his mind, what really played a key role was not the statements of Malfurion and Tyrande [but the powerful strength displayed by the resistance army and the demigods.

This is the cruel reality: for these upper elf nobles, no morality or justice is easy to apply. Only strong strength can truly impress them.

"However, before we decide to formally defect to the rebels - no, it should be said to be the rebels, we must be fully prepared." After clarifying the choice of his wife and children, Dath'Rema said, "We need to prepare for the rebels." We should lay a solid escape route by ourselves, such as transferring our property in advance and sending it outside the city of Aissalin. In this way, if the situation forces us to evacuate quickly, we will also have sufficient resources in hand so that we can do so in the future. Get back on your feet.”

"By the way," Dath'Rema suddenly thought of something, and his eyes turned to his youngest daughter Aili Leisi, "Also, my daughter, you also need to leave Irene in advance.

When Alice heard that she was asked to leave her family, her eyes suddenly became confused and she turned away dissatisfied, "Why? Dad, I want to be with you."

"Don't be willful, Elise, be obedient." Mrs. Sunseeker immediately understood what her husband meant, and softly comforted her, "What your father and I are going to do is full of dangers. You are still too young to stay in this turbulent city. We cannot ensure your safety in the city."

"But...but..." Alilais's lips trembled slightly and her eyes began to turn red. She muttered in a low voice, "I don't want to leave you."

Dath'Rema looked at his daughter with tears in his eyes, and felt a twinge of pain in his heart, but for the sake of his family and his daughter himself, he had to stand firm.

So he sighed, then leaned down, and said to Ellyse gently but firmly: "Allyse, my baby, you must leave Aissalin. In this way, even if we encounter unexpected events, the blood of the Sunstrider family will not It will be cut off. At that time, those friends in the rebel army will also give you shelter for the sake of our contribution to the common cause. "

Elleisse sobbed, her voice choked: "But I am also a member of the Sun Chaser family, and I also want to do my part for our family."

Dath'Rema gently wiped away the tears on her daughter's face and said softly: "You can leave Aissalin safely, which is the greatest help to us. Your safety is of great significance to us."

At this point, he paused, as if he felt that such words were too cold, so he added: "Aliles, the key to this war lies in the Well of Eternity in the city. I predict that no matter what the outcome of the war is, Aissalin will They may all turn into ruins. Therefore, I asked you to leave not only to allow you to avoid danger. More importantly, you shoulder the important task of finding a new home for our family.


These words had an immediate impact, and Elleith gradually stopped crying and looked up at her father: "Build a new home? Will our home be destroyed in Zin Asalin? Then where should we go?"

"Build a new home?" Alilais said with some hesitation: "Will our house in Zin Aissalin be destroyed? But, where can we move to?"

Not only Ellelace, this question also lingers in the mind of Mrs. Sunstrider. She frowned, thinking about possible places to go, and subconsciously opened her fingers, counting the limited options one by one.

"I heard that the city of Suramar is now tightly closed by a barrier and has become an indestructible fortress, making it difficult for outsiders to enter." She said in a deep voice, ruling out the first option.

Then, she continued her analysis: "Sundala is located in the far north. The severe cold there is unbearable for those of us who live in warm areas. It is impossible for us to adapt to that environment in a short time." "

"How are you doing?" She looked at her husband.

"Cenla'lor is currently being besieged by the Burning Legion's partial divisions. The war is raging. Compared with Zin Azalin, the safety level is not much higher." Before Dath'Rema could say anything, his son Kellyber gave the answer. Answer.

As an active moon guard, Kellybo is fairly familiar with the outside world.

"That's such a pity, I quite like Cen Lai Luo Er." Mrs. Sun Chaser sighed, another choice was reluctantly given up.

"La Salraza is a typical temple city, not suitable for the upper elves to live in. Only Elre'Thalas, which has always remained secretive, has a chance. Do we have to go south to Sindra?"

"Actually, Salazar can't do it either." Kellyber suggested.

"La Sallaza is a city with a temple as its core. The living atmosphere there is incompatible with us and is not suitable for us upper elves to live in for a long time." Mrs. Sun Chaser explained, "After all, only Eresa, who has always remained secretive, There is still a chance to reach Rath, but do we really want to go south to the Sindra area?"

Dath'Remar shook his head, "Syndra is not a viable option. The Lord of Ere'Thalas, Torcedrin, has not made a clear stance between the Burning Legion and the Resistance. They obviously want to remain neutral. In this case, they are unlikely to accept us."

"Then what should we do?" Mrs. Sun Chaser was anxious, "We can't let Elise resist... No, it should be said to be the rebel camp now, right? The life there is too difficult, she How can a girl stand it?"

Dath'Rema smiled slightly, turned his head slightly, and his eyes fell on the fifth person in the room...or rather, the crow.

Before that, the crow had been standing quietly on Ellie's shoulder, silently watching the family meeting.

"Perhaps, regarding the issue of the new home, we can listen to the advice of Alice's good friend." He said slowly to Zhen Wan. .

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