It can be said that from Levin's perspective, this meeting was undoubtedly a complete and successful one.

Dath'Remar not only witnessed the elegance of Tyrande, Elune's chosen one, but was also deeply satisfied with her pious heart, unwavering faith, and profound compassion. And more importantly, in the name of the Sisters of Elune, Tyrande made a solemn promise to Dath'Remar that the Sisters would warmly welcome with open arms those highborne elves who were willing to set things right and return to the right path. This undoubtedly gave Dath'Rema a reassurance.

Therefore, before leaving Aissalin and going on a mission to the rebels, Dath'Rema took the initiative to ask Levin if he needed to bring some news or letters to Levin during his mission to the rebels.

When Levin heard this, his heart moved. He does have an important message to deliver to the Resistance. So, he quickly wrote a letter and solemnly handed it into the hands of Dasrema, and repeatedly told him to deliver the letter to Malfurion or Jarod in private and safely.

In the frontline barracks of the resistance army, the atmosphere was tense and solemn. The high-ranking generals, headed by Jarod, sat upright, facing the brightly dressed delegation of upper elf opposite.

The leader of the delegation was a blond night elf wearing a bright red robe. He behaved elegantly and greeted Jarod and others with the unique etiquette of a noble.

"Dear General Jarod and other generals, I am deeply honored to meet with you." Dath'Remar Sunstrider said in a loud and clear voice, "On behalf of Her Majesty Queen Azshara, I sincerely hope to discuss with you. How to end this meaningless war and jointly create peace between us."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a female high elf officer on Jarod's left couldn't help but sneer. Her eyes flashed with blazing hatred, staring at Dath'Rema closely, her tone full of disdain:

"Peace? Mr. Sun Chaser, are you kidding me? The queen who invited demons and massacred our people wantonly now wants peace? She even sent people to assassinate Kuta, the lord of Black Crow Castle who was determined to drive out demons as King Qin. Los Ravencrest, can such behavior be called seeking peace?"


Speaking of her excitement, she slammed the table and stood up, her voice full of anger and grief: "Don't joke with peace! If you really want peace, first kill those despicable people who are plotting assassinations. Hand it over! I will make them pay with blood!"

"Elissana." Jarod called softly, stood up at the same time, walked to her side, and patted her shoulder gently, "Take a deep breath and relax. The sacrifice of Lord Ravencrest, each of us The resistance fighters will remember it in their hearts. But now, let us calm down and listen to what Mr. Sun Chaser has to say."

Dath'Rema stared at the beautiful lady in front of him who was trembling with anger, and he couldn't help but feel sympathy in his heart: "If I guess correctly, you are the daughter of Lord Ravencrest, right? I, Dath'Rema Sunstrider, On behalf of my family, I would like to express my deepest condolences for your father's tragic loss."

"Lord Ravencrest was not only an outstanding noble, but also a hero in the hearts of many high-borne elves in Zin Aessaleen. His death indeed makes people feel endless regret.

"At this point, he shook his head helplessly, "However, the Queen's order...that is something we cannot change. As ministers, we can only obey.

"Hmph!" Elisana snorted coldly, but her mood obviously calmed down.

With Dath'Rema's sincere condolences and Jarod's comfort, she finally began to control her emotions. Although his face was still as gloomy as water, at least he didn't lose control again.

Gently patting Elisana's shoulder, Jarod comforted the descendant of Ravencrest in a gentle tone and motioned for her to sit down.

Then, his eyes turned to Dath'Rema, and his tone became serious: "Mr. Sunstrider, what happened to Lord Ravencrest is not an isolated incident. Prince Farodis of Azsuna also caused trouble for the Queen. The demons expressed their dissatisfaction with the behavior and were brutally suppressed. They were all the best among the upper elves, but they were brutally killed just because they disagreed with the queen's political views. The behavior of our resistance army was even more radical. Wouldn't the queen want us even more? Get rid of it quickly? So, how do you make us believe that Queen Azshara, who shows no mercy to dissenters, will sincerely seek reconciliation?"

Facing this problem, Dathrema couldn't help but frown.

He knew very well that in fact, he did not bring the queen's true sincerity. Azshara's attitude towards reconciliation was ambiguous. The so-called "sincerity" was just an empty word and could only be used to deal with it with clichés.

"I will convey all your doubts and concerns to Her Majesty the Queen. However, before that, I have a question I would like to know." Dath'Rema said, still maintaining the noble smile on his face. As if the troubles in his heart did not touch his emotions, "Soldiers, what kind of faith and determination did you have to choose to rise up and fight against Her Majesty the Queen, who once led the Dark Night Empire to glory?"

"Mr. Sun Chaser, you seem to be changing your concept." Upon hearing this, Jarod shook his head slightly and retorted, "The Queen's past achievements and her current crimes are two different things."

"It is true that Her Majesty the Queen did make great achievements for the Dark Night Empire in the first half of her life. She led our tribe to conquer the east and west, expanding the empire's territory to an unprecedented extent. She even successfully suppressed those who once ruled the world. The trolls made the glory of our night elves spread throughout the entire continent of Kalimdor." Jarod's words were full of praise for the queen's past achievements.

But then, he changed the topic and his eyes became sharp.

"However, these glorious achievements cannot cover up her subsequent crimes." Jarod's voice became deeper. "She actively recruited demons, slaughtered our civilians wantonly, and even attempted to destroy the entire world. These heinous crimes cannot be Offset by her past achievements.”

At this point, Jarod sighed and emphasized: "But please be clear, even if she reaches this point, our core goal is not to target Queen Azshara personally. Everything we do, It’s all to expel those demons and return peace and harmony to the land of Kalimdor.”

A trace of relief flashed in Maiev's eyes, and she stared at the imposing young brother in front of her. Since Jarod became the head coach of the resistance, Maiev was surprised and proud of his growth and transformation.

So, she immediately expressed her support.

"The position of the Sisters of Elune is equally clear." Maiev looked at Dath'Remar with an indifferent expression and said slowly, "." We don't care whether the Queen believes in Elune, because the Moon God never does. Interfering with anyone’s freedom of belief. However, Queen Azshara has summoned demons full of chaos and destruction and allowed them to enter the land of Azeroth. This is something Elune will never tolerate. We will never make any concessions until the Queen gives up her protection from the devil.

The statements of the Shadow Song siblings represent the determination of the military and the persistence of faith respectively. And Elisana, as a descendant of the traditional famous Ravencrest family, also expressed their demands and expectations together with other upper elves who were determined to resist.

"We must stop trusting the devil and let the Dark Night Empire return to the right track." Garrod concluded, "The contradiction between classes is not irreconcilable. As long as both parties are willing to sit down and negotiate with a peaceful mind, I believe we can find a balance that satisfies both parties.”

The firm belief and unwavering stance shown by the top leaders of the resistance army shocked Dath'Rema.

Compared with those nobles who were intoxicated in Zin Aissalin's luxurious life and only cared about pleasure without any long-term concerns, the members of the resistance in front of them seemed to have a stronger will and a stronger sense of unity.

It can be said that compared with the high-class elves who claim to be noble, these rebels are more like a party that adheres to justice and morality.

In particular, the original intention and ultimate goal of the resistance was never to rebel or subvert, but only to expel the Burning Legion that brought chaos and disaster to the world.

Such a reason seems so just and noble.

In comparison, those upper elves who thought they were superior seemed so selfish at this moment, as if they were the real villains.

All of this made Dath'Rema even more reluctant to associate with them, and he began to feel truly shaken deep in his heart.

Fengtian pacified the situation, cleared the emperor's side, respected the king and fought against the barbarians, expelled the Tartars...

Those slogans that have been tried and tested throughout history still seem to have irresistible power in the night elf society of Otherworld.

"...I have deeply felt your determination and attitude." After the deputy behind him reminded him softly, Dath'Rema came back from his deep contemplation. He took a deep breath and continued: "I will convey your views and demands to the Queen intact. I hope...

"Sorry, I came back a little late." Dath'Rema's words were interrupted by a sudden voice.

The curtain of the camp tent was gently opened, and a figure walked in. That was Malfurion who had just returned from the front line, and his face was full of exhaustion. .

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