Not long after, Jarod was surprised to find that there were still some night elf troops on standby. They are like forgotten islands, anxiously waiting for instructions that will never come.

"What's going on?" Jarod felt a surge of anger in his heart, "Now is the time to employ people, why are there still people standing still?"

The guard captain came galloping over with an angry expression on his face.

"What are you doing?" His voice was like thunder, blasting in the ears of the elves on standby, "Can't you see that the demon is killing our brothers and sisters~?"

One of the elf soldiers straightened his chest and replied: "We are waiting for Lord Desdale's order, captain."

His voice was firm, but revealed a hint of helplessness.

Jarod felt a pain in his heart. He understood that these soldiers did not know the death of their commander and thought that their noble lord would summon them at any time. He took a deep breath and suppressed the anger and frustration in his heart.

"How many archers are there in this army?" he asked.

"Dozens, captain of the guard!" the soldier replied.

Although this is far from enough to fight those evil demons, it is better than nothing. A flash of determination flashed in Jarod's eyes, and the archers were ready! Others are responsible for protection! Aim at those doomsday guards! Take them down!"

The soldier immediately issued the order, and the entire unit began to take action.

The archers quickly took up a favorable position, nocked arrows and drew their bows, aiming at the doomsday guards flying wantonly in the air. Others formed a circle to protect the archers.

At this moment, a man drove his mount quickly to Jarod. He was wearing exquisite armor, and his face was full of perseverance and loyalty.

He gave Jarod a military salute, and the salute made Jarod feel like he was the supreme commander.

"The city wall on the east side has been breached. We can't stand it any longer!" The voice of the messenger was full of anxiety and despair. The direction of his finger was a strategic point behind him near the middle.

"The commander in charge of the defense there sent me to ask for reinforcements! We need more troops, otherwise everything will be irreversible!"

Jarod's heart sank suddenly, and he immediately thought of the new friends who had just arrived two days ago - the warriors of the Tauren tribe.

They traveled all the way through the passes guarded by demons, and after all the hardships, they finally arrived near the resistance camp, and were looking for him by name, Jarod Shadowsong. According to their leader, they were invited by a druid named Levin Cuiye to come to help in the battle.

And according to the leader of the tauren tribe, they were just the vanguard, and their chief Huon Gaoling would arrive with a large force later.

At this moment, Jarrod's gratitude to Levin is beyond words. He knew that without the reinforcements brought by this druid, their current situation might be worse, and they might have fallen under the iron heel of the devil.

He quickly ordered the messenger: "Go to the warriors of the Tauren tribe quickly! Tell them that Captain Shadowsong Guard implores them to send some elite soldiers and generals to follow you to reinforce the frontline troops! We need their power to turn the tide of the war! "

The messenger took the order and left, but Jarod still felt a little uneasy. He looked up at the sky. Those Doomsday Guards were flying wantonly, "posing a great threat to the defenders on the ground.

He remembered something again and hurriedly added: "We also need to invite their best hunters to attack the doomsday guards in the sky! We cannot let these demons continue to slaughter our compatriots without restraint!"

After Jarod finished speaking, the other party's expression became more relaxed and he followed the order.

Before Jarod could clear his thoughts, two more people hurried over, their faces full of anxiety and expectation. Seeing this scene, Jarod guessed that people had seen him organizing forces to fight back, so some people mistakenly thought that he was commanding the troops in the name of Deszair's Star Eye.

Although this misunderstanding made him a little helpless, it also made him realize that the responsibility he shouldered was even greater.

Jarod tried to calm his inner turmoil. He knew that although he was not the commander, he could not ignore these people who came to ask for help.

He listened carefully to their needs, frowning, thinking about how to mobilize troops as quickly as possible to meet the needs of the front line.

However, what surprised him was that another Moon Guard officer wearing a robe quickly walked up to him. Jarod realized that he had never seen this officer before, and he seemed to have a new force under his command.

But no matter what, it's always good to have new power. Captain Shadowsong couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he saw the Moon Guard in robes.

He hurriedly stepped forward and shook hands with the officer.

"I am Danar," the Moon Guard officer said straight to the point. "Under the orders of Major Madrak, I came to seek rescue from the Captain of the Shadowsong Guard."

Darnall continued, "Our mages have effectively curbed the attack of those demon wizards. Although the casualties are not small, we have reorganized our forces. We are working hard to deal with those guys in the sky and the Eredar wizards in the distance. . However, the enemy seems to have sensed our weakness and is trying to send an elite team to attack us. Therefore, we need more protection!"

"Praise Levin Cuiye!" Jarod muttered this name silently in his heart, and at the same time thought of the name Madrak - that is a guard commander.

Madrak and his team were brought here last week by Levin Cuiye and his sister Maiev. They were originally the elite troops arranged by the Queen to guard Lasall Raza. However, when Levin led the Luna Priests of Razal Raza to break through their defenses, he conveniently instigated them to rebel. They resolutely chose to join the ranks of the resistance and became an indispensable force in this just war.

Now, the demons have launched a fierce counterattack, and the night elves' position is in danger. Although the mage group from Black Crow Castle is powerful, they are now in a situation where they have too much to take care of themselves.

At this critical moment, the new force led by Madrak appeared on the battlefield like divine soldiers descending from heaven. "Their arrival has undoubtedly injected new hope and life into the night elves."


Jarod tried hard to swallow the tension and anxiety in his mouth. He didn't want the mages around him to see his panic. He pretended to look calmly at the left wing troops in the distance, but he saw a heartbreaking sight: several rows of soldiers were tightly packed together to fight the coming demon. The soldiers in the front row could not form a team, and the soldiers in the back row were unable to form a team. The soldiers were extremely anxious because they could not exert their strength. Under the pushing and pushing of the people behind, many front row soldiers died tragically under the enemy's blade.

He hurriedly pulled out a soldier from the team and issued an order quickly: "I order you to follow him to the left wing immediately! Quickly draw a small group of troops from that army to support Major Madrak. At the same time, he told The others are temporarily taking a step back, waiting for my orders, and are ready to support the frontline troops at any time!"

Immediately afterwards, various requests and needs came in like a tide, drowning Jarod in them, without giving him any chance to breathe. Even the new Tauren allies are anxiously seeking help from him, hoping that he can guide them and solve their dilemma.

Jarod looked around, but could not find a more authoritative person to replace him, so he had to bite the bullet and answer their questions. His heart was filled with heaviness and helplessness, and he silently prayed that innocent lives would not be sacrificed in vain because of his decision-making.

The captain is always paying attention to the battle situation ahead. His soldiers have been pushed to the limit by the onslaught of the Doomsday Guard, and it seems that they may collapse at any time. However, at the last moment, they still gritted their teeth and persevered.

The Moon Guards and the archers worked closely together to concentrate their firepower against the winged demons, and achieved miraculous results. The doomsday guards were defeated and fled, and the jars in the arms of many escaped demons were still full, as if leaving a mark of shame for their failure.

Although the elven army suffered heavy casualties, Jarod breathed a sigh of relief as the battle situation gradually stabilized.

He hoped that his decision would prevent the casualties from worsening and bring a glimmer of hope to this difficult battle.

However, this alone is not enough.

At this time, a loyal guard and a small group of officers have gathered around him, who will become his right-hand assistants and messengers. Jarod quickly arranged them so that they could better communicate orders and coordinate battle plans. He will rely on their assistance to face the war and challenges ahead.

Seeing that the commotion on the battlefield had subsided a little, Jarod quickly seized this rare opportunity and led a group of people around him to a high ground.

His purpose was to find a position with good visibility and try to gain insight into the enemy's reality.

However, at this time, Jarod's heart was filled with longing.

How he wished that there were one or two powerful mages around him who could cast [Flying Technique] or [Arcane Eye] for them, so that they could soar into the sky like falcons and overlook the entire battlefield. In comparison, they could only foolishly climb the mountain and look far away, looking a bit clumsy. .

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