Archimonde stood on the high ground, staring at the battlefield below like an abyss.

His warriors were in full retreat. On the battlefield, batch after batch of demon soldiers fell into a pool of blood. Their bodies were broken under the sharp elves' blades, or trampled to pieces under the hooves of the night elves' ferocious mounts. end. Although the demons' counterattack was fierce and frantic, they seemed unable to win as expected in the face of the unwavering defenders of Black Crow Fortress.

Archimonde had a panoramic view of all this tragedy.

However, what is surprising is that there is no trace of anger on his face, but a faint smile hanging on the corners of his lips.

He watched the once powerful dragons leave one after another after killing each other, and watched Ravencrest fall, unable to wield the weapon in his hand anymore. The druid who dared to challenge Neltharion and caused a large-scale storm was not on the battlefield at this time.

He knew that the strength of the resistance army had actually reached its lowest point.

Archimonde deeply admired the power of the druid, and he knew that he was an opponent worthy of his respect.

But at this moment, looking at the rebels who were getting tired in the melee, an indescribable excitement surged in his heart.

"Now," he hissed softly, his voice full of cruelty, "it's time..."

His gaze penetrated the chaos of the battlefield, and it seemed that Ping had already seen the coming victory.

-Demarcation line of evil energy-

Jarod shuttled among the ruins of the camp, calling at the top of his lungs every soldier who could still fight. However, the sight before him made his heart heavy.

Demons are attacking everywhere, and the resistance lines of the resistance are in danger. The troops he has on hand are severely lacking [some people even choose to flee this home that is about to become a battlefield.

But his belief did not waver, and he still shouted firmly: "Everyone! Come forward! For Kalimdor, for our homeland!" 523

At this moment, a strange voice penetrated the din of the battlefield and floated into Jarod's ears.

The sound was like the noise of flocks of birds flying high, but it also brought him an ominous omen. He subconsciously raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

In the sky, a black mass of doomsday guards was flying rapidly.

Their huge figures looked even more eerie under the afterglow of the setting sun. Each doomsday guard was holding a huge jar tightly, and wisps of black smoke floated out of the jar from time to time, as if indicating the coming disaster.

"Elune on top!" Jarod exclaimed.

He clearly saw that those jars were also a big burden for the Doom Guards, and it was extremely difficult for them to fly holding them. However, this did not slow down their speed. They still flew towards the battlefield at full speed, rushing directly towards the elves guarding the front line... and then flew to the center of the team.

Jarod Shadowsong stared closely at these demons. The battle on the ground had entered a fierce stage. Many soldiers were deeply involved in it and had no time to care about the threats in the air.

Their commander, Desdale Stareye, was equally unaware of the impending danger.

Jarod took a deep breath, knowing that he was shouldering a great responsibility at this moment. The sacrifice of Lord Ravencrest caused their team to lose the backbone, and now, the sudden attack of the Doom Guard has plunged them into an unprecedented crisis.

Apart from Xingyan, there was no one else he could count on, and he had to remind the other person immediately—even if in his heart, Xingyan was an incompetent commander.

That's at least better than having no commander.

He quickly jumped onto his Night Saber mount Bard. This loyal beast seemed to feel the tension and determination of its owner. It roared low, kicked hard on the ground with its limbs, and carried Jarod towards Star Eyes. The direction of the flag galloped away.

Shortly after they left their place, the Doom Guards in the sky began their terrorist attack.

Jarod looked back and saw a doomsday guard pouring a huge jar in his hand, and the green liquid poured down like a waterfall [ruthlessly falling on the heads of the unsuspecting soldiers.

"Ah!" The soldiers screamed one after another. They fell to the ground instantly when they were touched by the green liquid, and their bodies gradually lost their vitality in the painful distortion.

Just a jar of liquid caused such heavy casualties - more than a dozen night elves were seriously burned, disabled, and some were even killed on the spot - Jarod's heart was filled with anger and helplessness.

Immediately afterwards, other doomsday guards also began to dump the jars in their hands, and the power of evil poured down like a torrential rain, shrouding the entire guard prison in a shadow of death.

The soldiers fled in all directions, their formation completely collapsed, and there was nothing they could do in the face of this sudden disaster.

"Don't...don't be like this!"

Some soldiers cried out in despair and ran away, exhausted, and the whole team was in chaos and collapsed. They can face the enemy's claws and blades bravely, because these threats can be fought off with weapons, but in the face of the behavior of the doomsday guards, they can do nothing, and their voices are soon drowned in the terrifying In evil energy.

Jarod held the reins tightly, urging Bard the Night Saber to gallop across the chaotic battlefield. The painful screams of the soldiers kept coming to his ears, and each sound was like a needle piercing his heart. He didn't dare to stop at all, because he knew that only by finding Desdale Star Eyes could he save this army that was about to perish.

Finally, in the chaos in the distance, he saw the familiar flag—the battle flag of Desdale Stareye.

The battle flag fluttered in the wind, as if guiding Jarod's direction. He felt happy and immediately accelerated his speed, rushing towards the battle flag.

Not long after, he saw Star Eyes under the war flag. However, the sight in front of him made him instantly feel despair.

Desdale Star Eyes sat on the mount, his eyes closed tightly, his face gray, as if he had lost the breath of life.

His battle plans, those grand blueprints that once made Xingyan confident, have now completely come to naught.

Jarod was stunned on the back of his mount, unable to accept this cruel reality for a while. The soldiers under his command are still fighting, but the commander has given up. How could he do this.

Guard captain Jarod galloped over on a night saber, and his figure flashed past the guards and a noble.

His hands were trembling and he stretched out to the commander. "My voice was urgent and pleading: "My lord," please take action!! We can't let those demons continue to wreak havoc!"

However, Star Eyes did not react at all, still sitting on the mount like a dead person. Subordinates and guards also gathered around. They looked helplessly at their commander, their faces full of loss and confusion.

"Commander!" Jarod shouted loudly, trying to wake up Star Eyes, "We need you, Lord Star Eyes! What to do!?"

However, Star Eyes just muttered: "It's too late, because it's too late!"

His eyes looked away blankly, as if he had despaired of everything in front of him, "We are finished! Everything is finished!"

Jarod's heart suddenly sank. Suddenly, there was a sound in the distance, and he instinctively looked to the sky. They saw two demons hovering above them, holding jars full of venom in their arms, ready to dump at any time.

His heart tightened, knowing that danger was coming.

He quickly grabbed the commander's arm and shouted: "Danger, get out of here!"

However, Xingyan just threw his arm away contemptuously, and the expression on his face became a little dull.

"Let me go!" he said coldly, "Who do you think you are, Jarod! Who do you think you are?"

Jarod stared at the star in disbelief, his voice trembling: "Commander, it's dangerous here! Please believe me!"

However, Xingyan just gave him a cold look and threatened: "Get out of here, or I'll lock you up!"

Jarod felt angry and helpless in his heart. He knew that he could no longer persuade this guy who had lost his mind to leave. He jerked the reins and drove his mount away from this dangerous place.

The demon behind him began to pour out the venom in his hands, and Jarod's heart was filled with endless grief and anger. He knew that this battle had been completely lost and they had lost too much


Jarod's departure seemed to be protected by a god—according to the night elves—the moon god.

The moment he turned to leave, disaster poured down like a torrential rain.

A large amount of evil energy suddenly poured down on Xingyan and the people around him. The green liquid seemed to come from the furnace of hell, easily melting the metal armor and burning their skin. A sharp pain came through his heart, and the star-eyed night saber couldn't bear the sudden pain, and suddenly threw his master's hissing body out.

Star Eyes fell heavily to the ground, and his once proud face was now distorted by fear, making it almost unrecognizable. The situation of his men and guards was also extremely miserable. Those who were not yet dead were twitching on the ground, their faces were beyond recognition, and the screams came one after another, making people shudder.

At this moment, Jarod could only watch all this happen, but he could do nothing to help them. 【013503125Feilu231201131】

His heart was filled with endless grief and anger, but more importantly, a deep helplessness.

The Doom Guards flew freely in the sky, as if they were laughing at the helpless night elves. The attacks from the night elf guards posed almost no threat to them. Only sporadic arrows shot out from the ground, occasionally shooting down a few doomsday guards.

The Moon Guards fought hard, but could only barely resist the enemy's attack. The strength of the entire army was not brought into play. They were like a group of scattered sheep that were left to be slaughtered.

Jarod was shocked by the disorganization and lack of organization of the army. He couldn't help but remember that Star Eyes had long ago replaced all the officers under the former commander with his cronies.

At this moment, he finally understood the true face of those cronies - they were just villains who were greedy for power and had no regard for the overall situation. Their existence would only weaken the strength of the army and plunge the entire army into chaos and despair.

I'm sorry that updates are not stable as I'm traveling abroad, but I will try my best to update it at least twice a day.

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