When they finally reached the top of the hill, the sight before them made Jarod frown.

The enemy's follow-up troops are like a giant dragon with no end in sight, winding and spreading in the distance. The huge formation and fierce momentum make people feel an invisible sense of oppression.

Jarod knew that this battle was not optimistic for the resistance.

They pursued rashly under the blind orders of their former commander, Star Eyes. Unexpectedly, they were caught off guard by the devil's sudden counterattack. They lost their geographical advantage and failed to establish a stable defense line. In this case, additional reinforcements were necessary. Just fine.

"They should have arrived." Jarod looked in the direction of Suramar and prayed silently in his heart.

From the moment the counterattack began, he had already sent people to Suramar in the rear to ask for help. The Grand Magister Elisande and her mages there have the ability to initiate large-scale teleportation. According to time calculation, reinforcements should have arrived on the battlefield long ago. However, there was no sign of him now, and Jarod knew that something must have happened.

In fact, from the beginning of the counterattack, he sent people to Suramar in the rear, where the great mage Elisande was in charge at this time. With the abilities of the mages under Elisande, they can "one or five "Seven" launched the large-scale teleportation. Judging by the time, the guide should have arrived long ago. He knew something must be wrong.

His heart was full of anxiety and uneasiness, but the expression on his face remained firm and calm. He knows that he is the leader of this team and the pillar of support in everyone's hearts. He couldn't show any panic or frustration at this time.

When the messengers hurried back with the magician's message, Jarod's heart suddenly surged with endless hope. Elisande's reply was full of praise and promised to help them defeat the Legion. However, as time passed, Jarod was still unable to see a single Suramar soldier. He waited anxiously, filled with doubts and uneasiness.

In order to confirm the situation, Jarod sent several messengers in succession, but these people never returned. He stood on the high ground and looked into the distance in the direction of Suramar, "his heart was filled with despair.

A feeling of abandonment gradually came to his heart, making him feel extremely helpless.

"No! This is impossible!" He shook his head desperately, trying to deny this terrible idea. However, this idea grew like a weed in his heart and could not be contained.

Jarod tried hard to convince himself that the Black Crow Fortress was Suramar's barrier. Once the Black Crow Fortress rebels were wiped out, Suramar would cease to exist. Elisande must know this, so she will definitely send reinforcements to support them.

However, as time went by, his hope gradually faded and his uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

He began to wonder if Elisande had surrendered, or if she had found a way to protect herself but never mentioned it to anyone. These thoughts made him feel extremely painful and desperate, and he didn't know how to face this cruel reality.

At this tense moment, a sentry hurried over with a somewhat panicked look on his face.

"Lord Jarod!" he said breathlessly, "there seems to be some movement in the devil's front."

Jarod immediately frowned, knowing that at this critical moment, any slight disturbance could affect the direction of the entire battle. He quickly calmed down his emotions, and then asked decisively: "I want the specific situation, soldier."

After Jarod consolidated his position as commander, he immediately showed his true colors. In the last battle, the captain of the guard encountered a critical moment in his life: facing the defeat of the army, he was not the commander, but he could not stand idly by; when he really got that position, he realized the responsibility on his shoulders. How heavy is the burden - he must try his best to issue stupid orders. Even if he is from a humble background and has not received a complete military education, he still has to make the right decision - otherwise his comrades will be blamed for him. and die°

He has persisted until now under such pressure, and it is in this process that his majesty has gradually accumulated.

The sentry swallowed and tried to calm down: "It seems to be a large group of tauren, and... there are also some monsters that look like bears."

Upon hearing the news, Jarod suddenly felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart. He didn't bother to ask any more questions and quickly looked in the direction pointed by the sentry.

The elf's eyesight has always been sharp, and he soon spotted a tauren warrior, holding a sharp spear, rampaging through the demon's front like a wild rhinoceros. Behind the tauren warrior were a group of furbolgs. They were huge and powerful. Every time they waved their arms, they seemed to be able to stir up a strong wind.

"It's reinforcements!" Shadow Song's voice was full of excitement.

Hearing these words in the ears of the people around him, it was like a bright fire, cutting through the silence in the darkness, instantly igniting hope in everyone's hearts.

Jarod stood on the high ground, looking firmly into the distance. He did not say anything more, nor did he reveal where the support army came from - he saw the troops promised by the tauren, and a group of furbolgs.

The reinforcements from Suramar that Jarod had always thought he relied on never came, which was a bit disappointing. On the contrary, Levin Cuiye, whom Jarod had never considered, had been bringing him surprise.

It is self-evident which side is more reliable.

This druid not only brought the large army he promised, but also brought this group of powerful furbolgs. Their joining undoubtedly injected new vitality and hope into the resistance.

"The time has come!" Jarod raised his sword high and shouted loudly, "Blow the horn and let us fight the devil!"

His voice was full of determination and confidence, as if he had already seen the victory scene. This is a crazy order, but it is also an order full of courage and determination.

In fact, Jarod Shadowsong has always been unwilling to be the commander of the army.

He wore a suit of shining armor. Although this set of armor does not have gorgeous heraldic decorations, the red and orange arcs on the upper body outline a unique beauty. His cloak was also the same color, fluttering gently in the wind, like a burning flame. He wears a helmet decorated with a heraldry on his head, and behind the helmet is a tail braided with night saber hair, which looks both majestic and mysterious.

In the past, he didn't have much ambition. He only hoped that he could get an official position and wear beautiful armor commensurate with his position... But now, he forced himself to change this idea. He no longer just fights for personal honor and status, but for the survival and dignity of the entire elven race.

No one dared to question or argue with Jarod's orders. The performance of the guard captain impressed everyone. He set an example and rushed to the devil's front.

Under his leadership, the elven army pounced on the enemy like tigers descending from a mountain. For a moment, the battlefield was filled with loud killing sounds and the shadows of swords and swords intertwined.

A wounded white stag?

Huon Gaoling had never seen such a beautiful and harmonious creature. Its horns were bent just right, as if it were a masterpiece of nature. However, the demon blood stained on the horns destroyed this harmony and made Hu En feel sick.

He couldn't help but feel a surge of respect in his heart.

Mother Earth! Even animals like this are bravely defending Azeroth. How can they, the tauren who are warriors, back down?

Hu En lowered his head carefully and gently touched the wound of the white stag. The beautiful animal seemed to feel his kindness, trembled slightly, and then shrank its body warily. Hu En was surprised to find that its eyes were shining with a faint blue light, as if it contained some mysterious power.

"What are you doing? This is not hunting time." A rough voice interrupted Hu En's thoughts. Unk, the furbolg leader, walked behind him curiously and looked at his new friend and the injured stag.

Unk's body exuded a strong fighting spirit, and his shoulders and arms were a little sore from continuously killing demons. However, his eyes were still firm and sharp, revealing his desire to fight and his persistence in winning.

Hu En was not angry because of Unk's words. He knew that the blameless leader did not mean any harm. He turned his head, looked at Unk and said, "I need some time."

Then, he took out the spare bandage from his body and began to bandage the buck's wound.

The bandage was made of rough linen, but it became extremely soft in Hu En's hands. He gently wrapped the buck's wound, his eyes full of tenderness and care

He knew that this strong creature was their comrade-in-arms, and if it could be allowed to stand up again, the demon's casualties would be even more severe.

Unk stared at Hu En, and the feelings in his heart were complicated and difficult to describe. This tauren warrior, as described by the druid named Levin, is so powerful that it is awe-inspiring. When he faced Hu En, he could even feel the pressure as heavy as a mountain.

However, Unk also clearly saw that Hu En seemed a bit difficult to understand in some aspects. In this battlefield where life and death are intertwined, every moment is full of crisis. Hu En put his precious energy on a wounded stag.

"Whatever you want." Unke shook his head helplessly. He was not a ruthless person, but he knew that on the battlefield, sometimes difficult choices had to be made.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a group of demons rushing towards him. Their ferocious faces and evil aura made the air seem to freeze. Unk suddenly became energetic, he stretched his muscles, and then rushed forward with his men without fear. .

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