"I understand, you are here for reinforcements to deal with those demons." Hu En spoke slowly, every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, "And the person you are looking for... ..it is me."

When he said this, his eyes penetrated Levin's body and looked at Zin Azali, which met the skyline from a distance. Levin could see the hatred in his eyes at this time.

"So, you can speak on behalf of the tauren, right?" Levin asked deliberately, "I have always heard that there is a legendary figure among the tauren named Huon Gaoling. He has been conquering east and west. Join forces vertically and horizontally, working hard to unify the various tauren tribes. You are that person, right?"

"That's right! There is only one Hu En Gaoling in the world, and that's me!" When Hu En heard this, he straightened his chest and his eyes shone with pride. He snorted vigorously, with unconcealable pride in his voice.

Although he was dissatisfied with the arrogant attitude of the night elf, at this moment, the arrogant night elf actually knew his name and deeds, which made him feel extremely proud and honored.

However, Hu En's pride did not make him completely let down his guard. Then he frowned again and stared at Levin in confusion: "But, how do you know so much? You guys with long ears never cared in the past. What happens in the wilderness.”

Compared to most races, the tauren and night elves don't have that much hatred, because the tauren like to live on grasslands, while the night elves have little interest in grasslands with sparse trees. These nature-advocating creatures prefer woodlands.

Levin smiled slightly, already prepared.

He knew that in order for this tauren warrior to trust him completely, he must give a reasonable explanation. He calmly opened his eyes and told lies: "I once left the Dark Night Empire, traveled around, and made many friends of different races. I heard about your deeds from a friend of the Bloodhoof tribe."

When Hu En heard this, his brows relaxed a little. He knew that the Bloodhoof tribe was a powerful tribe among the tauren and had some contact with the night elves. Levin was able to hear about his deeds from them, which was reasonable.

Moreover, compared to most races, the hatred between tauren and night elves is not deep. Because tauren like to live in vast grasslands, while night elves prefer dense woodlands. There is not much conflict between the two races in their living habits and territorial choices.

"Bloodhoof?" Hu En Gaoling's eyes flashed with recognition. He nodded slowly, and his eyes when looking at Levin became much gentler. "I seem to have heard of this last name... Since You learned about my deeds from them, so you can be considered a friend of our tauren."

He snorted and continued, "Since you are a friend, it doesn't hurt to let you know some things... To be honest, not only you guys with long ears, but also my tribe has suffered When the monsters burning with green flames attacked." Hu En's voice was low and full of anger, "Those hateful guys, they slaughtered my people, destroyed our home, and plunged our lives into endless fear and fear. Lord of pain."

When Levin heard this, he was shocked. He quickly put his hand on his left chest and bowed deeply to express his condolences for the lost life and sympathy for the Huon tribe.

"So, I vow to drive these evil guys out of this world! I will never let them continue to do whatever they want and trample on our homes and lives. Hu En Gaoling also confessed his purpose of coming," it is said that their main battlefield In your country with long ears, so before launching a full-scale attack, I plan to come over and conduct a reconnaissance in person. first

I want to serve as a frontline for my people, and secondly, I hope to find more like-minded allies to fight side by side to completely eliminate these guys!"

"You actually came to investigate alone?" Levin blurted out, his face full of surprise.

In his opinion, such an action is tantamount to breaking into a dragon's pond and a tiger's den single-handedly, which requires extremely high courage and strength.

Hu En Gao Ling, as the leader of a clan, would actually do this without even bringing a companion. He was truly unique.

The tauren Hu En Gaoling in front of him nodded proudly, extremely confident in his own strength. He waved the spear in his hand, and the tip of the spear drew a sharp arc in the air, showing Levin his battle history.

Levin noticed that there were more than twenty braids hanging from his clothes, each one representing an opponent he had killed in battle. Most of these braids hang around his chin, swaying gently with his movements, as if telling his bravery and glory.

That's right, as a legendary hunter, Huon Gaoling is indeed qualified to do this.

"Great!" Levin clapped his hands and replied happily, "Black Crow Castle needs your help now! If you want to know information about the devil, just ask me! I promise to tell you everything!"

After learning about the war so far described by Levin and the staggering specific strength of the devil's side, Huon Gaoling also took a breath.

He originally thought that the demon team that invaded their tribe was strong enough, but now he realized that he still underestimated this race. At the same time, he became more determined to form an alliance with the night elves.

Upon seeing this, Levin felt an indescribable inspiration in his heart.

With the joining of the legendary Tauren chief, their strength will be greatly increased. However, he also knows the simplicity and straightforwardness of the Tauren, and is worried that they will encounter unnecessary trouble in the complicated alliance relationship.

So, he solemnly reminded Hun: "Go and talk to Jarod Shadowsong. He is the most friendly general to foreign races in the resistance. With him, you can avoid many unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts." (Wang Wang’s)

Otherwise, Levin was worried that they would be angry at Star Eye, and it would be terrible if the unlearned and incompetent flag commander ran away in anger.

Huon Gaoling nodded, indicating that he had remembered Levin's suggestion.

Farewell to this admirable tauren chief, Levin left the wilderness with full expectations.

His mission is far from complete. Next, he will continue to look for potential allies - such as quilboars and furbolgs. As long as they are willing to fight for this world, they will be their valuable companions.

In fact, Levin never imagined that his operation would go so smoothly. Originally, he thought that he would have to wander around the vast grassland for a month or two before he could find traces of the Tauren. Unexpectedly, he met the leader of the Tauren so quickly, and what made him even more delighted was that the leader came with almost no hesitation. Offer to help.

All this gave Levin confidence in his next move. .

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