The situation faced by the rebels is actually far more severe than they could imagine. Although the storm summoned by Levin once put the Burning Legion's attack into trouble, it only gave the resistance a short respite.

In the days that followed, the Burning Legion did not rest too much due to this natural disaster. They quickly regained their strength and launched a new round of attack with a more violent offensive.

The night elves on the defensive, despite their bravery and fearlessness, were still retreating - their physiological needs became a major weakness in the battle. They need sleep and food to replenish their physical strength. However, in this time of war, these basic needs have become luxurious and difficult to meet. In contrast, those demons are not subject to this restriction at all. They are like tireless machines, able to fight day and night, and even if they die in battle, their souls will only return to the Twisting Nether.

Only when they are at an absolute disadvantage will they choose to withdraw their troops and call a truce. However, such a retreat is often only temporary. They will soon come back and soak every ten inches of the land with blood.

Even if they withdraw their troops, they will come back and soak every inch of the land with blood.

The morale of the night elf defenders was declining day by day, and Jarod Shadowsong was filled with worry. He looked around for Levin, but the druid who had played a huge role on the battlefield had disappeared after bringing back a group of moon guards and moon priests from La Salraza23.

Jarod asked his sister Maiev and learned that Levin had left the Black Crow Citadel.

Jarod knew in his heart that Levin's departure was not because of fear of demons, but because of Desdale Stareye. The arrogant nobleman plunged Black Crow Hold into chaos, his prejudices and stubbornness turning what should have been a common cause into an endless squabble. The night elves have never really joined forces with other races to fight side by side. They only know how to deal with their own people, which makes them isolated and helpless when facing the attack of the Burning Legion.

"That Druid must have left because of Star Eyes." Jarod thought sadly.

Levin's performance on the battlefield was eye-catching. He saved the rebels from danger several times, but was easily angered by Star Eyes. What a huge loss this was to the night elf defenders!

Jarod tried to persuade Star Eyes to accept new allies, but the prejudiced noble scorned him. He firmly believes that his own race is the most superior, and other races are weak and unworthy of mention. This narrow-mindedness frustrated Garrod to no end.

In fact, Jarod's contribution on the battlefield is no less than Levin's. He took care of every detail and worked with his own hands, carefully coordinating the deployment of various units, and strived to make every soldier focus on the same goal and exert the greatest combat effectiveness.

When the morale of the army was disturbed by Star Eye's arrogance and prejudice, it was Jarod who stepped forward to unite the frustrated lower-level officers. He knows that only by uniting as one can we defeat powerful enemies. He is completely different from the pretentious Star Eyes. With his practical actions and sincere attitude, he "won the trust and respect of the officials.

Under the leadership of Jarod, those originally frustrated officers regained their confidence and fighting spirit. They support each other and face the difficulties and obstacles on the battlefield together. Jarod's existence gave the entire army new vitality and vitality.

It can be said that he has greatly influenced the army's strategy as much as the pretentious Star Eyes - but unlike Star Eyes, Jarod's influence on the army is positive and positive. He used his wisdom and courage to develop a series of practical strategies and tactics for the army. His decision-making always focuses on the overall situation, with the safety of soldiers' lives as his primary consideration. Under his leadership, the army's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved. Only then can it still fight with a commander like Star Eye.

There was actually a reason why Jarod Shadowsong couldn't find Levin. His biological sister Maiev chose to remain silent [without telling him the real purpose of Levin's departure] to find an ally for the rebel wife.

Now he is still at the stage where he needs to build up his reputation among the resistance, and inviting allies is one of his plans. The task of finding allies does not require him to go to the battlefield in person, nor does he face swords, swords, and bloodshed, but it does require him to have a deep understanding of the habits, culture, and history of each race, especially those that have the potential to become allies. understanding and keen insight.

Such conditions are indeed difficult to meet for the arrogant night elves. They have been self-contained for a long time, look down on all foreign races, and think that they are all barbarians, which directly leads to their understanding of other races.

However, this condition is easy for Levin, a prophetic traveler. Therefore, this is a cost-effective way for Levin to gain reputation.

It had been two days since Levin set out. In these two days, Levin successfully left the night elves' national border and came to the grassland west of Black Crow Castle on the map.

A smell of mirage gently drifted past the tip of Levin's nose. His whole body tensed up and he looked around alertly.

This is definitely not a smell that normal grassland creatures can have. There must be someone nearby.

After this moment of silence, a furry figure with a cloth bag wrapped around his waist suddenly appeared in his sight. The guy stopped suddenly, holding a spear in his hand - it was an extraordinary thing, the tip of the spear flashed with cold light, revealing a sharp murderous aura.

Levin looked intently and saw the big guy looking down at him. His rough forehead was covered with wrinkles and a pair of terrifying sharp horns stood on top of his head. There were two black glass-like eyes embedded in his eyes, shining with firm and vigilant gaze. The bursts of air spurting out of his nose made the nose ring jingle slightly, as if announcing his arrival.

Levin's heart moved, and he was delighted to think that he had found the tauren 10,000 years later so quickly. However, he soon discovered something unusual: the other person's horns were fan-shaped, like coral, which was similar to the well-known Kane Bloodhoof. There are big differences between the tauren tribes he leads.

He instantly realized that this tauren was not from the tribe he was most familiar with, but from the tauren tribe in the High Mountains.

Despite this, tauren are still tauren, and their tenacity and courage are common.

But Levin was still confused. He was sure that he was not far from the territory of the night elves [Why were traces of the Highmountain tauren discovered so quickly? What does this mean?

Levin took the first step forward and greeted the other party in Tauren language, which he was not fluent in: "Hello, warrior from Highmountain, I am..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the messy-haired Minotaur.

"Night Elf, you can actually speak the language of my people?" The burly tauren rumbled in a low and powerful voice. "There was surprise and confusion in his voice.

Levin was slightly stunned by the too loud voice, but quickly regained his composure. He cleared his throat and introduced himself loudly: "I am Levin Cuiye, the messenger from the night elves. I am here for this trip. The purpose is to get the help of the Tauren tribe to jointly resist the enemies that threaten our homeland."

The tauren warrior looked at Cai Wen with his deep and alert eyes, as if judging his sincerity and intention.

After a moment, he slowly spoke: "My name is Huon, Huon High Ridge. I am the user of the Eagle Spear!" As he spoke, he raised the spear in his hand high, sharp and curved. The spearhead shone coldly in the sun, as sharp as an eagle's horn.

Levin noticed that there was a piece of skin tightly tied between the metal spear head and the spear handle, which was engraved with tauren writing. He was no stranger to the tauren culture and knew that what was recorded in this skin was the history and glory of this spear.

This is not only a weapon, but also the symbol and inheritance of the Tauren tribe.

Hu En continued: "We tauren and you night elves don't seem to have any friendship, and they can even be said to be strangers. You arrogant guys will never look at us 'barbarians'. So, I I'm curious, why did you come here to seek help from us barbarians?"

"Nice to meet you, Huon." Levin smiled and nodded, unfazed by Huon Gaoling's slight indifference. He knew very well that these were all caused by the historical entanglements between the night elves' predecessors and the tauren tribe, and he was not one of those arrogant night elves.

But he still knew the name Huon Highmountain. He clearly remembered that this legendary figure was the chief of the Tauren of Highmountain, and almost unified the entire Tauren tribe during the War of the Ancients. In addition, he is the eternal mentor of the hunter. The eagle's claw in his hand is known as the spear of the wilderness gods. It is the supreme artifact of survival hunters and possesses unrivaled power.

Levin knew that time was running out, and countless lives were lost every second in the invasion of the Burning Legion.

He stopped talking too much. Although it might seem a bit abrupt to get to the point directly, he still stared into Hu En's eyes and said sincerely: "Where are your people, Hu En? The world is in urgent need of their help now. The devil's Minions have spread all over the earth, and countless creatures are suffering. I believe that your people, and the artifacts in your hands, will definitely become an important force against the Burning Legion. The eagle's claws will easily destroy the demon's armor, and for this world Land brings hope.”

Upon hearing the word "tribesman", Hu En's eyes instantly became sharp, his face darkened, and sparks of anger jumped in his eyes. He held the spear in his hand tightly, his fingers turning pale from excessive exertion.

Obviously, Guowen's words touched his heart invisibly.

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