Levin no longer has time to worry about Star Eyes. He knows that on this cruel battlefield, the devil will not show mercy to Star Eyes because of his noble status. Let those ruthless enemies deal with him.

Tyrande and Maiev chose to go with him to find his companions. The three of them walked in the dense forest. The sun cast mottled light and shadow through the treetops, but it could not dispel the haze in their hearts.

On the way, Tyrande comforted him softly: "Levin, this is not your fault. Star Eyes' behavior is really outrageous, and his actions have deviated from the principles and mission of the coalition."

"Who says it's not?" Maiev nodded in agreement, "If the coalition forces are led by him for a few more days, it will be over.

"What's worse is that he has formulated a very radical attack plan." Levin sighed, "I'm worried that this will put the coalition forces into a desperate situation."

When Ravencase was still there, this adjutant from a noble family could only handle paperwork and had no access to military power, so he could not have any adverse impact on the resistance. However, since Ravencase was killed, No one in the coalition forces dared to challenge Star Eye's authority head-on. Star Eyes is tall and powerful, and his majesty and power are intimidating.

In habitual obedience to the noble status, no one can resist his tyranny.

From then on, the top ranks of the coalition forces were occupied by a group of unlearned nobles. There was no longer a noble general with a lot of experience and experience like Black Crow Leader.

It would be good if a person like Desdale Star Eyes could settle for mediocrity. The worst thing is that this guy actually has great ambitions, but combined with his incompetence, people are even more worried about his future. Full of worry.

This is just like the fastest way for the wealth of a wealthy family to shrink is for the rich second generation to start a business.

Azeroth follows the same logic. If he continues like this, his ambition may only lead him and his people to the abyss of destruction.

"We can't pin our hopes on Desdale, Levin." Maiev suddenly turned to Levin and said urgently, "We have to find a way.

The smoke of the war has not completely dissipated, and both Tyrande and Maiev have begun to seek new strategies.

Maiev admired Levin's performance in the war and fully recognized his wisdom and decisiveness. She believed, "Levin may be able to point them to ten clear paths."

"How?" Levin frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and then said half-jokingly: "I think your brother Jarod is quite popular among the warriors, why don't we overthrow Star Eyes?"

How about letting your brother be the commander-in-chief?"

"Not very good." As soon as he finished speaking, Maiev twitched her lips helplessly, "Levin, stop showing your sense of humor. What we need now is a practical plan, not a joke. "

Maiev didn't know that Levin was not joking. After the failure of Star Eyes in history, her brother, Lord Shadowsong, was the one who succeeded him.

Levin did not expose this point, thought for a while, and said: "Logically speaking, once Ravencase dies, his children should inherit the Black Crow Fortress. We can find them to suppress Star Eyes and balance the current situation." situation."

"Are you talking about Elisana Ravencrest?" Tyrande frowned slightly when she heard this.

She was more familiar with the affairs of the Ravencrest family than Levin and Maiev. She shook her head gently and reminded: "I have met her before. As soon as she heard the news that her father was killed in battle, she immediately broke down. I'm afraid she Now I have no ability to inherit my father's legacy, let alone suppress Star Eyes."

"The mud can't hold up the wall, so there's nothing we can do." After listening to Tyrande's words, Levin sighed helplessly, "In this case, we can't place our hopes on the night elves. We must look for other races. , form an alliance to fight against the enemy together.”

"Other races?" Tyrande and Maiev both looked at Levin in surprise. They had never thought of this possibility.

"Yes, other races. For example, the tauren, they have strong strength and tenacity; for example, the wild boars, although they are savage, their fighting power cannot be underestimated; and the pandaren, they are highly skilled in martial arts and rich in wisdom." This, Levin knows very well, "The emergence of demons not only affects us night elves, but all living things in Azeroth. If we can ally with them and fight against demons together, then the balance of victory may tilt towards us."

"What a great idea, as expected of you." Tyrande clasped his hands together, his eyes shining with admiration.

This suggestion is very consistent with Levin's identity. After all, his character is a night elf druid who has traveled far and wide and has an in-depth understanding of various races.

"I have seen the power of the tauren," Maiev nodded in agreement. "They are not only physically strong, but also full of wisdom. More importantly, they have a gentle personality and are indeed trustworthy allies."

"The tauren are indeed the most suitable allies," Levin suddenly pointed out, "but there is a problem that is difficult to solve."

"What's the problem?" Tyrande and Maiev asked in unison.

"Tauren are nomadic people. They do not have a fixed settlement." Levin sighed and explained: "This means that we need to spend a lot of manpower and time to find them. Moreover, nomads generally do not appear in the forest. They prefer to live in plains or plateaus and in rugged areas such as mountains. Only there can we find their traces.

Plains or plateaus?

Upon hearing this, Tyrande and Maiev both fell into deep thought.

They took out a map and looked at it carefully.

"Look there." Maiev pointed to the west of Black Crow Fortress. According to the diagram, there is a vast plain area. Levin recognized that this area will probably be the Barrens and Mulgore Plains in the next ten thousand years. At least ten thousand years later, the tauren lived in this area. Although there was only a few feet away from Black Crow Fortress on the map, the three of them knew how far away that place was.

"That place is a plain area, but... the area is still too big." Levin sighed, "It seems that we can only try our luck, but it is better than sitting still and waiting for death.

At the same time, someone at the coalition command office also made the same suggestion.

Accompanied by Brox and Jarod, Krasus and Ronin stepped into Star Eye's headquarters. Their purpose was very clear: to persuade the new commander to put aside his prejudices and ask for help from other races to form an army. A powerful coalition fights against the threat of the Burning Legion.

However, what they did not expect was that Star Eyes' attitude towards them was several times colder than towards Levin.

Xingyan sat on the large command chair without any image, and did not straighten up a little because they came in. After listening to their statements, his eyes casually swept over the four people, with a disapproving smile hanging on the corner of his mouth. , while pouring some white powder from a small bottle, sniffing it gently, and said, "Lord Cortalus Ravencrest has set rules on this issue, and I must respect his wishes. .”

As early as the period when Ravencrest was in charge, Krasus and Ronin had proposed alliances with other races. However, the Lord of Black Crow Castle firmly rejected this proposal. This veteran nobleman was loyal to Queen Azshara and believed that the queen had been deceived. Therefore, he regarded this war as an internal matter of the country and was unwilling to allow external forces to intervene.

And now, Star Eyes actually used Ravencase's words as an excuse to prevaricate them.

The atmosphere of the discussion instantly became tense. Brox and Jarod frowned, and even Krasus and Luo Ning felt a sense of powerlessness welling up in their hearts. From the various attitudes of Star Eyes, they already understood that they wanted to convince this person whom Zhou Zhi had already met. It is almost an impossible task to be with the commander.

However, although the discussion has ended, it does not mean that they have given up on this plan.

They know the Burning Legion much better than the ignorant new commander. They all know that it will not take long for the Burning Legion to recover, and Archimonde will soon remobilize his troops to deal with the night elves. .....When the time comes, the demon leader will launch an attack in a crazier and more terrifying way, and they need to be fully prepared before then.

Even if the night elves can be brave and fearless in the future, build on Levin's results, and successfully push back the invaders, or even let them flee in embarrassment back to the gate of Zin Azalin City, it still does not mean real success. .

As long as the portal continues to open, the war will never end. That portal, which symbolizes disaster and destruction, is the real nightmare of this continent, constantly devouring their hopes and efforts.

Because, if the upper elves and demons successfully strengthened the portal, then no matter how brave the night elves fought, they would not be able to stop the continuous influx of demons.

What's even more terrifying is that if Sargeras really comes to their world, then all the efforts and sacrifices will be in vain. This fallen titan is much more powerful than Archimonde. He can sweep through thousands of armies with just a wave of his hand. No existence in this world can stop him. 【013503123 Feilu 181541171】

All the above made Crassus determined. He looked around and looked at the people gathered around him. In order to avoid the worst outcome, he finally said what he thought was the only solution.

"Lord Ravencrest's strategy has been proven wrong before. Although he hesitated, he still insisted on saying this, regardless of the fact that such words might damage the late lord's reputation," and Star Eyes is now Can't listen to any good advice at all. If we fail to unite all races, Kalimdor - this world - will face destruction. "

"But, Krasus, I know Star Eyes better than you." As soon as he finished speaking, Jarod said in a deep voice, "You should already be very clear about his stubbornness and arrogance. This Lord Star Eyes will never To negotiate with other races.”

Krasus nodded bitterly, "I know. So, we can only talk for him...

He said, turning his eyes to Luo Ning, "Luo Ning, you were right before. We once wanted to rely on the Dragon Clan, but now they are no longer in our consideration. Cleostraz has already gone to reconnaissance Their movements, but I am worried that as long as Neltharion holds the talisman, the dragon clan will not be able to provide us with any help."

"Then, we must contact other races." He sighed and said, "Tauren, wild boars, furbolgs... We must do everything possible to convince them and let them understand the crisis of this world. . Even if they once dismissed our request for help, now we must let them see our sincerity and determination."

Brox also held the battle ax in his hand tightly and supported Krasus in a rough voice: "That's right! We can't let this world be destroyed in the hands of those guys. We have to fight and fight for every chance of life!"

Luo Ning shook his head slowly, a trace of deep worry flashed in his eyes, "People from other races may not help the night elves. For a long time, the Night Empire has been encroaching on their territory, and the night elves treat Their attitude is almost the same as that of the Burning Legion, they are eager to see them completely eradicated. How could they forget these hatreds and the grudges of life and death that have lasted for centuries with you, Krasus?"

Krasus was silent for a moment, and finally nodded, admitting that what Ronin said was reasonable. Then, his eyes turned to the invisible elf capital in the distance, with a trace of despair flashing in his eyes.

"If this is the case, then we are all doomed." Krasus's voice was low and hoarse, as if he had foreseen the tragic ending in the future, "The swords of the Burning Legion are sharp and ruthless, and the evil power of the Dragon Soul is even more... Let us be unable to resist. If we cannot unite and resolve these hatreds and grievances, then the only path waiting for us is destruction."

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