The storm was like the wrath of the gods, raging for three days and three nights. Levin tried his best to mobilize the deep magic power in his body and resonate with the elements between heaven and earth, causing this unparalleled disaster. Under his leadership, the entire mage group poured all their strength into the heavy rain, and the magic power surged out like a tide, making them unable to cast any spells for a whole week.

However, this price also brought significant results. The ruthless storm was like a huge whip, lashing the Burning Legion hard.

Amidst the violent storms, lightning and thunder, the demons struggled painfully and walked with difficulty. When the rain cleared and the sun once again filled the earth, the embarrassed demons were almost driven back to Zin Aessaleen.

Unfortunately, although the night elves achieved a significant victory, they were unable to gather enough military strength to pursue the victory. On the other side of the volcanic area where Neltharion had ravaged, the elven defenders were busy recuperating from their injuries and reorganizing their troops. Their strength was too much consumed in this battle and they needed time to recover.

For many people, the sacrifice of Lord Cortalus Ravencrest is the eternal pain in their hearts. That brave and fearless general was their pride and hope. His death made many people heartbroken.

In comparison, even the damage caused by the violent storm, the wrath of the Black Dragon King, and other disasters seemed insignificant.

Due to the urgent war situation and limited conditions, "the night elf commanders were unable to hold ten grand and ceremonial funerals for Lord Ravencrest who died heroically.

However, they are determined to express their respect and condolences to this great leader in other ways as much as possible.

The person who took over the position of Lord Ravencase was his deputy, Desdale Stareye. Although Stareye was born in a noble family and did not have the military spirit of Ravencase and was not good at leading an army, he also knew that this funeral The ~ effect.

This is not only a simple farewell ceremony to Lord Ravencrest, but also an opportunity for him to gather the morale of the army and encourage and motivate the entire army.

So, he ordered a simple and solemn funeral ceremony to be prepared.

A four-wheeled vehicle pulled by six night sabers was slowly driven out, with the body of Lord Ravencrest lying on the vehicle. He crossed his arms across his chest and held the battle flag of his headquarters tightly in his hands, declaring his loyalty and bravery to the world. The body was surrounded by a wreath of night lilies, exuding a light fragrance and telling endless grief.

In front of the car, a group of soldiers from Black Crow Castle lined up solemnly. Their tall posture and firm eyes showed their loyalty and respect for the lord.

There was another team of people following closely behind the car. Their mission was to prevent the elves among the crying crowd from trying to touch the body, so as to protect the body of Lord Ravencrest from damage.

Along the way, the herald blew a wailing horn, and the sad and loud voice penetrated the sky, shaking the hearts of every elf present.

It not only conveys grief, but also warns any elves in front who want to approach, asking them to keep an appropriate distance to maintain the solemnity and sanctity of this funeral ceremony.

When everything was ready, Lord Ravencrest's body was buried in a peaceful cemetery, sleeping together with all the elven warriors who died in a foreign land.

Then, a majestic red dragon suddenly arrived at the scene, and his appearance instantly attracted everyone's attention.

This red dragon's name is Cleostraz, and he is the only lucky one among the dragons to escape the Neltharion Time Storm. He narrowly avoided disaster by being late to the ill-fated party.

The reason why he was late was related to the deep friendship between Krasus and Archdruid Malfurion.

In fact, Krasus was actually Cleostrasz's name when he was in elf form - he met himself from the future.

With his knowledge of his past, Krasus easily won the trust of Cleostrasz from ten thousand years ago. Through this relationship, Krasus cleverly persuaded the dragons to join the war. However, the cognitive fog caused by the time paradox caused him to ignore the potential threat of Neltharion, thus setting the stage for this series of tragic events. The result was foreshadowing.

In fact, the time traveling trio were all affected by cognitive fog, which ensured that they could not significantly affect history.

But Levin didn't run into this trouble, because he didn't really come from ten thousand years later, but from another world. He didn't have so many causal entanglements with this world. His understanding of the intelligence of this world came from the Warcraft series in his previous life. understanding of the work, and therefore will not be affected by cognitive fog.

After successfully contacting the dragons, they ran around to seek help from other wilderness demigods. However, when they returned full of hope, they were shocked to find that under Neltharion's rampage, the resistance and the Burning Legion had fallen into a lose-lose situation.

At this moment, Cleostraz sadly took on the role of a funeral incinerator.

He spread his wings and flew high, hovering in mid-air. Hundreds of elves gathered around to watch this solemn and sad scene. They stood at a distance where they could see the cremation process clearly without being in danger, and watched silently.

The red dragon took a deep breath, and then breathed out a blazing flame.

Although the surrounding air was very humid and heavy due to three days of heavy rain, the flames from the red dragon were still enough to turn the remains of Ravencrest and the other dead to ashes.

The flames struggled to burn in the moist air, and the remains of Ravencrest and other warriors gradually turned to ashes in the raging fire. Their heroic deeds will forever be engraved in the hearts of every elf and become a source of strength to inspire them to move forward.

The elves who were watching lowered their heads in silence because of these fallen heroes.

Their eyes were filled with tears, and their hearts were filled with endless sorrow and respect. Against the backdrop of the flames, the entire funeral scene looked solemn and sacred.

As the flames gradually died down, the ashes dispersed in the wind. The elves dispersed one after another, but the respect in their hearts will never dissipate.

Next, in the night elf army, the change of power began.

Desdale Stareye was officially elected as Supreme Commander by his colleagues, taking over the position of Lord Ravencrest who died heroically.

The first thing Star Eyes did after taking office was to conduct an inspection of the entire army. After all, the army was organized. The assassin was not anyone in the army, which meant that he could not simply wear a rebel uniform. Armor appeared in the army swaggeringly, and there must be soldiers involved with the assassins hidden in the army.

·Ask for flowers··

With the help of magic, they soon found two betrayers with different intentions. The two soldiers had been executed after a series of fruitless interrogations, but their presence still left Star Eyes with a chill in his throat.

They hid the fact that the assassin's true identity was Varoson, the captain of Queen Azshara's guard.

No one can direct his actions except Queen Azshara herself. Therefore, the culprit who killed Lord Ravencrest was actually the heroine herself.

As a representative of the nobility, Star Eyes knows the importance of this secret. He couldn't let other elves know this fact, because the current coalition gathered together under the banner of "Qingjun Side" and united all the upper and lower elves.

Once the truth is revealed, the conflict between the high-level elves and the low-level elves in the coalition will be completely detonated.

The upper elves have always been the queen's right-hand assistant in ruling the people. Their power and prestige are based on the queen's trust. If the truth is revealed, the lower elves will despair of the queen and lose trust in the upper elves.


By then, Star Eye's current power and prestige will disappear.

How could Star Eyes, who had always been on the side of the nobles, allow this to happen?

Therefore, Xingyan decided to closely investigate the clues of this matter, but he could not investigate in a big way, so as not to cause unnecessary panic and suspicion. He secretly convened a group of confidants to discuss response strategies.

However, for Levin, all this power struggle has nothing to do with him.

He is not the kind of person who is keen on clinging to powerful people - in the world of Harry Potter, he is a powerful person - and he has no intention of trying to please the new noble commander "Desdale Star Eyes"

Since taking over Ravencase's position, Star Eyes' behavior has become more and more nepotistic. He replaced all important positions with nobles, but turned a blind eye to those truly talented officers who had worked their way up from the lower ranks.

Levin, a hero who has saved the rebels from danger many times, is naturally not immune to this prejudice.

When Star Eyes learned that Levin was just a commoner from the frontier and refused to salute him in front of everyone, his attitude towards Levin suddenly changed. To make matters worse, Guowen also questioned the identity of the assassin on inappropriate occasions. All this caused the relationship between him and Star Eyes to deteriorate rapidly.

Star Eyes actually directly accused Levin of colluding with the assassins, misinterpreting his actions to hunt down the assassins as an attempt to silence him.

This groundless accusation made Levin feel angry. If Star Eyes were not the commander, Levin would have taken action directly to show him what strength is power.

Fortunately, Ronin, Jarod, Tyrande and other important figures have stood up to defend Levin, otherwise [Star Eyes might really send guards to try to capture Levin.

However, there is not much to say without speculation. Faced with Xingyan's unreasonable and Machiavellian tactics, Levin finally chose to walk away.

He gave up applying to send people to pick up the Moon Guards and Moon God Priests coming from Lasallaza, and instead decided to go to meet them in person. Whether in a power field full of conspiracies or a battlefield of fighting, nothing is more important than those truly loyal and reliable comrades. .

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