"Sneeze!" In the dense forest on the outskirts of Zin Azshari, Levin suddenly sneezed without warning.

He rubbed his sore nose, frowned slightly, and muttered to himself: "Cold? That's impossible, I'm in good health. Or is there someone who is complaining about me?"

Levin looked around and saw towering old trees deep in the dense forest, and the sun cast mottled light and shadow through the gaps in the treetops. In the distance, the noise of the battlefield was faintly heard.

Not long ago, thanks to the help of the Moon Guard, the journey that was originally thousands of miles away became a short distance away. Those moon guards are proficient in the power of magic. They only need to find a magic network node to work together to build a large teleportation array.

In this way, teams of hundreds of people passed through the teleportation array one after another, crossed the barriers of space, and arrived near the capital of Zin Azali.

However, due to the chaos of the power of the Well of Eternity, this large-scale teleportation did not dare to get too close to the central area of ​​​​Zin Azshari. They can only be teleported to the outskirts dozens of miles away from the capital.

But even so, standing here, Wen could already see the battlefield situation from a distance.

But here, the situation on the battlefield can already be seen from a distance.

They had just experienced teleportation, and before they had time to adapt to the surrounding environment, they were deeply shocked by the spectacular scene on the battlefield in the distance.

Everyone's eyes widened, trying to carve the unprecedented grand picture into their hearts.

There has never been a time in history when so many dragons gathered together like today. In the sky, colorful dragons rose into the sky and gathered into a breathtaking and magnificent scenery. The red dragon, yellow dragon, and green dragon lined up in sequence, the light emitting from their bodies shining brightly, while the blue dragon and black dragon rushed higher into the sky, and their vigorous figures drew beautiful tracks in the sky.

The five dragon tribes are now closely united to protect this land.

Among the dragons, some dragons spread their wings, covering the sky and the sun, like moving mountain peaks; while some dragons are slender, as small as gnats, and they shuttle flexibly through the air, like streaks of lightning. Whether it was an old dragon who had experienced many vicissitudes of life or a little dragon who had just learned to fly, they all joined the team without hesitation.

This is the order of the guardian dragons. They must fight for their homeland.

However, the dragon that took off first did not immediately fly towards the Elf Kingdom. They hover over the mountains, gliding around with the help of air currents, waiting for the arrival of their brothers and looking forward to fighting side by side. These dragons filled the sky, forming layers of queues from high to low, in order to avoid collision with each other.

These legendary behemoths continuously emerge from the depths of the ancient mountains. Faced with this scene, people cannot help but feel a kind of apocalyptic despair - perhaps this is a sign of the end of the world.

However, the members of the dragon clan are well aware of the damage caused by demons to Azeroth. This thorn is like a thorn in their throats, making them unable to sit idly by.

The dragons were all excited, and they roared like thunder, shaking the entire sky. They are waiting, looking forward to the upcoming battle, which will be a battle about survival and glory.

Finally, in the expectation of all the dragons, the guardian dragons appeared.

The first person to appear was the Life-Binder, the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza, whose fiery dragon breath seemed to ignite the entire sky; followed by the Spellweaver, the Blue Dragon King, Malygos, who Those deep blue eyes contain endless mysteries; then there is the Sleeper, the Lord of the Emerald Dream, the Green Dragon Queen Ysera, who gently waves her wings, bringing up a dreamlike green.

Only Nozdormu, the Lord of Time, did not appear, replaced by his eldest spouse. She appeared gracefully and solemnly in front of everyone, greeted the dragon kings, and conveyed the will of the Dragon of Time to them.

After they gathered together, the black dragon Neltharion, the guardian of the earth, finally appeared. His huge body covered the sky and the sun, like a moving mountain peak.

His appearance made everyone feel an indescribable sense of oppression, but at the same time it also inspired the courage and fighting spirit deep in their hearts.

"That dragon is really big." Tyrande looked at the majestic figure of the black dragon from a distance and couldn't help but sigh.

Even though they were dozens of miles apart, Neltharion was still so conspicuous in their eyes, as if he were an insurmountable giant peak, which made people feel in awe.

"You're right, Levin." Tyrande subconsciously touched Levin with her elbow, wanting to chat with him as usual. Then she noticed that Levin's brows were frowning, and his expression was deep. concern.

"What's wrong, Levin?" Tyrande couldn't help but ask, "The dragon army really accepted the invitation and joined the battle as you expected. Isn't this good news? Why don't you look happy? "

Levin was silent for a moment, there were some things he really couldn't say. Of course he can't tell Tyrande that Neltharion is not a good person. He will become the same villain as the devil in the future. At that time, he will even become more powerful and evil than he is now - in case Tyrande asks. How did he know this? Levin couldn't even tell him. He didn't want to lie to Tyrande.

So Levin could only reveal vaguely: "I...I felt an ominous premonition."

After that, Tyrande ran forward without waiting for further questioning.

The next moment, Tyrande was shocked to see that the body of Laiwen Cuiye in front of him suddenly underwent earth-shaking changes.

She was stunned for a second before she realized that Levin was using the druid's signature ability—Wild Transformation.

It was not like Tyrande had never seen wild transformation before. The reason why it took her some time to confirm was because compared to the druids she had seen, Levin's transformation was so unusual that it was completely beyond her expectation. Know the scope.

She has known Malfurion for a long time, and considers herself to be one of the most familiar outsiders with the night elf druids, having experienced various transformations.

But this was the first time she discovered such a strange transformation.

Other druids either transformed into giant bears, night sabers, wild cats, forest wolves, or transformed into giant eagles, storm crows, etc. They were all common beasts--the most bizarre luan she had ever seen was only able to use Magical wildcat, but she had never seen anyone able to transform into a huge firebird.

Tyrande did not know that in another ten thousand years, she would witness a group of flaming druids who could transform into fire eagles, fire cats, and fire scorpions.

Of course, that is not the normal state of the druids, but the result of their surrender to the fire element lord Ragnaros, and the form they took after gaining the power of the fire element.

However, Levin's transformation was different from those of those people. Levin was certainly not low enough to seek refuge with Ragnaros, and his transformation was not comparable to that of an ordinary Firebird. Because he transformed into a phoenix.

…………Please give me flowers………………

This is also the fastest of his several wilderness transformations.

At this time, Levin's entire body was wrapped in flames, and his feathers shone with blazing light, and each piece seemed to be made of pure flames.

Levin certainly didn't make this choice lightly.

When he saw Neltharion holding the Dragon Soul, an almost crazy idea suddenly emerged deep in his heart.

Is it possible that history can be changed?

He is familiar with the history of the War of the Ancients and knows that in the next few minutes, Neltharion will make a shocking move, which will almost affect the fate of the entire Azeroth in the future.

Levin realized that he was standing at an important historical juncture.

There were ripples in his heart: "If I can influence this node at this critical moment..."

This idea made him very excited, because he was already eager to try it.

Although the Aspect Dragons all possess demigod-level strength, Levin is still full of confidence in himself. He believed that he had the ability to protect himself in front of the Earth Guardian who had not transformed into Deathwing.

"It's worth the gamble!" Levin told himself.

If he succeeds, history will change because of him.

Even if he fails, he can still show his face once.

You must know that whether it is the five Aspect Dragons, the emerging night elves such as Malfurion, Illidan, and Jarod, as well as the wilderness demigods who have been paying attention to the battlefield, they are almost the most important in Azeroth. NPC, Levin took the initiative in this situation, which undoubtedly gained a lot of favor in front of them.

With this alone, Levin can at least gain a respectable reputation in Wyrmrest Temple.

So, before Levin had time to explain to Tyrande, he flew towards the dragons like a bolt of lightning. His figure drew a beautiful arc in the air

He instantly disappeared from Tyrande's sight.

"Levin, where are you going?" Tyrande shouted anxiously. Seeing Levin suddenly flying in the direction of the dragons, she felt a strong uneasiness in her heart.

At this moment, she had no time to take care of the sisters in the sorority. She subconsciously mounted her hippogryph, followed closely, and flew quickly along the trail of flames left by Levin.

The priests of the Sisterhood and the Moon Guards witnessed this scene and were immediately confused.

"What do you two want to do?" they shouted in confusion.

They teleported thousands of miles to the battlefield, and it was after listening to Tyrande and Levin's advice that they decided to join the resistance. However, now the two leaders have run away inexplicably

How do they go about finding Lord Ravencrest?

Maiev reacted quickly, and she ordered decisively: "Madrak, you stay and take care of my sisters, I will go and get them back."

Before she finished speaking, she also mounted the hippogryph and flew into the distance at high speed.

Captain Madrak, who was left behind, sighed helplessly.

Just two hours ago, they were at war with each other; now, he was the protector of these priests of the Sisterhood of Elune. Should we say that these priests are big-hearted, or are they too impulsive?

However, he knew that this was not the time to dwell on this. He must take responsibility and ensure the safety of these priests. Madrak looked around, quickly formulated a defense strategy, and comforted the somewhat panicked priests. .

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