The heart of the Dark Night Empire, the capital city Zin Azshara, is a city that was once bathed in endless prosperity and the glory of Azshara.

Today, although her buildings are still tall and the streets are still wide, those who live here know that the prosperity of this city is only superficial, but in fact it is mired in misery.

Under the iron heel of the Burning Legion, Zin-Azshari's population has dropped by more than 60% compared to its previous peak. Innocent lower-class civilians became the main victims of this catastrophe, and their cries and whines were drowned in the roar of the evil green flames.

Whenever night falls, the blazing green fire ignited near the Well of Eternity dyes the entire sky strange colors, and the surviving civilians can only tremble and hide in their homes, "praying that the devil's butcher's knife will not fall on them."

In sharp contrast are those gorgeously dressed and arrogant upper-class elves who ignore the suffering of the lower classes in the city and walk on the streets as usual, talking unscrupulously as if it has nothing to do with them——some even I am very satisfied because without those untouchables, the streets are more spacious and quieter than usual.

Azshara's palace is located on a high platform not far away. It used to be a symbol of joy and peace, but now it is full of heaviness and depression. The turquoise blue water of the Well of Eternity has turned into a heart-stopping miserable green, and the wavy whirlpools are raging on the water, seeming to laugh at the beauty of the past.

The most shocking thing is the huge evil energy portal beside the well.

It is like an open door to hell, constantly swallowing the demons from the twisted void. The blue-skinned demon with octopus-like tentacles on his chin and recurved calves watched all this silently, as if admiring his own masterpiece. Every time a new demon stepped into Azeroth, He would smile with satisfaction whenever he saw the land.

This city, this country, and this world have become their playthings, and the culprits of all this are the high-level elves and the queen they once regarded as a god-like existence--Azshara.

"Whoa!" The air suddenly distorted [A portal of evil energy appeared out of thin air not far in front of the blue-skinned demon Archimonde the Defiler.

Green light flashed inside the door, and a strong breath of evil energy rushed towards his face. Immediately afterwards, a huge figure over three meters tall slowly walked out of the door. It was the leader of the Nasrezim, the fear demon Tichondrius.

Tichondrius stepped out of the portal and immediately felt Archimonde's sharp sword-like gaze.

He did not dare to be negligent at all, and immediately knelt down on one knee, bowed his head and admitted his mistake: "Dear Lord Archimonde the Polluter [Tichondrius, please forgive me. My mission... failed C"


Archimonde raised his eyebrows slightly, with a look of surprise on his face. An evil smile appeared on his majestic face, and he slowly said:

"Tichondrius, you are Kil'jaeden's most capable lieutenant. He once promised me that you would play an important role in the destruction of Azeroth. I trusted him and trusted you. Entrusted with important tasks. But now, you have escaped back in such a state of embarrassment and told me that the mission failed?"

"Sir, please listen to my explanation." Ctikidios felt the dissatisfaction in Archimonde's tone and sensed a hint of danger. He couldn't help but feel nervous and hurriedly lowered his head to defend.

Next, he told what had just happened, and finally said:

"I am willing to make amends! No matter what task you propose next time, I will guarantee my life to do my best to complete it for you!" His voice was full of determination and determination.

He did not realize that Archimonde's eyes in front of him were not as angry as he imagined, but instead flashed a look of satisfaction and amusement. He snorted coldly and said slowly: Hum, that's fine. You said this yourself. Don't complain to Kil'jaeden that I've treated you badly. "

He paused and continued: "Go down, I will summon you again when needed."

Hearing this, Tichondrius breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that he had temporarily escaped disaster, so he immediately and respectfully replied: "Yes [subordinate] resigned.

After saying that, he stood up, turned around and walked towards the portal.

In the Burning Legion, a huge evil organization, factional strife has long been commonplace.

From Kil'jaeden the Deceiver and Archimonde the Defiler at the top, to officers at all levels below, every member has ambitions and dreams of stepping on the corpses of their colleagues and continuing to climb up. This kind of cruel competition and betrayal has long been commonplace in the Burning Legion.

Although Archimonde and Kil'jaeden were recruited by the fallen titan Sargeras at the same time and became core members of the Burning Legion, their personalities and ways of doing things are completely different.

During the tens of thousands of years of working together, although they also obeyed Sargeras' orders, their differences due to different styles became more and more obvious, gradually forming an insurmountable gap.

Although he wouldn't break up in front of Sargeras, it was inevitable to give him some eye drops when he found the opportunity.

Although he is a spellcaster, Archimonde is tall and exudes a powerful evil energy. He respects power very much and believes that only power can decide everything. This is also the most fundamental reason why he took the lead in deciding to surrender after Sargeras showed his power.

He once controlled the eredar arcane academy, and his wisdom was not lacking, but since receiving the evil power bestowed by Sargeras, he has become more and more dependent on power. Whenever something could be solved with strength, he usually didn't bother to think about it carefully and simply crushed it with thunderous force.

Kil'jaeden the Deceiver (bfff) is completely different from Archimonde.

Compared to Archimonde, he is slimmer, has a sinister face, and has a cunning light in his eyes. Although he also possesses great strength, the deceiver prefers to hide behind the scenes and carry out conspiracies and tricks to manipulate the enemy into the palm of his hand. He is good at manipulating people's hearts and creating conflicts, so that his enemies can unknowingly fall into his carefully designed traps.

The completely different behavior styles of the two people are not only reflected in themselves, but also have a profound impact on the demon race who serve under their command.

This influence is like a watershed, dividing the villains into two completely different camps.

Archimonde the Defiler, who advocates power, values ​​​​the most simple-minded but extremely brave abyss lords. These abyss lords have won the favor of Archimonde with their bravery and loyalty, and their leader Malonos is Archimonde's confidant. Whether he is charging into battle or guarding the rear, he has shown unparalleled bravery. and loyalty.

Under the command of Archimonde, the abyss lords swept across the battlefield like a violent storm, terrifying the enemy.

Kil'jaeden, the cunning deceiver, prefers the Nathrezim who are good at playing with people's hearts. These nathrezim, with their cunning and cunning, as well as their unique shadow magic, became Kil'jaeden's powerful generals. They are good at manipulating everything behind the scenes, plunging their enemies into endless confusion and suspicion.

Under Kil'jaeden's command, the nathrezim wandered in the darkness like ghosts, silently destroying the enemy's will and defenses.

Although the two maintained superficial harmony in front of Sargeras, they often fought openly and secretly and undermined each other in private. They are all looking for opportunities to give each other some eye drops to show their own brilliance and the other's stupidity.

This atmosphere of intrigue and intrigue permeated the Burning Legion, making the entire organization even more chaotic and crazy.

However, both Archimonde and Kil'jaeden knew that their struggles and ambitions were insignificant in front of Sargeras. This fallen Titan is the true master of the Burning Legion, and his will and power are superior to all others.

Only under his protection can they continue to expand their sphere of influence and realize their ambitions. Therefore, despite the differences and conflicts between the two people, when facing common enemies and goals, they will temporarily put aside their grudges and work together to clear the way for the Burning Legion to conquer the road.

The vanguard mission of the invasion of Azeroth was handed over by Sargeras to Archimonde, who was more active and brave in combat. Kil'jaeden stayed behind to provide support.

However, the fraudster was clearly unwilling to let his colleagues take all the credit. When Archimonde led his own troops into Azeroth, he sent his confidant Tichondrius over on the pretext of assisting Archimonde.

Although Archimonde was dissatisfied with Kil'jaeden's arrangement, Tichondrius, who was good at controlling people's hearts, had always shown great respect for him. In previous missions, Tichondrius also showed outstanding abilities and impeccable completion, which prevented Archimonde from finding a chance to attack.

However, the failure of Tichondrius's mission gave Archimonde an opportunity. He decided to find a more difficult task next time to beat the leader of the Dread Lord and let him understand who is the real number two in the Burning Legion. 【013503115 Feilu 221431551】

"But..." Archimonde slowly touched the fluttering whiskers on his chin and fell into brief contemplation.

Although this Defiler admires strength, he is not a fool with muscles in his head. He clearly knows that Tichondrius, as Kil'jaeden's right-hand man, has outstanding abilities and wisdom. However, it was indeed beyond his expectation that such a powerful demon would capsize in the gutter of this seemingly weak world.

"The Sisters of Elune...and a strange druid." Archimonde murmured to himself, "Mortals with fanatical beliefs...are still as troublesome as ever.' "

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