Levin's feelings were more like prophecies than premonitions.

Although the Dragon Legion has accepted invitations from the red dragon Krasus from the future, as well as Archdruid Malfurion and others, and resolutely joined the war against the Burning Legion, they are by no means blind creatures.

As a race full of wisdom, the dragons naturally understand the terrifying power of the Burning Legion, and they will never step into the battlefield unprepared. They had made careful preparations before deciding to participate in this war that was related to the survival of the world.

They came prepared.

Not only did they bring their own power, but they also brought an artifact that could change the situation of the battle - the Dragon Soul.

Dragons are proud creatures, but under the leadership of the dragon kings, the dragons were not controlled by their own arrogance. Coupled with the awakening of Krasus, the red dragon from the future, they were fully aware When I saw the horror of the Burning Legion, I made sufficient preparations in advance.

The Dragon Soul was specially created by them to deal with demons.

With the joint efforts of the five dragon kings, this artifact brought together part of their respective powers and contained unparalleled power.

The power of the five guardian dragons comes from the gift of the Creation Titan, and each power is unique and powerful. And when these forces come together, they form the unrivaled power of the "Six Seven Three".

As long as they can use the Dragon Soul correctly, they will be confident to deal a devastating blow to the demons.

Of course, such power also has the characteristics of a double-edged sword. The dragon soul brings together the power of the dragons, so it becomes the weakness of the dragons. If this power is used on the dragons themselves, the effect will be It's equally disastrous.

They must be extremely careful when using this artifact.

In order to ensure the safety of the dragon soul, it was solemnly handed over to Neltharion, who was recognized as the most powerful and reliable among the five dragon kings.

Although this small talisman looks ordinary on the outside, when it shines with dazzling light in Neltharion's dragon claws, the dazzling brilliance makes every dragon king present feel dizzy, as if they are being caught. It's so captivating that you can't look away.

Neltharion let out a thunderous roar, his voice full of majesty and power, and the entire mountainous area trembled at his roar.

He spread his wings and flew high into the sky, followed by the dragons, forming a spectacular group of dragons. At this moment, their hearts were filled with determination and courage, ready for the upcoming battle when the time came to settle accounts.

In order to create the most powerful weapon in history - the Dragon Soul, the five Dragon Kings dedicated their essence. Such behavior actually undermined their strength, but he still did it. After all, they We all know that only by uniting as one can we fight against the most powerful enemy in history - the Burning Legion.

If their strength wasn't enough, they also have sharp claws, sharp teeth and other weapons used to attack demons. They are fully prepared to defend their homeland at all costs.

However, if all these efforts are not enough... then, they really have no other choice.

Under the leadership of Earth Guardian Neltharion, the dragons approached the target with lightning speed. The atmosphere of the battlefield has filled the air, and they are soaring in the sky

While nervously preparing for the upcoming battle.

At this time, the sky above the battlefield was filled with clouds and fog, and visibility was very low, like a chaotic world.

The demons have noticed the arrival of these powerful new opponents. In order to avoid fatal strikes from the air, the eredar mages among the demons quickly cast the fog of war. This thick fog tried to obscure the dragons' sight, confuse their senses, and make them lose their way in this chaos.

However, their trick was easily solved by Neltharion, and the dragons were not trapped by these mists.

Neltharion led the dragons to fly at low altitude. The magic power of the dragon soul bloomed with dazzling light in his hands, bursting out with powerful magic power, like a beacon, instantly dispelling the surrounding fog and guiding the direction of the dragons.

This is the first time that the Dragon Soul has played a role on the battlefield. Seeing Neltharion break the enemy's war magic with a wave of his hand, Alexstrasza, the Red Dragon Queen, and other Aspect Dragons were shocked. They were all attracted by this. Shocked by the magic power of the talisman, they were finally convinced that they had indeed created a masterpiece with unparalleled power.

Victory seemed within reach. Neltharion flew in the air, and his mind began to be filled with whispers.

He has been troubled by these whispers for a long time. If it were an ordinary dragon, he would have been driven crazy by these whispers full of temptation and curses, but Neltharion seemed to be sober.

If Levin could hear this whisper, he would surely recognize it as the historical culprit responsible for Neltharion's downfall.

"Almost there! Almost there!" Those voices echoed seductively in his ears.

"Soon! Soon!" They seemed to be full of confidence in their upcoming victory.

Driven by this self-confidence, Neltharion seemed to have seen the scene of everyone bowing before the great him.

Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind, interrupting his thoughts.

"Neltharion, what do you want us to do?" The speaker was the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza, who was asking the Black Dragon King about his next plan.

"I hope you give me your life..." Neltharion felt an inexplicable restlessness in his heart.

He longed to control the lives of the dragons in his hands and make them his slaves. However, he knew that he could not reveal any flaws at this moment, so he took a deep breath and suppressed his inner desires temporarily.

He turned around, faced the Red Dragon Queen and the other guardian dragons and said: "I have set up the formation, and I hope everyone can take their positions according to my instructions. Leave other matters to the Dragon Soul!"

Alexstrasza frowned slightly, Siping was not completely satisfied with Neltharion's answer.

"Is it that simple?" she asked, "Doesn't we really need to attack the devil directly?"

"I want you to bow to me easily..." Neltharion sneered secretly in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm and comforted: "Yes, it's that simple.

He tried to make his voice sound more sincere and credible.

Alexstrasza said nothing more, which made Neltharion secretly relieved. He knew that his mind had begun to lose control. If he asked the Red Dragon Queen a few more questions, he might not be able to conceal his inner desires.

The Dragon Soul—his Dragon Soul—continues to function under Neltharion's control, dispelling the fog from the battlefield.

Neltharion looked down and saw countless demons swarming on the ground like ants. Their arrival made the land full of evil and chaos.

"We have arrived at the battlefield." Neltharion's voice echoed in the air, revealing an uncontrollable excitement.

He felt the joy and satisfaction brought by the coming victory, as if the whole world was already under his control……

"Patience..." Those voices sounded in his mind again, like a curse that surrounded him without treatment.

"Patience..." They seemed to be warning him that this was not the time to relax his vigilance.

Yes, be patient.

Neltharion took a deep breath and suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

He knew that for the sake of the rich reward and the coming victory, a few minutes of patience would be nothing at all.

He has the ability to wait for the best time and take everything into his own hands.

Archimonde, the overlord of the abyss, almost never allowed panic to invade his mind. He always handles the complicated affairs of the world with an extraordinary rationality - whether it is the night elves, the intricate and unfathomable magical knowledge, or even the rumored secret escape of the Sisters of Elune. Able to deal with it with a cool head and iron means.

In his perception, the world is like a huge chessboard, and he is the chess player who controls all the chess pieces. Everything is under his control.

However, at this moment, there were rare waves in his heart.

He widened his eyes and looked at the huge figure gradually approaching in the sky, feeling an indescribable shock in his heart. He never thought that the Dragon Clan would intervene in the affairs of this world on such a large scale. In his impression, those proud dragons have long been far away from the disputes in the world. Even if the world breaks apart and the doomsday comes, they will hide in their dragon lairs and know nothing about it.

Of course, he also knows that there are always some dragons who are different, who care about the fate of the world and interfere in the affairs of mortals. For these possible variables, Archimonde has already made full preparations. He has deployed countless doomsday guards, hidden in the thick fog, waiting for the dragons that may appear.

But now, the scene in front of him was completely beyond his expectation. Those huge dragon shadows were circling and flying in the sky. Their number and momentum were completely beyond Archimonde's imagination.

Archimonde felt that he was overwhelmed by these king creatures.

Not only are they superior in strategy, but... they are also terrifyingly cautious.

They all came.

A1.1 Kermond frowned [an unprecedented sense of frustration surged in his heart. 【013503117 Feilu 221231111】

He realized that he might have made a fatal mistake. The situation he originally thought he could easily control now seems to be full of countless variables and unknowns. The intervention of these dragons will undoubtedly bring more complicated and unpredictable results to this war.

However, the demon commander quickly regained his composure after experiencing a brief period of shock.

He knew very well that at this decisive moment, Lord Sargeras would never allow anything to go wrong - with Sargeras' guarantee, they did not enter a desperate situation.

So, he closed his eyes, extended his consciousness like a tentacle, and established a close spiritual link with every eredar and fear lord on the battlefield.

"Listen to my order!" Archimonde's voice sounded in every demon's mind, clear and powerful, "Turn your magic attacks on the approaching dragons! Let them taste the power of the Burning Legion!"

Following Archimonde's order, the demons on the battlefield adjusted their attack directions. Streams of blazing flames, icy frost, and sharp shadow arrows poured out like a torrential rain, piercing the sky and roaring towards the dragons. .

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