However, there is still good news on the battlefield.

Levin glanced at the Moon Guards who finally started to take action with the corner of his eye, and an imperceptible glint flashed in his eyes: "Very good, the opportunity to counterattack is finally here."

The Moon Guard's actions are extremely stealthy. They give full play to their talents as night elves and silently shuttle across the battlefield like ghosts under the night.

Major Madrak led a team of elite members, cleverly using Hellfire's huge size as a cover, and moved closer to the battlefield step by step.

At the same time, another group of opposing Moon Guards, led by Felderin Mooncrown, chose to stay where they were.

Although they found it difficult to understand and accept the actions of Madrak and others, their years of working together made them choose to remain silent and just wait and see, without reporting this internal dispute to the Burning Legion.

The situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly, and Ai knew that he had to make decisions quickly.

In order to buy time and opportunity for the Moon Guard, he resolutely changed the focus of his attack and focused all his firepower on Tichondrius.

"Priest Maiev, please come and help me!" Not only did he do this himself, he also tried to find helpers.

Maiev's figure was like a bolt of lightning on the battlefield. Her strong skills left the two demon guards unable to fight back. "They were instantly harvested by the moon wheel in her hand."

At this moment, she was standing right in front of the Moon Guard, scanning the surrounding battle situation with sharp eyes.

Suddenly, Levin's voice sounded in her ears, reminding her to pay attention to the movement in the distance. Maiev immediately turned her gaze in that direction, and her perception ability allowed her to instantly detect the faint movement there.

She immediately understood Levin's intention, and without any unnecessary words, she came to Levin's side in a flash.

The two stood side by side, tacitly targeting Tichondrius. Maiev once again held the moon wheel tightly in her hand, and pointed the sharp knife edge at the demon lord with a cold light flashing.

"Ah, useless struggle." Tichondrius didn't seem to care about the attacks of these two mortals.

Although his right hand was temporarily unable to be used, he still seemed calm and calm in the face of Levin and Maiev's combined attacks. He waved his left hand lightly and ten pale green evil energy shields instantly enveloped his body tightly.

Maiev's moon disk struck the shield hard, but it was unable to penetrate this solid defense and only left a shallow mark on the surface. Levin's [Flame Strike] followed closely behind, hitting Tichondrius's body shield like a high-explosive bomb.

The two different forms of energy made a deafening noise in the continuous collision, making the entire battlefield tremble.

It seemed that they still had nothing to do with Tichondrius, but in fact, the fear demon king had been temporarily restrained by the attacks of the two men and could not spare his energy to focus on other things. Guowen's purpose was huge.

However, the war situation once again presented thorny problems. While Levin and Maiev were concentrating on dealing with the Dread Lord, those ferocious demon guards were left unattended, and it was obviously difficult to deal with them with the power of the Moon God Priests alone.

Levin's eyes wandered among the surrounding trees, and soon a new plan came into his mind.

While Maiev took over the attack and continued to suppress Tichondrius with the moon wheel, Naveen quietly injected his natural power into the nearby God of the Forest.

In this originally peaceful grove, during the fierce battle between the two sides, many trees had been overturned by the aftermath of the battle and were lying on the ground in a mess.

The relatively narrow fighting space of the woods is undoubtedly a limitation for the demon guards who are large and armed with heavy weapons. Their huge weapons were quite inconvenient to wield in this dense forest, and they would collide with tree trunks from time to time, making dull sounds.

Some of the angry demon guards even gave up the attack altogether and instead chopped down nearby trees in an attempt to clear the open battlefield in October.

Under the unscrupulous destruction of the demon guards, the originally lush woods quickly became a mess. However, they did not realize that their actions had attracted the wrath of nature.

Wisps of green light rose from the ground, wrapped around Levin's fingertips, and then slowly spread around.

These lights seem to be given life, they shuttle between the trees, gently touching every leaf and branch. As the druid chanted, these lights became more and more intense, as if an invisible force was awakening the sleeping earth.

"[Forest Guard]!"

Suddenly, the trees on the battlefield began to tremble. Complex lines appear on their bark. These lines are like ancient runes, shining with a faint green light.

Immediately afterwards, a hole opened at the root of the tree, forming thick thighs, and figures composed of curved trees and vines slowly rose from the ground.

The figures of the tree people are tall and mighty. They stand together, as if this ancient forest has come alive. Their bodies are skillfully woven from the branches and leaves of various trees. They look as hard as iron. The tree people march through the forest, and every step is accompanied by the trembling of the ground and the rustling of the leaves, declaring their dominance on the battlefield. Has changed ownership.


One of the tallest tree men let out a shocking scream and threw out a sharp branch extending from the root of his left hand.

This branch was like a sharp sword, instantly piercing a demon guard who couldn't avoid it into a skewer. The screams of the demon guard stopped abruptly, and its life seemed so fragile in front of the power of the tree man.

The sudden appearance of these tree men caught the demon guards by surprise. Even the mighty Tichondrius had to turn his attention to these new enemies.

He flapped his huge wings, suspended in the air, and watched these mysterious creatures vigilantly.

"Tu tu tu tu!"

At this moment, a smaller tree man spat out a stream of unidentified spherical objects towards the big bat in the air.

These objects drew strange arcs in the air and headed straight for Tichondrius. Although he didn't know the specific power of these objects, Tichondrius still chose to avoid them out of caution. He flapped his wings flexibly and performed a series of difficult movements in the air, successfully dodging this round of attacks.


Then he discovered that those were the acorns shot by the tree man transformed from the oak tree.

"Is this the branch thrust? And the seed machine gun?" Guowen suddenly felt happy when he saw the tree man using his familiar moves.

Druid spells are also used to summon treants, but the treants created by each druid are unique. This is not only because of the difference in strength between Deliers, but also because of the difference in imagination and creativity contained in their hearts.

As a creator, each druid can use his own will and strength to create tree warriors with different shapes and unique skills.

As a time traveler, Levin subconsciously entered the grass-type skills of the previous Pokémon into the consciousness of the enlightened tree people. Therefore, the tree people he summoned not only had different shapes, but also had the control of ordinary tree people. It has skills and methods that it has never had before, and it also has more combat effectiveness.

However, Levin's tactical success doesn't just stem from his unique calling method.


There is an indescribable bond between the Druid profession and nature. They can keenly perceive the abstract and subtle emotional changes of nature. This kind of perception

It is the most powerful martial body of the druids.

This is why the druid's main attribute is perception.

In the process of fighting the demon, Levin deeply felt the anger and sadness of this forest. The trees corroded by evil energy and the creatures that fell due to the battle were all telling him about the suffering of this forest. suffering. Therefore, Levin made this decision to use the anger of nature to transform the anger and sadness into the power of tree people, allowing them to become warriors guarding this forest.

Facts have proved that his move was just right.

Those extremely corrosive evil energies have indeed caused serious damage to the forest.

Out of reverence and care for nature, the night elves always try to avoid causing harm to the animals and plants in the woods. However, the demons don't care so much and trample on this land they don't understand without any scruples.

So, when the transformed tree warriors saw their homes destroyed, the anger in their hearts surged out like a volcano erupting. They turned this anger into infinite power and launched a desperate struggle with the demons on the battlefield.

And Levin's choice in casting the spell to summon the tree man also achieved twice the result with half the effort because of this anger.

His tree warriors were not only numerous in number, but also extremely brave, putting the demons into a tough fight.

Although there are only more than twenty tree men, they cannot play a decisive role in the entire battle situation. As long as the demons are reorganized, they will be eliminated soon.

However, their appearance was like dropping a stone on a calm lake, causing ripples in circles. Their presence quietly changed the originally one-sided battle situation.

At least the members of the Sisterhood of Elune had hope shining in their eyes after seeing these powerful tree warriors. They seemed to see the dawn of victory, and their morale instantly rose. .

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