After the tree men appeared, the battle situation was slightly reversed, and Tichondrius also noticed that something was wrong.

Just as he was angrily dodging the [Flying Leaf Knife], [Seed Machine Gun] and other long-range attacks that were coming from the sky, he suddenly felt a chill behind his back.

"[Arcane Missile]—Launch!" The next moment, Major Madrak suddenly sounded behind him.

He turned around suddenly and saw a bright arcane barrage piercing the sky and heading straight for him.

"Boom!" The arcane barrage representing the power of order and the evil energy shield of the power of chaos collided fiercely in the air, bursting out with dazzling light. The two mutually repelling energies instantly caused a large explosion, with air waves churning and smoke filling the air.

Tichondrius was hit by the sudden explosion shock wave, and his whole body was thrown away like a kite with a broken string. He struggled in the air and finally flapped his wings again, barely maintaining his balance.

Tichondrius fell to the ground in embarrassment, glaring at the Moon Guard who attacked him.

"Are you crazy!" The voice of the fear devil Tichondrius rolled in like the thunder of "840", echoing in everyone's ears. His eyes were burning with anger, as if he wanted to swallow up all the betrayers, "I, Tichondrius, represent the will of Azshara! How dare you, the puny upper elves, to betray your own queen?"

Hearing him mention Queen Azshara, those Moon Guards who had originally attacked suddenly paused in their spell-casting movements, and a trace of hesitation and fear flashed in their eyes. They began to feel overwhelmed, as if they had been stabbed in the softest place in their hearts.

Yes, they all once swore allegiance to Queen Azshara. Are what they are doing now really not betraying the light of light?

At this moment, Levin suddenly laughed loudly and powerfully, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

He glanced at everyone present with piercing eyes, and then said loudly:

"I thought that as a demon leader, you would have something to say when you came to the front of the battle and faced the soldiers of the two armies. I didn't expect that you would say such vulgar words! I have something to say [please listen carefully E'

Levin's voice was sonorous, powerful, and well-founded, and it sounded so reasonable to the ears of the Moon Guards. "Before you arrived, the empire was in decline, and treacherous ministers caused trouble; the country was in chaos, and there was chaos from all directions, but it could still be maintained. And After you arrived, all kinds of disasters happened one after another. You kidnapped the queen and brutalized the living beings. In the temples, traitors became officials; everywhere in the land, demons caused trouble. You caused those wolf-hearted people to run rampant in the court, killing and brutalizing. The gangsters are wreaking havoc one after another. The country has been turned into ruins, and the people are suffering from desolation."

At this point, Levin's voice suddenly became high-pitched. He pointed at Tichondrius and shouted loudly: "Devil! What qualifications do you have to represent the queen's will? You keep saying that it is for the benefit of the queen and the upper elves, but what you do Everything you did has put them in dire straits. Everyone in the world is willing to eat your flesh alive! How dare you talk here!"

As soon as Levin finished speaking, there was a sound of agreement all around.

" dare!" Tichondrius was speechless by Levin and could only be helpless and furious.

"I have never seen such a shameless person!" Levin finally shouted as if to make a final blow.

The shameless Tichondrius would naturally not be the one who wanted to show off to Wang Lang, and would be scolded to death on the spot by the words spoken in front of the two armies.

But the goal of Levin's speech was not to curse him to death, but to convince the moon guards.

The upper elves who were stumped by Tichondrius' words also regained their direction in Levin's impassioned speech. They straightened their backs, and the confusion and fear in their eyes were instantly replaced by determination and courage. I have found my backbone, my own faith and determination.

They realized that it didn't matter whether they were queens or not. Although their starting points were different from those of the night elves commoners, at this moment their goal was the same to stop them.

The devil is becoming more and more unscrupulous.

As Levin said, with the arrival of demons who call themselves "angels", the situation of the Dark Night Empire is deteriorating. Doesn't this prove the evil nature of these "god messengers" and that what they bring is not salvation and hope, but destruction and disaster?

Major Madrak held the staff in his hand tightly, and his eyes became firm.

"Moon Guards," he ordered loudly, "let us take back the glory and dignity that should belong to us from these lying demons! Charge for the sake of the Dark Night Empire and our compatriots!"

The Burning Legion's military discipline has always been loose. Their ability to maintain strong combat effectiveness mainly relies on the demons' lack of fear of death.

Anyway, they can return to the Twisting Nether if they die, and they can be resurrected sooner or later, which makes them fearless on the battlefield.

However, not being afraid of death does not mean that they will actively seek death. It is not easy for demons to be resurrected after death. Their souls need to wait a long time to condense and take shape again, and in the process they may even be devoured by their peers. That kind of endless darkness and loneliness is not a wonderful experience.

Therefore, they are not without fear when facing the attacks of the Moon Guards.

The demon army, which was attacked from both sides, finally showed signs of defeat in increasingly bad battles.

Those demons who were once arrogant and domineering were now scattered like sand and gravel blown away by the strong wind under the joint attack of the Moon Guard and the Night Elves. And those slow-moving and cumbersome hellfires were completely wiped out by the large-scale spells carefully arranged by the Moon Guards on the way forward, leaving no room for struggle.

Tichondrius was suspended in mid-air, staring at the battlefield below with a gloomy expression.

He once again escaped the joint attack of the two armies in embarrassment, and the wounds on his body were still aching... However, what made him even more resentful was that the end of this battle had come early, and he was the loser. .

As the Deceiver's lieutenant, his status in the Burning Legion is not low. That he would be sent to carry out this task in person is enough to show that Lord Archimonde attaches great importance to this matter. Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, as the two giants under Sargeras, have always been in conflict, and now he has been defeated. When he returned, he couldn't even imagine how Lord Archimonde would punish him.

"Very good." Tichondrius gritted his teeth and said, his voice full of anger and unwillingness. "I will remember your rebellious behavior and pray that I have no relatives in Zin Azshari. Sooner or later, you will be responsible for your impulse. Pay the price!”

As the lingering sound of Tichondrius' harsh words echoed in the air, his figure flashed and he accelerated towards the sky. The black wings spread out like night, covering his figure, and he disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

The battle priests looked at the direction in which the demon was escaping, and their tense nerves finally relaxed. They had gone through two fierce battles one after another, and now it seemed as if a heavy burden had been lifted off their shoulders. "A rare relief showed on their tired faces.

Maiev waved her hand to stop her subordinates from chasing the fleeing demon. Her sharp eyes glanced around the field, and finally rested on the moon guard on the opposite side, who was dozens of meters away. Those compatriots who were supposed to fight with them had previously sided with the devil to prevent them from escaping. The experience of fighting Madrak at that time was still vivid in her mind, but now, they were on their side at the critical moment. This kind of repetition made Maiev very puzzled.

Her thoughts couldn't help but drift to the source of all this, so her eyes naturally fell on Levin.

The battle priest captain looked Levin up and down, trying to read some clues from his expression.

"Is this the reinforcements you mentioned before?" Maiev asked with a puzzled tone, "When did you instigate them to rebel?"

When faced with Maiev's question, Levin just smiled slightly and did not answer directly. This showy attitude made Maiev angry again.

At this time, Major Madrak took the initiative to step forward and clear up the doubts in Maiev's heart. He recounted in detail how Levin contacted them and how he convinced them on his own.

After listening to Madrak's explanation, Maiev looked at Levin with a brighter light in her eyes. The admiration in her heart was beyond words, and Tyrande also cast an approving look at Levin.

"Sure enough, Levin didn't brag before." Tu Meizi sighed, "He does have a solution.

At this moment, Tyrande began to realize that her new friend was more than just a fun playmate. At critical moments, he can also show outstanding leadership and persuasion, and he can completely become the person she relies on. .

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