My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 671 Since Ancient Times, Deep Love Cannot Be Retained, Only Tricks Can Win People's Hea

In terms of pursuing girls, Levin's style is very different from that of the brothers Malfurion and Illidan. Compared with them, they are like the fluorescent y in the floating grass and the bright moon in the sky.

Illidan is known as the best licker in Azeroth. Whenever Tyrande appears, he can't help but rush forward and try his best to please the girl he likes. However, he is often let down due to being too enthusiastic. She felt suffocated.

Malfurion was on the other extreme. He was simply a piece of wood who didn't understand the charm. He always seems clumsy and at a loss when facing girls. No matter how explicit and implicit the girls are, he can always perfectly avoid all the right options in an unexpected way.

One of the two brothers is a straight man and a wooden person, and the other is a dog-licking and boiling sheep. They can be said to be sleeping dragons and phoenixes.

However, Levin is completely different from them. As the King of the Hogwarts Harem, he really understands the opposite sex and knows the tricks of pursuing girls. He always takes action without hesitation at critical moments and makes full use of his charm. . At the same time, relying on his psychic powers, he is also very good at capturing the moments of girls' emotional fluctuations, and can always provide warm companionship when they need it most.

Levin never deliberately avoids close contact with girls. On the contrary, he believes that he can gradually get closer to each other by gradually increasing contact. Every move he makes is like a carefully planned chess game, testing the opponent's bottom line step by step, but always maintaining a sense of mystery just right. This gives him an irresistible charm in the eyes of the opposite sex, making people unable to help but enter his world.

It is precisely because of Levin's unique pursuit that his intimacy with Tyrande in just a few dozen days surpassed the progress achieved by brothers Malfurion and Illidan in hundreds of years.

However, he also knew clearly that this was only limited to the degree of intimacy. In terms of deep friendship, he still couldn't compare with the Stormrage brothers. The emotional bond between them is a solid bridge that has been forged through countless ups and downs, while the relationship between him and Tyrande is more like a flower that has just bloomed and needs more time and care to thrive. growing up.

Levin is in no rush, though.

He understands that he needs to push the corner step by step to gradually widen his territory and turn Tyrande into his shape. He is also willing to use time and patience to manage this relationship.

In short, Tyrande's mood finally calmed down under Levin's gentle comfort. She obediently retreated to the group of priests at the rear, but she could never take her eyes away from Levin's back.

For Tyrande, Levin is undoubtedly a unique existence.

This was the first time she met someone of the opposite sex like Levin, and his appearance was like a dazzling light, illuminating her originally ordinary life.

His handsome appearance and funny conversation could always capture her heart easily. In his company, Tyrande felt unprecedented happiness and relaxation.

The only problem was that she was overwhelmed by Levin's enthusiasm.

They had only known each other for a short time, but he could always say some words that made people's hearts beat faster, and made some moves that made Tyrande blush and make her heart beat faster, making Tyrande blush and irritate, but she couldn't resist.

It feels like Tyrande has blushed and laughed more times in the past ten days than in the past hundred years combined.

Whenever she thinks of Levin's unexpected words and deeds, she always feels an inexplicable emotion in her heart.

She tried to remind herself to stay calm and not to be fooled by Levin's enthusiasm, but every time she faced him, she could not control her heartbeat.

Whenever (bfch) Tyrande reminded Levin afterwards, he always explained with an innocent look: "This is the custom of us country people--we country people are like this."

As a priest of Suramar, Tyrande often travels between nearby forests and villages. She was well aware of the rural customs of the night elves. At least in the countryside in Suramar Forest that she was familiar with, people's behavior was definitely not what Levin described.

Levin's remarks about the countryside seemed more like a cover-up and an excuse to her.

However, despite her insight into Levin's inner workings, Tyrande never thought of exposing his ploy.

Deep down in her heart, she seems to have some inexplicable enjoyment of this kind of game, although she herself can't explain why. She doesn't hate Levin's behavior. On the contrary, to a certain extent, she thinks Levin is a little cute like this.

Out of their childhood friendship, the Stormrage brothers have always occupied an important place in her heart. Before meeting Levin, she believed that she would marry either Malfurion or Illidan in the future. Between the two, she preferred the stable and reliable Malfurion.

However, now, Tyrande found that his heart seemed to be wavering. The feeling he brought to her was so unique that Malfurion and Illidan could not give her. That is

But now, Tyrande found that the balance in his heart was quietly changing.

Levin's appearance was like a clear spring pouring into her peaceful inner lake, causing ripples. It was a brand new experience that she had never experienced from Malfurion and Illidan, a magic that made her heart beat faster and her cheeks turn red. Levin's enthusiasm, fun and mystery made her feel novel and excited.

Of course, she did not deny the advantages of Malfurion and Illidan. Malfurion's reliability made her feel at ease, and Illidan's deep affection also moved her - her reason came to an end. These qualities were more important than temporary fun and excitement.

But now, she's starting to see that same light in Levin.

His concern made her feel warm and his presence made her feel at ease.

Although Illidan's deep affection is touching, Levin's careful care also makes her heart beat.

Malfurion's stability was a guarantee, but Levin just now also made her feel very at ease.

Unknowingly, Tyrande's inner balance was constantly tipping.

Levin is concentrating on fighting demons at this moment. His tentacles are flexible and powerful, training those evil creatures to be submissive. At this time, he knew nothing about Tyrande's inner thoughts.

The emotional skills and strategies used by Levin all originate from his highly developed information society. His exquisite control and endless methods are undoubtedly a brand new impact for a country girl like Tyrande.

Perhaps, this is in response to the old saying: "Since ancient times, deep love cannot be retained, only tricks can win people's hearts."

At this moment, Levin is doing two things at once. While fighting demons with his tentacles, he secretly communicated with the Moon Guard.

His movements were swift and concealed, not affected by the chaos around him at all.

Those demon guards rolled up by thorns and vines struggled helplessly in the air, as if swept by a ruthless storm.

However, Levin also discovered a problem. Although these thorn vines have a significant effect on the Moon Guard, they seem to be somewhat powerless when dealing with demons. A simple vine attack could not cause much damage to the demon guard, which made him frown.

However, he soon found a solution to the problem.

He noticed that although physical attacks had little effect, he also had "magic attacks" and the poisonous stings on the vines had a special effect on the demon guards. The toxins contained in these stings can interfere with the movement of evil energy in the demon's body. Under the influence of the toxin, the originally violent demon guards became increasingly unstable.

Compared with arcane energy, evil energy has a very powerful destructive power, but its characteristics are also very distinctive - it is extremely difficult to control.

Therefore, Levin flexibly controlled the thorn vines and captured the demon guards who were corroded by the poison one by one.

These demon guards struggled in the air, the evil energy in their bodies burning like out-of-control flames. Levin knew that they had become bombs that could explode at any time.

So, at the last moment before the bomb exploded, he accurately threw these demon guards into the ranks of his comrades. With deafening loud noises, the demon's team was blown to pieces.

Levin, who was distracted, used his tentacles to severely teach the roaring demon guards while paying close attention to the movements of the moon guards in the distance.

His psychic powers are like an invisible net, capturing every subtle change on the battlefield.

Within the Moon Guard, there was quite a commotion because of Madrac's statement. Although Levin could not judge the outcome of this commotion for the time being, he knew that he must be prepared to deal with all possibilities.

Smashing [Flame Strike] against an unlucky demon guard again, Levin's psychic powers suddenly sensed a strong crisis. He instinctively dodged to the side, narrowly escaping.

"Bah!" A sharp sound broke through the air, and an extremely condensed beam of evil energy directly penetrated the protection of the Moon God Realm and landed at the location where Levin had just been. If Levin's reaction was a little slower, the various arcane protective magics on his body would definitely be triggered automatically.

"Hmph! Good luck to you." Seeing this, Tichondrius retracted his right index finger calmly.

However, Levin was keenly aware that his entire finger had turned black and was trembling.

Obviously, this attack on Tichondrius also caused a lot of burden.

"Is it Archimonde's special skill, [Finger of Death]?" Levin frowned and stared at the big bat in the sky warily. He secretly guessed in his mind, but quickly rejected his idea, "No, this power and momentum should be a weakened version of [Finger of Pain]. Moreover, this bat spirit must have great limitations in using this move. It is absolutely impossible to cast it continuously.

Despite this, Levin also knew that he had become Tichondrius's main target. He no longer dared to cast spells as recklessly as before. Every time he took action, he became cautious, leaving no opportunity for Tichondrius to take advantage of.

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