Although Dejana's spellcasting lasted only a few minutes, the number of demon guards led by Tichondrius was reduced by more than half. The remaining demons were all injured, and the overall combat effectiveness was seriously affected. They were running around on the battlefield, no longer as arrogant as before.

However, this powerful and foul-mouthed spell doesn't come without a price. After finishing casting the spell, Dejana's face was as pale as paper and her body was crumbling.

If Tyrande hadn't been able to support her with quick eyes and hands, the high priest, whose steps were sloppy after landing, would have fallen directly to the ground.

This is another aspect of the problem - when Elune chooses her high priest, she considers more than just his ability and piety.

What's more important is the high priest's adaptability to the power of the Moon God.

Although Elune's power is extremely powerful and has divinity, she needs to use her believers as a medium to perfectly cross the phase and descend to the main material plane.

However, believers who are infused with divine power bear not only the gift of strength, but also a heavy burden.

Dejana can become the high priest, and her adaptability to Elune's "one-four-three" power is naturally the strongest among the sisterhood, but even after she has cast the spell for only a few minutes, she is already showing signs of fatigue.

At this time, she was lying in Tyrande's arms, her body constantly shaking, obviously suffering from unspeakable pain.

Therefore, when believers pray to God and Elune does not appear, it may not be that she is unwilling to respond. But she was hesitating, she was worried, fearing that her divine power would be too strong and would push believers to the edge of life in an instant.

The reason why Tyrande is valued by Elune is precisely because of her unparalleled strength and adaptability.

Dejana could only hold on to the same Lunar railgun for a few minutes, but in the original work, Tyrande could cast it for half an hour at a time. Her body seemed to be an endless container, capable of containing and harnessing Elune's majestic power.

Not to mention, the future Tyrande is not only frequently directly possessed by Elune, but is also able to fully accept the dark side of Elune's power. When the power of shadow is added to her body, she directly transforms into the "Moonnight God of War" and has a fighting experience that is unmatched by mortals.

The gap between people is vividly displayed at this moment.

When Levin's eyes fell on the dark blue diamond-shaped gem on Dejana's chest, his eyes narrowed unconsciously, and an inexplicable throbbing surged in his heart.

"That pendant...could it be the legendary Tears of Elune?" He murmured to himself.

The Tear of Elune is one of several powerful artifacts known as the Pillars of Creation, along with the Tidestone of Golganeth, the Shield of Aggramar, the Hammer of Khaz'goroth and Aman'Thul left by the Titans. The eyes are juxtaposed, and each of them possesses heaven-defying power.

However, there are so few manifestations of the Tears of Elune that its true effect remains a mystery.

However, Levin knew that if it could be compared with those heaven-defying artifacts, this seemingly inconspicuous gem must also contain unimaginable power.

His eyes wandered back and forth between Dejana and the gem, and his heart was filled with curiosity.

With the help of the increased power of Elune's Tears, Dejana just cast a large-scale divine spell that exceeded the limit of her own abilities.

At this time, she could barely stand with Tyrande's support. Her face was as pale as paper and she looked very weak. However, her eyes were still firm and bright [worry about her fellow sisters kept her from falling.

After taking a breath, Dejana raised her head with difficulty to look at Maiev, and said in a weak but firm voice: "Maev...immediately take the sisters to evacuate before the demons can catch their breath..." ............"

Before she could finish her words, she fainted amidst the exclamations of the sisterhood priests around her. Tyrande hugged her limp body tightly, panic and worry flashing in his eyes.

Levin withdrew his gaze and solemnly reminded the chaotic sisterhood members: "The high priest is right! We are not completely out of danger yet, and we must evacuate as soon as possible!

At the same time, the corner of his eye still never left Tichondrius in the distance. The demon lord was standing in the messy battlefield, staring at the group of them with gloomy eyes, exuding a strong evil aura, and was ready to launch a new round of attacks at any time.

Under Levin's gaze, the corners of Tichondrius's mouth suddenly curved in a ferocious arc, which made Levin feel something was wrong.

His figure was seen twisting and changing in a burst of dark smoke, and then turned into countless small bats, densely covering the sky. In the blink of an eye, these little bats swooped over the woods where Levin and others were hiding, and their shrill screams echoed through the woods, which was terrifying.

"Haha~ As Lord Kil'jaeden expected, the irrational fanaticism of faith will pose a great obstacle to the Legion's capture of Azeroth." Tichondrius's voice came from all directions, and it seemed that everyone His figure was hidden in every corner, "We can't let you guys reach the front line to boost the morale of the resistance."

As his voice fell and he joined his hands together, a wave of green light spurted out from his palms and struck towards the group of priests below. The light was also mixed with a large number of disgusting black bugs, flying in the air as if cheering for this devastating attack.

And High Priest Dejana, judged by Tichondrius to be the biggest threat, was at the center of the impact.

"[Swarm of Rotten Insects]!" Tichondrius shouted with a ferocious smile.

"Don't even think about it!" Maiev, who reacted the fastest, shouted angrily and threw the moon wheel filled with the power of moonlight into the big bat in the air.

The moon wheel drew a silver arc in the sky, approaching Tichondrius. However, Tichondrius seemed to have anticipated this move. He dodged and skillfully avoided the attack of the moon wheel.

At the same time, Maiev loudly ordered to the nearby priests: "Everyone use the magic, [Moonlight Shield] together!"

"Yes.........Yes!" Although the answers were mixed, the combat priests had already taken the lead in casting spells, and others followed suit...

They clasped their hands together and muttered something.

When Maiev's second lunar attack was deflected by Tichondrius with his huge flesh wings, a sharp whistling sounded in the air. At this critical moment, silver rays of light spurted out from their palms, intertwining to form a solid shield. This shield exudes soft moonlight, dispersing a lot of the darkness in the woods.

This translucent shield enveloped all the priests like a timely rain, narrowly blocking Tichondrius's fatal attack.

This fragile defensive barrier was crumbling under the crazy bites of countless ferocious insects from another world, as if it might collapse at any time. However, as more and more priests injected their power into the barrier, they strengthened this so-called defensive barrier.

With their efforts, the [Moonlight Shield] gradually became solid and solid, emitting a soft but firm light. Those black bugs that originally tried to break through the shield were purified into harmless creatures the moment they came into contact with the moonlight. The powder fell to the ground one after another.

Tichondrius also seemed to have trouble with this strong shield. He was suspended in the air, staring gloomily at the group of priests below, looking for a breakthrough.

Based on Levin's careful observation, he discovered that the [Moonlight Shield] covering everyone was by no means a simple defense method. It is essentially a combination of two 8-ring divine spells - [Shield of Order] and [Holy Aura]. The former specializes in fighting the erosion of chaotic forces; the latter can purify and resist the invasion of evil forces.

The Burning Legion is the embodiment of chaos and evil. Their fel energy possesses chaotic qualities; the shadow force possesses a profoundly evil nature. As a result, these two forces seemed helpless in front of the [Moonlight Shield], as if they were restrained by natural enemies.

However, pure defense obviously cannot completely reverse the situation.

Although Dijana's previous range attack caused considerable trauma to the enemy, the demon's 5.1 vitality was staggeringly tenacious. With just a short rest, they can get back into the fight.

What's even more troublesome is that the hellfire bodies constructed from evil energy are as hard as iron and have successfully withstood the previous bombardment of the Luna Railgun. At this time, they were moving slowly but surely towards the grove.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, Tichondrius did not take it seriously and did not choose to confront the Moon God Realm head-on. He wandered cunningly outside the barrier, looking for opportunities.

Whenever Maiev and others tried to evacuate, he could always make predictions in advance and wander around to harass the battle priests in the direction they were preparing to evacuate. This cat and mouse game makes Maiev and others feel stressed, but there is nothing they can do.

After several failed attempts to break out, Maiev couldn't help but feel anxious and annoyed as she looked at the hellfire getting closer and closer and the demon guards regrouping.

She gritted her teeth and waved the moon wheel in her hand angrily: "Damn it! This guy is obviously delaying time on purpose!"

If they cannot find a breakthrough as soon as possible, what awaits them will be an even more brutal battle. .

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