My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 669 Instigating The Rebellion Of The Moon Guards

As the crisis continued to approach, even Maiev began to look a little panicked. In this tense atmosphere, only Levin and Tyrande still maintained a calm mind.

Tyrande shuttled among the crowd, her soft voice and warm smile comforting everyone, soothing every panicked heart like the spring breeze. She encouraged the sisters, calmed their emotions, and made everyone feel the firmness and strength in her heart, so they gradually calmed down and joined her in attacking the devil - this should have been a matter for the high priest. .

At this moment, Tyrande completely lost the shyness and reserve she had when facing high-level priests. She seemed to be a different person, showing her unique charm as a leader of the clan in the future.

Levin looked at Tyrande's figure in the crowd and couldn't help but feel filled with emotion. He finally understood why Tyrande had the last laugh in the competition for the position of high priest.

Because her leadership, her calmness, and her tenacity are all qualities necessary for a leader. Even without Elune's special favor, just because Tyrande could calm down in this situation, she was already much better than Maiev.

And Levin himself, with the guarantee of arcane magic, was naturally the calmest among everyone present.

He had already prepared for the worst. If things went wrong, he would simply expose his identity as a mage and activate the group conveyor belt to escape with them.

For the sake of Elune's oracle and life-saving grace, these priests will not discriminate against him.

Of course, this is not his first choice. After all, exposing his identity will bring a series of risks and troubles.

"If the Demon Guard and Hellfire are allowed to complete the encirclement, and this big bat is hiding aside to make a fuss, the main force of gold, which is not Elune's sister gold, will be killed here. Cai Wen can see the situation clearly.

He looked around and saw that the demons were gradually narrowing the encirclement, while Tichondrius stood aside and watched coldly, as if he was a hunter waiting for his prey to fall into the trap.

Levin turned his attention to the Moon Guards hundreds of meters away. The elite of these mage troops had stopped moving at this time. Many of them had their hands folded with gloating smiles on their faces.

Get ready for a show.

However, Levin knew that not everyone in the Moon Guard was loyal to the Legion. As he had noticed before, many people did not have strong objections to the Burning Legion's attitude towards treating them like slaves and their increasingly outrageous evil deeds in recent years.

"In that case, let's give it a try. I hope these moon guards can understand what I mean."

Levin made up his mind and stopped paddling and watching, but extended his hand to Tichondrius. Immediately afterwards, [Flame Strike] fell from the sky, and the blazing fire descended on the head of the Dread Lord like an angry fire dragon.

At the same time, several vines emerged from the ground and stretched out towards the big bat in the air.

Tichondrius was teasing the battle priests with long-range combat capabilities in a playful manner.

The arrows and offensive spells fired by Tyrande and others were either easily knocked away by his wide flesh wings, or were blocked by the fel shield. Except for Maiev, it was difficult for anyone else to pose a sufficient threat to Tichondrius, which gave him the confidence to harass him outside the barrier.

Until Levin took action.

Levin's combat prowess was completely different from that of most priests, and his attacks forced Tichondrius to be distracted. The blazing flames and sharp vines made him feel a little threatened, and he had to temporarily give up harassing the priests and instead deal with this sudden attack.

However, the [Flame Strike] performed by Levin did not focus on a certain landing point. Its attack range far exceeded his expectations, covering a vast area of ​​several meters in radius. The flames surged out like a frenzy, carrying the power of destroying everything.

At the same time, the thorns and vines in the ground also broke out of the ground. They seemed to have instinctive perception and launched a fierce attack on the creature with the highest energy in the scene - Tisu Diorai.

These dancing vines are like flexible snakes, winding and twisting to block Tichondrius's hiding space.

Faced with this sudden double attack, Tichondrius had to take it seriously. He resisted part of the [Flame Strike] attack with the evil energy shield and tried his best to avoid the entanglement of the vines.

Even the leader of the Dread Demon King like him couldn't help but feel a little surprised by this sudden attack.

He turned to Levin who was concentrating on casting spells with a hint of surprise, his eyes showing a trace of amusement and admiration: "Interesting, I didn't expect that among these priests who use the power of light, there is also an incompatible alien mixed in."

The sneak attack failed, but Levin was not discouraged. He ignored Tichondrius's provocation, and still maintained a calm attitude, continuing to attack the Dread Lord in the sky who was dodging flexibly.

"Major, look here!" The young Moon Guard with a face full of resentment suddenly called out to his captain, with a trace of indescribable surprise in his voice.

He pointed to the bushes in front of him, his eyes firmly fixed on the lush green.

"What's it a firefly?"

Major Madrak looked in the direction of his finger with confusion, but found nothing unusual at first. However, when he carefully observed the bushes, his eyes suddenly caught a strange scene.

There are countless fireflies living in the nearby bushes, and their lights flash in the night, making the jungle look beautiful at night.

But the shrub in front of me is different. The number of fireflies living on it far exceeds that of other shrubs, and these fireflies seem to gather together consciously to form a strange pattern.

No, that is not a simple pattern, but a simple line of text.

The major and the young guard stared at the ever-changing pattern and whispered: "Please help us, compatriots.'

During the days when he traveled to this world, Levin relied on his superior intelligence to already be familiar with the commonly used Darnassian language--that is, the language of the night elves--he no longer needed to rely on [Language Proficiency]. and the magic of [Bloody Words], you can communicate smoothly with the night elves.

This message was conveyed by using [Animal Control] to drive nearby fireflies.

It can only be said that Levin's previous perception of the emotions of these moon guards was correct. A few characters made up of fireflies were like a stone thrown into a pond, breaking the inner peace of some of the moon guards.

The guards who had long been dissatisfied with the Burning Legion looked at the flashing words and fell into deep thinking.

"Compatriot...?" Major Madrac murmured to himself. He clasped his hands together and tried to suppress his inner struggle. At this time, his heart was filled with complex emotions, simple, but very profound. Heavy words. "

After a while, he loosened his fist and let out a long sigh.

"Darnall, what do you think?" Major Madrak's eyes turned to the anxious young man beside him, scratching his head. There was a hint of exploration in his tone, as if he was looking for some kind of resonance.

"Major, I think... I want to help them." Danal stood up straight and said hesitantly.

"Major, that's what I thought about it." Seeing that Madrac didn't interrupt him, he took a deep breath and continued, "I know that I am not qualified to comment on whether the Queen's choice is right or wrong. But those so-called 'envoys of the gods' ', can you really fully accept their behavior?"

"Do you think so too..." Major Madrak was silent for a moment, the balance in his heart had already made a choice, and Darnar's approval became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Then, he slowly turned his head towards his colleagues behind him. 【013503113 Feilu 211111031】

He automatically ignored the group of people who stood together to cheer and cheer for the devil, and shouted in a loud voice: "Everyone! Please listen to me."

After most of the Moon Guards turned their attention to him, Major Madrak continued to ask loudly: "This should not be the first time for everyone to see the atrocities of demons. Do you really think their actions are justified?" Really? Do you really think they are safeguarding the interests of the upper elves and the order of society?"

"Ha!" As soon as he finished speaking, a blue-haired man sneered and retorted in a provocative tone: "Major Madrac, do you want to doubt Her Majesty the Queen's decision? This is an act of treason!!

Major Madrak glanced at the other person. Although all the Moon Guards were wearing standard light armor, he still noticed that the enchanted decoration on this man was obviously more gorgeous than the others, and it was obviously customized. This shows that although everyone's military rank is about the same, his status in the world is much higher than others.

After all, a suit of armor like this is not cheap.

But even so, he was not irritated by the other party's words, but responded calmly: "Captain Feldlin Donglu, I am not questioning Her Majesty the Queen's decision, I just hope that everyone can discuss this issue openly and honestly. .After all, we are all moon guardians and have the responsibility to protect the peace of this land."

The next moment, another person raised objections in public.

It was Danal. He seemed to be contradicting Feldlin Winter Dew. He raised his right hand and said firmly in his voice: "Major! I think Her Majesty was just blinded by the devil's rhetoric. Just like Lord Ravencrest As advocated, there must be villains inside and outside the palace who are stirring up trouble and trying to destroy our home."

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