Although the selection of each high priest is not directly selected by the moon god Elune, the threshold for this responsibility is also extremely high.

This threshold is not just about personal strength - after all, as the chief high priest of the Moon God, why do we need to rely too much on ordinary strength? Under the care of Elune, "strength will naturally flow like water." keep emerging.

In the end, the real key is the high priest's deep understanding and devout belief in the teachings of the Moon God. In this regard, Dejana is undoubtedly the best in the world. Her faith in Elune is so devout that any doubts disappear.

Dejana has taken over the position of High Priest of the Sisterhood for hundreds of years. She has witnessed Queen Azshara personally supervise the construction of the large temple city of Rasal Raza in order to show respect to the moon god Elune. At that time, Queen Azshara lived up to her name, a true light of light, shining on the entire continent of Azeroth, and Dejana also enjoyed supreme glory as the goddess's highest representative in the material world.

However, at the same time, she also witnessed the Queen opening a portal to the Twisting Nether through the Well of Eternity, introducing the demons of the Burning Legion into the peaceful Azeroth.

At that moment, her heart was full of struggle and pain, but as the highest representative of the goddess in the material world during peacetime, she was unable to stop it in time because of her own conservatism and indecision.

Dejana is well aware of her character shortcomings. Her style tends to be conservative, and sometimes she even appears indecisive.

With her status as the High Priest of Elune, if she could have firmly opposed Queen Azshara's opening of the portal, perhaps even the Queen, known as the Light of Light, could not completely ignore her opinions.

However, she failed to do so, which caused her to fall into self-blame countless times in the dead of night after the Burning Legion revealed its true colors.

With her status as the High Priest of Elune, if she had firmly opposed Queen Azshara's opening of the portal [even the Queen known as the Light of Light could not completely ignore her opinion.

However, time cannot be turned back, and what has happened cannot be undone. In the dead of night after the Burning Legion revealed its true colors, Dejana felt self-blame and regret countless times.

In recent years, in the private gatherings of the sororities and the chats after dinner, a name gradually emerged in everyone's words - Maiev.

Her talent, wit and bravery made her admired by many sisterhood members like a torrential river, and Maiev's voice for catching the high priest became louder and louder.

How could Dejana, the current high priest who had gone through many trials and tribulations, not be aware of this undercurrent of the situation?

She was like a mirror, and even actively cooperated with this trend, carefully arranging a series of tasks for Maiev. These tasks not only help Maiev expand her network, but also make her reputation among the sisterhood skyrocketing.

However, a few years ago, a sudden oracle broke this peaceful situation.

The supreme moon god Elune actually appointed Tyrande, a little-known country priest, as the next high priest in the oracle.

This news hit Dejana's heart like a bolt from the blue. She never expected that the successor she had personally trained would not be favored by the goddess. She had mixed feelings in her heart, but more importantly, she felt deeply helpless.

Fortunately, only Dina knew the content of this oracle.

She knew that once the news was leaked, it would cause an uproar and might even plunge the sisterhood into unprecedented chaos.

But the oracle of the moon god had to be followed, so Dejana had to change her plan temporarily and train Tyrande.

Although Dejana has spared no effort to promote Tyrande in the past few years, and Tyrande Suramar's performance has won the favor of the goddess and everyone's recognition, her reputation and personal strength in the sisterhood are still different from Maiev. Not a small gap.

Unfortunately, this is God's choice, and it is irresistible and impossible to change.

Dejana could only pray silently in her heart, hoping that Tyrande could grow up as soon as possible and take on this important responsibility. At the same time, she must also find a way to balance the forces within the sisterhood to ensure that at this critical moment, everyone can unite as one and avoid causing trouble.

Amid the rapid changes in his mind, High Priest Dijana took a deep breath and concentrated on moving the artifact in his hand. A layer of light blue transparent aura gradually emerged around her body, as soft as morning dew, but containing a power that should not be underestimated. This force gently pushed Tyrande who was close to her outward, making her shocked.

The woods in the middle of the night were originally dark, but at this moment, they were illuminated by the hazy light as gentle as the moonlight around Dejana.

Tichondrius originally drooped his eyelids lazily, but after feeling this gentle but powerful force, the corners of his eyebrows twitched unconsciously. The demon leader immediately turned his attention to the direction of the grove, feeling an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

At this moment, Dejana was slowly suspended in mid-air under the power of the artifact gem. Her hands were raised up, as if embracing the starry sky.

Following her movements, countless silver-white "stars" appeared in mid-air. They emitted faint light, but also exuded power that could not be ignored.

These stars seemed to have the ability to be precisely guided, and they fell on the heads of all demons within a radius of several kilometers. Every star contains the power of Elune, and they draw dazzling tracks in the night sky, as spectacular as a meteor shower.

"Feel the power of Elune!" Dijana declared loudly, as if she was pronouncing the death of the demons, "The stars are falling!"

As her words fell, the power of the stars poured down like a raging torrent, illuminating the woods like daylight.

"Wow!" Levin couldn't help but exclaimed at the spectacular sight in front of him.

Although there was an insurmountable gap between the picture on the screen and the live broadcast he witnessed, Naifen could not ignore what he saw.

If he remembered correctly, the wide-area spell used by High Priest Dijana at this time has a more popular and shocking name among the players of "World of Warcraft" - Luna Railgun, and It's still an enhanced version.

Countless "meteors" of pure energy fell from the sky as densely as dumplings, carrying the power of destroying the world.

Each "meteor" hit the demons accurately, sending up pieces of green smoke. The demons who were hit screamed in pain. The green smoke coming out of their bodies seemed to be the traces left after being burned by high temperature, and there was a burning smell in the air.


The demon guards raised their huge weapons and waved them randomly in the air.

Their eyes were full of panic and despair, trying to reduce the chance of being attacked. However, facing such a dense "meteor" attack, their resistance was so weak and insignificant.

On this battlefield that looks like the end of the world, the wails of demons rise and fall, intertwined with the roar of falling "meteors", forming a tragic and shocking symphony.

The "Stars Falling" cast by High Priest Dejana is not an ordinary spell, which can be seen from the reaction of the demons after being hit.

Those energy meteors that shone like moonlight with a faint silver light drew beautiful trajectories in the night sky, as if the fingertips of the goddess were dancing gently. Whenever these meteors come into contact with demons, a powerful force will erupt, causing huge damage to these palm-to-tooth demons.

Levin witnessed all this and felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart.

He recalled what he knew about Elune in his previous life, and a flash of light flashed in his mind: "Is this the power of the Holy Light?"

Although this silver energy is different from the golden holy light in his impression, who can stipulate that the power of light can only be embodied in gold?

Perhaps, this is Elune's unique form of power, and it is she who gives her followers unique power.

"Interesting." A smile appeared on Levin's lips, making new guesses about Elune's power and force form.

This true god, who is revered as the "Moon God" by the night elves, is obviously not as simple as the players imagined. Her existence, even before Levin traveled through time, remained a confusing mystery.

Although the possibility of Elune being the star soul of Azeroth has been officially ruled out, Elune's existence was still confusing even before Levin's time travel.

However, at this moment, Levin glimpsed some of Elune's secrets from the spells of High Priest Dejana. Her power at least contains the dual attributes of life and holy light, which makes her power irresistible to demons who master energy.

Although Levin was full of curiosity about Elune's power and longed to delve deeper into the moon god's secrets, he knew that the current battle situation did not allow him to be distracted.

Amid Maiev's urgent shouts, he quickly retracted his thoughts and returned his attention to the battlefield.

Wherever he looked, demons were being smashed by meteors falling from the sky and fleeing in all directions. Those originally neat and uniform formations instantly collapsed under this high-intensity range attack and became scattered.

Although Tichondrius held up a gloomy green protective barrier to block most of the energy meteors that hit him, he seemed to have no intention of helping his soldiers.

There is no real camaraderie among demons.

Maiev seized this opportunity and led her troops to break through the demon's defense line.

Under the rapid running of the night saber, the combat priest troops broke into the grove where the high priest was like a sharp arrow and successfully joined the large army.

Seeing that the remaining sisters were safe and sound, the joy of victory immediately filled their hearts. .

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