My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 658: The Method Of Stimulating Generals

When Maiev mentioned that prominent family, Levin's thoughts were instantly ignited, and a name emerged in his mind.

"Sun Chaser..." He murmured in a low voice. This name held unique status and honor among the upper elves.

They were a rare family among the upper elves that stood on the side of the resistance. Their choice brought this family to glory and left a mark in the long history of history.

Of course, their glory did not come from the night elves.

After all, the Sun Chasers are high-level elves who started out with arcane magic. Although they cooperated well with the low-level elves during the war, their fundamental contradiction was exposed after the war:

There was a huge conflict between the remaining upper elves, represented by the Sunstriders, and the ordinary night elves, regarding whether to continue to use arcane power. In the end, they simply left their homeland angrily with their persistence and belief in arcane magic. , across the vast ocean, heading to the Eastern Kingdom to seek a new habitat. There, they gradually evolved into the later high elves and continued to write their own legends.

"That's right." Before Levin could say anything more, Maiev had already convinced herself, "The divine revelation from the moon god Elune will not come for no reason, let alone be given to ten men outside the sisterhood."

His sharp eyes looked back and forth on Levin, as if trying to penetrate the depths of his soul. Maiev said thoughtfully: "There must be something special about you that Elune values."


Maven's eyes seemed to be scanning the prey, which made Levin roll his eyes helplessly. He knew very well how persistent and crazy the future watcher was for his prey, and she made the future Illidan miserable. Yes, he doesn't want to be her next hunting target.

"By the way." Levin suddenly hit his palm, seeming to remember something important, "Priest Maiev, I remember your last name is Shadowsong, right?"

Maiev nodded slightly, "Yes, is there any problem?"

She didn't understand why Levin suddenly mentioned her last name.

"Well, I suddenly remembered what I heard from Tyrande."

Levin smiled and touched his chin, "If the information she provided is correct, there is a captain who is currently leading the resistance army. With his outstanding talents, he is favored by the commander of the army, Lord Ravencase. He has almost been He was promoted to deputy to the commander-in-chief. His name seems to be Jarod Shadowsong——You are both named Shadowsong, and you are both from Suramar. If there is no coincidence, I guess he is your family member. Is it right?"

"What did you say?!" Maiev suddenly rushed to Levin's side and grabbed his wrist tightly.

"You mean Jarod?" At this moment, her face could no longer see the calmness and calmness before, instead it was full of shock and excitement, "He is the deputy to the commander of the resistance army? How is this possible! He is just an ordinary city guard captain of Black Crow Castle!"

Levin looked at Maiev's reaction and couldn't help but chuckle inwardly, "An expected reaction."

For him, who had known the original work for a long time, this was just pretending to be confused, and he said this just to change the subject.

He spread his hands and continued, "At least that's the news I got. It is said that Mr. Jarod just took office recently and is considered a dazzling new star emerging in the resistance."

"Damn..." Maiev let go of Levin's wrist, with an expression of disbelief on her face. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down her emotions, "This is too sudden.

I had no idea he would become the second-in-command to the rebel commander. what on earth is it?"

Levin shrugged, "I don't know the specific situation very well. But according to Tyrande, Mr. Jarod performed very well on the battlefield. He was brave, fearless, wise and courageous, and soon won Ravencair. Lord Si’s trust and appreciation. Therefore, it is reasonable for him to be promoted to deputy.”

"Garold, he is my biological brother." Maiev's words revealed a hint of deep emotional entanglement.

Her expression seemed to have gone through the changes of the four seasons in just a short moment, changing erratically, revealing that she was going through an overwhelming struggle in her heart.

Finally, she gritted her teeth and seemed to have made an important decision. She gave up monitoring Levin and resolutely turned around and strode towards the main hall.

"I will arrange for someone else to 'take care' of you," Maiev stopped, turned her head slightly and said, "Also, I hope you didn't make fun of Jarod. This is very important to me."

Levin looked at Maiev's back, raised a meaningful smile on his lips, waved his hand slowly and said: "Go slowly, Priest Maiev."

"Oh, it seems that my guess is correct. The relationship between Maiev and Jarod at this time is still close. I hope this news will help the sisterhood speed up the pace of action."

Levin looked up to the distant east, with a deep light shining in his eyes. Although he was walking around the world as a druid at this time, his real power came from arcane magic. Therefore, even though he was thousands of miles away, he could still clearly feel the terrifying fluctuations of the huge energy source coming from Lasalle Raza.

"Well of Eternity, you are both the source of power and the foreshadowing of disaster. It is really a double-edged sword that people love and hate." Levin murmured to himself.

As the leader of the fighting priests who is recognized and respected by many sisters, Maiev's opinions hold a decisive position in the sisterhood, and even the high priest Dejana cannot easily ignore it. Under her firm promotion and advocacy, a consensus was quickly reached within the sisterhood:

Tomorrow night, we will officially break up with the Moon Guards, break through the blockade of Lasall Raza, and try to get to the main battlefield before the war breaks out.

Although Levin is nominally a druid, decisions within the Sisterhood of Elune seem to have nothing to do with him. However, he had already made up his mind to contribute his own strength in the implementation stage of the plan. This will not only help the Sisters, but also allow him to show his true strength in front of everyone and prove that he is worthy of Elune's favor and attention.

The long day finally passed, and as the sky gradually darkened, the priests of the sisterhood began to take turns sleeping in order to recharge their batteries for the upcoming battle. Tyrande was no exception. She found a quiet place to close her eyes and relax.

But Levin was full of energy because of the sufficient sleep before, and became even more excited after entering the night. He couldn't wait to try to fight the wizards of this world.

The Moon Guard that blocked Lasallaza stood like an iron wall on the outskirts of the city. They closely guard the teleportation gate leading to the ground. Anyone without permission cannot escape from this imprisoned city with the help of the teleportation array.

Except for Levin, no other member of the Sisterhood of Elune knew anything about the arcane magic that created the portal.

After learning all this, Levin secretly smiled bitterly in his heart. His current identity is just a druid. If he rashly uses the methods of an arcane mage to build a portal, his true identity will definitely be exposed.

However, druid's spells are fundamentally different from arcane magic. He has never heard of any druid who can cast teleportation spells... Of course, opening the door to the Emerald Dream is another matter. Don't talk about it.

"In other words," Maiev, the leader of the battle priests of the Sisters of Elune, put her hands on the conference table in the temple, her eyes were firm and resolute, "we want to leave this prison.

Conflict with the Moon Guard is probably inevitable. "

The priests present nodded in agreement, but High Priest Dijana seemed a little hesitant.

She frowned and said worriedly: "Is this really good? Although the Moon Guards followed the Queen's order and sealed us in La Salraza, they have always been believers of the goddess and have always treated us sisterhood members. The courtesy is great, is it a bit too impulsive for us to launch a direct attack like this?"

Seeing that High Priest Dejana was still hesitant, Tyrande finally couldn't hold it any longer.

Although she did not have much say in Lasalle Raza, seeing that the matter of supporting the resistance army was delayed again and again, she still overcame her inner self-confidence and stood up resolutely, looking directly into Dejana's eyes. The voice persuaded firmly and sincerely: "High Priest, please understand that these are two different things."

"Although the Moon Guards maintain respect for the Sisters, this cannot conceal the fact that they restrict our actions." Tyrande pointedly pointed out, "In their hearts, the Queen's orders are above all else. As long as the Queen gives the order, they will We will eradicate any enemy—of course, including our sisterhood. If the Queen orders them to take action against our sisterhood, then we will become extremely passive, as helpless as lambs waiting to be slaughtered."

Her tone revealed deep concern, because she had witnessed firsthand on the frontline battlefield how the Moon Guards loyal to the Queen treated rebellious civilians. She is well aware of the style and methods of these Moon Guards, so she is unwilling to let the Sisterhood fall into that situation.

In order to let the priestesses present have a deeper understanding of what she meant, she told what she had seen and heard in Suramar and the resistance.

She described the civilians who were brutally suppressed by the Moon Guard, and their helplessness and despair were deeply imprinted in Tyrande's heart.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the future high priest. Although Tyrande is young now, he has shown strong leadership and successfully made many priestesses feel uneasy about their own safety with just a few words.

After listening to Tyrande's story, the priests present all looked horrified, and they began to realize the fragility of their own safety.

However, there are still some people who are hesitant and intolerant of being enemies with their compatriots.

Tyrande saw their concerns, her tone softened slightly, and continued: "Of course, I don't hope that the conflict between us will lead to bloodshed and sacrifice. But please remember, what will happen during the battle , no one can predict it. We can only prepare for the worst and fight for our freedom and survival.

She glanced at everyone present and found that Dejana was not the only one with hesitant expressions.

At this moment, another person stood up resolutely and provided strong support for Tyrande's point of view. This person is Maiev.

"Everyone, please listen to me," Maiev patted the table, attracting everyone's attention. "Hesitating in battle will only lead to our own destruction. We may feel compassion for the enemy, but the enemy They will not be merciful to us. When the time comes, my battle priest team and I will take the lead, and the other sisters must act according to the plan and must not drag down the entire team because of mercy on the enemy."

At this point, her face became gloomy, and her voice couldn't help but have a hint of severity: "You don't want to see your sisters die at the hands of the enemy, right? We can't let this happen!"

Compared with Tyrande, Maiev has stayed in La Salraza for many years and has a deeper understanding and influence on the priests here. As soon as she finished speaking, many people expressed their support.

Seeing this scene, Levin, who was leaning near the door of the conference room and listening, couldn't help but curl up his lips. He was secretly glad in his heart: "Fortunately, Maiev tried her best to help convince these priests. "Otherwise they would not know how long they would hesitate. It is taboo to not be firm-willed in battle."

From this point of view, it was right for him to provoke Maiev with Jarod's incident. .

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