On the day of the operation, the Temple of the Glory of the Moon was still solemn and solemn, as if it were no different from usual. The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the golden dome of the temple, shining with soft and sacred light.

The people trapped in the city entered the temple one after another at around 7 or 8 pm with a pious mood to participate in today's prayer ceremony.

Several priests dressed in white robes, holding moon wheels and staffs, stood in the center of the temple, leading believers in prayer as usual.

Their voices were melodious and solemn, echoing in every corner of the temple, making everyone present feel the blessing and warmth of the Moon God.

However, when the last group of Moon God believers finished their prayers and left the temple with expressions of satisfaction and peace, the operation of the Moon God's Glory Temple temporarily entered a state of suspension.

The originally bustling temple became silent, as if waiting for something important to happen.

Under the leadership of Maiev, a group of combat priests holding weapons such as moon wheels, moon blades, and bows and arrows quietly appeared in the temple. They were wearing black combat robes [with firm and resolute expressions on their faces.

At Maiev's order, they quickly and orderly left the temple and sneaked into the depths of the city.

Their figures moved flexibly through the shadows of city buildings, as silently as a group of ghosts.

Their target was directly at the animal pens guarded by the moon on the eastern border of the city. There are a large number of hippogryphs under guard there, and these excellent flying mounts are crucial to them. If these excellent flying mounts can be recaptured, ordinary priests with weak combat abilities can evacuate from the air first.

There are many Moon Guards responsible for guarding the animal pens, with about 50 people in a squadron.

Wearing enchanted metal light armor, holding spears and shields, they glanced around vigilantly. Especially at the main entrance of the animal pen, more than a dozen moon guards were in high spirits and ready to fight.

However, the battle priests were not intimidated by this tight defense. Relying on their familiarity with the terrain and excellent combat skills, they quietly approached the animal pen.

The number of the assault team led by Maiev is almost the same as that of the enemy, but it is very elite. They are like sharp arrows, sharp and fast. The other battle priests were slightly behind, led cautiously by Maiev's adjutant Nasa. Their task was to ensure that High Priest Dejana and other members of the sisterhood were safe and sound.

Maiev has always been an impatient person, but now that she learned that her own brother was leading the army on the front line, her inner anxiety was even more fueled.

She took a deep breath and quickly gestured to the fighting priests hiding around her, telling them to disperse. Immediately afterwards, her body swayed slightly and she used the shadow step skill "The whole person instantly escaped into the shadow minister."

The next second, Maiev appeared like a ghost in the shadow behind a moon guard in front of the main entrance. With a cold light flashing in her eyes, she clenched the moon wheel in her hand and waved it out silently.

"Fan of knives!"

As Maiev's cold shout fell, countless shadow flying knives split and spread from her moon disk, like a dark storm [enveloping all the dozen electric guards present.


Levin stood not far away from High Priest Dejana and witnessed this scene. He shook his head helplessly and said in a confused voice: "Is this considered a sneak attack? What is the difference between this and a frontal breakthrough?"

Dejana smiled bitterly and shook her head: "Maivey has always believed in one truth - no matter what the process is, as long as she kills everyone who sees her, it can be regarded as a perfect dive.

Levin couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this. He glanced in the direction of Maiev and whispered: "I think you are not suitable for the sisterhood. You should join the brotherhood..."

Even so, there was a hint of approval on his face. Maiev's fighting prowess and courage were undoubtedly the best among the sisters, and even he was amazed by them.

The sudden attack broke the tranquility of the night, and painful groans and exclamations rang out from the array of bright guards.

"Uh!" A moon guard bent down in pain, and the shadow-corroded flying knife had penetrated the gap in his armor, causing him to lose his balance.

Immediately afterwards, five more guards were also attacked by flying knives. They knelt on the ground one after another, holding the wounds with their hands, struggling painfully, but unable to stand up again.

The dozens of guards who managed to escape were not unscathed. The wounds on their bodies were constantly being eroded by the power of shadow, causing unbearable pain.

These elite soldiers gritted their teeth, endured the pain, turned around, and instinctively waved the staffs in their hands, releasing streaks of blue-purple arcane energy.

"Bump!" [Arcane Explosion] exploded on the spot, and the brilliant light of energy illuminated the dark night sky - this is a trick that mages usually use to fight against stalkers, allowing the arcane bamboo to be centered on the caster. , bursting out without blind spots, attacking and repelling all close enemies.

Generally speaking, stalkers are not as strong as warriors. Once they are hit by this move, they will most likely lose their ability to resist temporarily [then they will become meat on the mage's chopping board.

However, Maiev is no ordinary assassin.

At this time, she had already jumped back and left the scene lightly. Like a nimble cheetah, she easily dodged the Moon Guards' counterattack.

Even when she was in mid-air, Maiev did not stop attacking. She clenched the moon wheel in her hand, swung it hard, and threw it away. The moon wheel drew an irregular and strange arc in the sky, like a bolt of lightning cutting into the formation from behind the moon guards.

The blades on the edge of the wheel saw made a harsh metallic friction sound as they rotated. They cut hard on the Moon Guard's enchanted light armor, splashing out a string of sparks. The Moon Guards, who were already in an uneven formation, were scrambling to avoid the rampaging moon wheel. Their formation was in chaos and they were unable to organize an effective counterattack.

Seeing this scene, Maiev's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and she was keenly aware of the flaws in her opponent's formation.

Without any hesitation, she immediately ordered: "Do it!"

Following Maiev's order, the combat priests lying in ambush nearby launched attacks at the same time like arrows.

They hold melee weapons such as moon blades and close the distance with the moon guards at lightning speed. At the same time, the remote support in the back row also accurately grasped the timing and arrived before they could engage in close combat with the enemy.

This sudden wave of attacks caught the Moon Guards off guard. They had no time to react and were already surrounded by the battle priests.

Not only the main entrance, but also the soldiers around the animal pen were attacked at almost the same time.

Although the sneak attack by the battle priest made the Moon Guards a little confused, as the elite of the upper elf mage army, they quickly got through the initial chaos and barely stabilized their position. However, their formation has been disrupted and they can no longer organize an effective counterattack.

"call out!"

At this moment, a blue-white arcane flare took off with a sharp and piercing sound.

This is a signal for help from the Moon Guards. They have obviously realized that they cannot fight this sudden enemy alone.

Tyrande, who was in the rear, frowned slightly when he saw the signal flare, and couldn't help but secretly praise: "As expected of the Moon Guard [who was able to respond so calmly despite being at a deep disadvantage. I'm afraid he will have to force his way in] ”

Levin also saw the signal flare, and he nodded in agreement: "This is expected. Fortunately, the number of Moon Guards dispatched is not large, and Queen Azshara left the most elite combat forces on the main battlefield. We are just breaking out. It shouldn’t be difficult.”

As he spoke, he glanced at the chaotic battlefield and saw that the battle priests were already engaged in a fierce battle with the moon guards. Although the Moon Guards were quite powerful, they gradually fell into a disadvantage due to the tacit cooperation and brave attacks of the combat priests. Levin believes that as long as he continues this offensive, he will soon be able to break through the Moon Guard's defenses and successfully evacuate the city. .

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