In almost a very public way, Elune conveyed a message to the entire sisterhood that Levin Cuiye was someone she valued.

"No wonder these people are staring at me like they're looking at giant pandas..." Levin murmured to himself, "...I thought it was my charm that worked, but it turns out it's for this."

Elune's move caught him off guard, and he felt like he was suddenly thrust into the spotlight.

The effect of Elune's "small speaker broadcast" was really immediate, and now everyone knew that he, Levin Cuiye, was no ordinary person. It was no longer possible for him to keep a low profile, so he could only face the sudden attention.

At the same time, he also realized that he had been closely connected with Elune, and even the entire sisterhood. This binding relationship made him a little helpless, but he had to admit that this was a rare opportunity.

Sure enough, the boss is the boss. When he sees a potential investment target, he will take action when it is time to take action and tie the opponent to the chariot decisively.

Although Levin felt a little passive about Elune's approach, he didn't have much resentment.

After all, Elune did not use him in vain, but gave him corresponding rewards. This kind of broadcast itself is a kind of recognition and support for him, and it is also a symbol of his improvement in status.

In other words, the small speaker broadcast itself is part of the reward.

After all, the Sisterhood of Elune is a major organization among the night elves, second only to the future druids in terms of high-end strength, and second only to the past Queen Azshara in terms of control over the hearts of the night elves. After the war, they became the rulers of the night elves.

Being bound to such a powerful organization is undoubtedly a huge promotion for Levin. He has gone from a little-known stranger to a big shot that everyone must take a high look in an instant.

This was one of the goals he had hoped to achieve when he approached Tyrande, but now it has been achieved in such an unexpected way.

What's even better is that most of the members in the sorority are young ladies with outstanding appearance and elegant temperament. They not only have eye-catching beauty, but also have extraordinary wisdom and strength. They are the best among the night elves.

If Levin had followed his original plan, he might be able to get acquainted with Archdruid Malfurion through his relationship with Tyrande, and use his druid abilities to find a good job among the night elves' druids. status.

However, the current situation gave him a better choice.

Levin only needs to use his charm and talk to the night elf sisters, and he can easily integrate into this group, without having to deal with those old-fashioned guys who spend all their time in the woods. This kind of life is undoubtedly more comfortable and comfortable for him.

While Levin was immersed in this joy, Tyrande was a little unhappy.

She punched Levin gently and said angrily: "Why did your charm work... Are you such a stinky person?"

Levin smiled and didn't care about Tyrande's teasing. The two walked together for many days, and with Levin's deliberate approach, this slightly intimate interaction has become a tacit understanding and habit between them.

"Giant pandas and stuff... You are referring to the Pandaren you mentioned before, right?" Tyrande asked curiously.

Levin nodded.

When the two of them were traveling together before, Levin, like Tyrande, fabricated some of his experiences of "traveling around" on the continent of Kalimdor. Relying on his knowledge of various races in Azeroth in his previous life, he described those fictional experiences so vividly that Tyrande was mesmerized.

In Tyrande's eyes, the worlds of the Troll Kingdom, the Pandaren Kingdom, and the tauren, quilboar and other races described by Levin were so real and vivid - after all, the Taro Troll Kingdom, the Pandaren Kingdom, Various races such as tauren and wild boars are not unrecorded by night elves. If you have not personally been to those places, you will not be able to make up so many real details just by making them up.

Therefore, she firmly believes in Levin’s words and sincerely admires his knowledge and experience.

While Levin and Tyrande were whispering aside, High Priest Dejana stood up slowly. Her clear and firm voice echoed in the air, attracting everyone's attention.

"Sisters," High Priest Dejana looked at everyone present, "I believe you all understand something. What just happened was a divine revelation from the goddess Elune. This Mr. Levin Cuiye, Although he is a man, he is also the chosen one of the goddess. Therefore, I hope that everyone can sincerely accept him, respect him, and respect him like you respect me, just like you treat every sister in our sisterhood.

After endorsing Levin's status, High Priest Dejana changed the subject: "Mr. Levin, together with the Tyrande sisters, came to report external intelligence to us and invite us to join the resistance. Since he has been blessed by the goddess, Kai, that means the goddess has expressed her attitude - she clearly requires us to join the war against the devil! This means that we must break through the blockade of Lasalle Raza as soon as possible and rush to the battlefield. The situation on the front line.... ..It doesn’t seem optimistic.”

As High Priest Dejana sets the tone for the direction of the Sisters of Elune, everyone is beginning to prepare to go to the front line.

Tyrande and Levin both breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that the next task would be more difficult, but at least they now had a clear goal.

However, as a druid, Levin did not understand the internal affairs of the Sisterhood. Although he had just received Elune's divine enlightenment, he was not a true priest after all. Therefore, in the following meetings, he did not participate in discussing specific plans on how to break through the siege.

Levin left the task of spreading the message to Tyrande, and then, escorted by Maiev, he returned to the previous courtyard Shiran.

The courtyard is filled with the fragrance of flowers, and the afternoon sun shines through the treetops and falls on the ground, forming mottled light and shadow. Levin felt the warm sunshine shining on his body, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and tranquility in his heart.

0Please ask for flowers…………

Judging from the temperature of the light, the current season is definitely not a hot summer.

He had just traveled to this world not long ago, and he had not yet fully adapted to the night elves' living habits of sleeping around the clock and emerging at night. On the way to Lasalraza, he and Tyrande had been resting during the day and traveling at night. Calculating carefully, he had not basked in the sun so leisurely for many days.

At this moment, he was sitting on a stone bench in the courtyard, closing his eyes, feeling the touch of the sun and the gentle breeze. Maiev stood quietly aside, scanning the surroundings with vigilant eyes to ensure that there was no danger approaching, and at the same time, it was also a kind of surveillance on him.

Under the combined effect of high perception and psychic powers, stealth, a technique that relies on the power of shadow to hide one's body, has lost its original mystery in Levin's eyes.

Just like thick fog cannot block the light of the scorching sun, the stalker's cover with shadow also becomes invisible to Levin's psychic powers.

His psychic powers are like a dragnet woven by countless tiny tentacles, spreading silently to every corner. As long as the stalker has not completely merged into the shadows and lost her entity, her existence cannot escape the capture of this net.


"You are indeed strange." A whisper broke the tranquility of the courtyard.

Maiev seemed to have noticed Levin's sight and realized that his whereabouts had been exposed. He simply walked out of the shadows openly and in front of the bench where Levin was.

At this time, she looked at Levin not only with vigilance, but also with a bit of inquiry and curiosity, as if she wanted to see through this man who made her feel unusual.

Levin opened his eyes slightly, the afternoon sunlight danced in his pupils, and a lazy smile appeared on his handsome face.

Stared by Levin's half-smiling eyes, Maiev suddenly felt flustered and subconsciously looked away.

"Huh?" Levin asked softly, "What's weird?"

Maiev crossed her arms on her chest, forced herself to calm down, and said in a calm tone: "Most of the night elves love the tranquility and mystery of the night, and worship the moon far more than the sun. In our culture, The day is a time for rest and preparation, while the night is a time for activity and exploration.”

She collected her mind and looked at Levin again: "As far as I know, in the entire huge Dark Night Empire, there are only a handful of unique people who go out of their homes to bask in the sun during the day. And one of them is a famous upper elf family. They have such a habit. Although their behavior is regarded as alien, they have also earned the title of 'Day Walker'."

Maiev stared closely into Levin's eyes, as if trying to discern some clues: "Could it be that you are a descendant or distant relative of that family?"

Levin rolled his eyes when he heard this, and a helpless smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "It's boring speculation. I just like the warm touch when basking in the sun, not because I worship the sun or want to imitate that family. Everyone has their own uniqueness The lifestyle and preferences are wide, aren’t they?”

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