"This is just a small reward for your design on me in the Goblet of Fire last year." Levin responded without showing any signs of weakness, "Tom Riddle, you should be the one looking forward to good luck next time. Today. The ending is enough to illustrate the problem. I am not the one running for my life now. Your men also suffered heavy losses, and the Ministry of Magic and myself have proven who is the dominant side in this third war."

After that, he looked at his Aurors and company employees, and encouraged loudly: "Wizards, we have won tonight! From now on, these Death Eaters will just be like rats on the street, sneaking around to do something. It’s just a small move, and you no longer dare to fight us head-on!”

Levin Green's voice overwhelmed Voldemort, penetrated the chaos and darkness of the Death Hall, and penetrated into the hearts of everyone present.

But obviously, he is much smarter than Voldemort who blindly uses a "loudspeaker". His voice uses a more sophisticated [Phantom Sound Technique], and skillfully integrates the sound transmission skills of psychic powers. This makes every word he says seem to ring directly in the heart of the listener, making it impossible to ignore and unforgettable.

Levin's words were like a warm current, inspiring everyone present.

Whether it is the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic or the employees of Alfa and Associates, they all drew strength and courage from his voice. They began to realize that the power of the mysterious man might not be as terrifying as they imagined, especially since they had more than just Levin on their side.

Their leaders - Jaina Proudmoore, Deputy Minister of Magic and Director of the Department of Enforcement of Magical Laws, Katrana Prestor, Director of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, and Nymphadora, Deputy Director of the Auror Office ·Tonks, each one is a powerful wizard with unique skills, bravery and fearlessness. They are a solid backing you can rely on.

Even Levin Green's female companions who were still at Hogwarts looked different in their eyes.

Although they have not graduated yet, they have already shown amazing magical talents. Each of them can turn into an Animagus, a magical creature. This is undoubtedly the best proof of their strength and potential.

That girl from Ravenclaw Academy, Zhang Qiu, the sphinx she transformed has the characteristics of a manticore, and the manticore is classified as a dangerous five-X magical creature by the Ministry of Magic.

Known for his ability to kill wizards with ease and his untamable nature.

When Zhang Qiu transformed into a sphinx, she not only possessed the ancient magic of the sphinx, but also mastered the terrifying song and deadly sting of the manticore. These abilities give her a huge advantage in battles with other "ordinary" wizards, making her a force to be reckoned with.

Another girl who is equally eye-catching is Hermione Granger, who has already become famous throughout Europe through the Triwizard Tournament. Her incarnation of Nekomata has already shown amazing fighting power in the Triwizard Tournament.

Nekomata is known for his agility and unique magical skills. When Hermione transformed into Nekomata, she not only possessed Nekomata's extraordinary speed and strength, but also mastered his unique magical attack method. This allows her to quickly defeat enemies in battle, becoming another powerful weapon against Death Eaters.

With these teammates around, how can the Aurors and company employees not feel at ease.

Suddenly, the corner of Voldemort's eyes caught a ray of fire flashing out of thin air on the high platform. This sudden vision stopped the harsh words he was about to blurt out.

He took a deep breath and disappeared into the darkness with Bella in an instant, leaving no trace.

Seeing this scene, Lucius Malfoy immediately followed him - he had been ready to escape since Voldemort's defeat.

He glanced regretfully at a strong man lying on the ground in the distance. He was the patriarch of the Gower family, one of the two vassal families of the Malfoy family. The other leader of the Mongolian clan, Crabbe, had already fled before Voldemort issued the retreat order.

Lucius shook his head helplessly, followed by Rudolfs, and he disappeared into the air.

There were not many Death Eaters like Lucius Malfoy who chose to escape. However, there were also some unlucky ones who were slow to respond and were surrounded by Aurors and unable to escape. During the struggle, they were gradually subdued by the Aurors, and the masks on their faces were - taken off. Revealing their true colors, they watched in despair as their companions disappeared into the darkness one by one, leaving only a few Death Eaters who were as unlucky as themselves, waiting for the unknown judgment.

What's even more unfortunate is that some Death Eaters were interrupted by the Auror's spell while trying to escape by [Apparition]. Their bodies were ruthlessly chopped up in the twisted space, leaving only piles of minced meat scattered on the floor, which was too horrible to look at. There is a terrifying and depressing atmosphere permeating the entire death hall, which makes people shudder.

The moment Voldemort left, the room was suddenly filled with golden-red light.

A fiery red phoenix spread its wings and flew, and its crisp chirping echoed in the empty hall. Dumbledore, dressed in gray and white robes, stood steadily on the high platform with the firelight. The phoenix hovered gracefully in the air behind him, its gorgeous feathers shining with warm light.

"I hope I'm not late." Dumbledore said gently, his voice full of soothing power. His eyes gently turned to Harry. At that moment, Harry felt that his nerves that had been tense all night finally relaxed, and the fear and anxiety in his heart seemed to be gently relieved by a warm current.

The familiar sense of security calmed Harry down, and he knew that as long as Dumbledore was around, everything would be different. Even if he foolishly fell into Voldemort's trap, and even if Sirius and other partners were facing arrest by the Ministry of Magic at the moment, he firmly believed that Bullide would have a way to solve all this.

"It's not too late, Albus." Moody stepped forward and quickly introduced the current situation to Dumbledore. His brows were furrowed, and his expression revealed his anger at the Ministry of Magic's behavior of not distinguishing between good and evil, "Levin Green is obviously using our Order of the Phoenix as bait! Dumbledore, we must take action as soon as possible, otherwise..." "

Dumbledore raised his hand to signal Moody to be quiet. His eyes passed through the chaotic hall and fixed on the door.

There, Fudge led a group of witches and wizards, panting into the room as if they had just experienced a long run. Their arrival was like a surging tide [breaking the tranquility of the air].

Fudge wiped the sweat from his bare forehead. He looked around and turned pale with fright at the purgatory-like scene in the Death Hall. He hurriedly looked for Jaina Proudmoore in the crowd, and finally saw her in a corner.

"Gianna, how is the situation now?" he asked eagerly, his voice unclear, obviously he had not fully recovered from the panic.

Ms. Jaina Proudmoore shrugged and said politely: "If you choose [Apparition] instead of coming here on your legs, you may be able to fight with the escaping people.

Have a face-to-face meeting. "

Everyone could tell that she was clearly sarcastic because he didn't dare to meet Voldemort, so she chose to come on foot.

"I just need time to gather... So he was really beaten away by you?" Fudge was deflated instantly like a popped balloon.

He originally wanted to find some stairs for himself, but then he realized that the mysterious man was really driven away by them. This made him feel surprised and embarrassed, and for a moment he didn't know how to respond.

At this moment, a panicked voice suddenly sounded, breaking the brief silence.

"Minister..." Percy Weasley burst in holding a piece of parchment. His face was full of surprise, obviously he did not expect that there would be so many people in the Department of Mysteries, which was always rarely visited.

The death hall after the war was filled with the smell of blood and was disgusting. This strong smell made Percy Weasley feel a deep fear. He had never experienced such a cruel wizarding war.

He froze on the spot, his eyes widened, as if he wanted to take in the entire scene. After a while, he noticed that even a great wizard like Dumbledore was standing in the crowd.

Percy suddenly realized something was wrong with the atmosphere, and his body began to tremble slightly. He opened his mouth, but no sound came out for a long time. He originally wanted to report an urgent matter, but now he hesitated and couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

"What do you look like hesitating?" Fudge urged impatiently, "If you have anything to say, just tell me.

Fudge's face had turned red, obviously very angry at Percy's performance. Anyway, his downfall is inevitable, and he has nothing to worry about.

Percy took a deep breath and tried to calm down his emotions. He finally said: "Minister, the dementors rebelled and left Azkaban... Collectively, they took refuge in the man who must not even be named, and the remaining prisoners also escaped... ..."

When Fudge heard the news, his face instantly became even uglier.

His eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe his ears. This news was undoubtedly worse for him, and he was already regretting letting Percy tell the news directly.

At this time, the whole room fell into a dead silence. Everyone stopped what they were doing and seemed to be listening to their conversation. The air seemed to be frozen, making people feel inexplicably depressed and suffocated.

The only exception was Cirilla, who was concentrating on pulling out her sword from the body of a Death Eater who was lying on his back and his body was bent into a deformed arc. The blade of the sword cut through the air, bringing out blood everywhere. There was no mercy or hesitation on her face [only coldness and determination.

Then, she raised her head and saw a scene that made her angry.

Hermione, Zhang Qiu, and Ginny, all of them have gathered around Levin, sticking close to him intimately, as if 940 is declaring their ownership of him. Even Penello, who usually acted like "best friends" and kept saying that men were completely unimportant, leaned over at this moment, with a bright smile on his face.

Cirila felt an inexplicable anger in her heart.

Are all these people so good at seizing opportunities?

She couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration.

Especially Hermione Granger, who usually looks dull and confused, but at this time she so boldly declared her sovereignty in front of everyone. Their actions made Cirilla feel like a fool. She was the only one who was still stupidly clearing the battlefield with other Aurors and executing those Death Eaters who neither fought nor surrendered nor ran away but just pretended to be dead.

An inexplicable anger surged in her heart, and she felt that she was isolated and excluded. These people only care about their own joy and happiness, but they don't care about her feelings at all.

"How long will it take for us to change back?" Not far away, Neville was sitting on the steps, breathing heavily and looking away from the pair of loving figures on the high platform.

He rubbed his chubby face and complained to Colin beside him, "Although they are all fat people, I like my own face better."

"The polyjuice potion this time is a mass-produced product from our company's technology research and development department. It is of high quality and lasts a long time. I guess we have to wait until tomorrow to restore it to its original appearance." It looks like Neville, but in fact it is Austrian. An employee of the Technology R&D Department of the French Union Company, he sat next to Neville and replied - Neville transformed into his appearance, and the two of them had exchanged appearances.

As he said that, he poked Neville's flesh

He poked the other person's belly again, and said with a smile: "You are puffy, but I am strong. Look at the muscles, how strong they are!"

Neville grimaced and sighed: "I really envy Mr. Levin. He can use transfiguration to change his appearance at will, but I have to drink that toad egg-flavored medicine.

agent. The smell makes people want to vomit.

Recalling the extremely weird smell of the potion, Neville's entire face twisted into a ball.

When Colin heard this, he couldn't help but smacked his lips and recalled the taste of the potion he had drunk: "What does the taste of your potion mean? The one I drank was weird! But that's it.

It’s quite novel to be able to experience this feeling when I come back and grow up.

He said, waving his strong arms that he had never experienced before, with a proud smile on his face. .

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