"Aurors, continue to deploy the [Dimensional Anchor], don't let this half-blood wizard Tom Riddle escape!" Levin's voice echoed in the air, with a leisurely and contented attitude.

He seemed to have foreseen Voldemort's defeat, as if everything was under his control. These words were like a fuse, instantly igniting the anger in Voldemort's heart.

Levin deliberately revealed his true origin and name. This incident alone made him feel more aggrieved and angry than ever before.

He understood that the other party did it on purpose, just to anger him and make him stay, and then be beaten to death by a group of people.

However, Voldemort is a Dark Lord after all, and he has his own pride and dignity. He couldn't let his opponent get what he wanted, let alone just surrender here.

However, what he failed to notice was that Levin's order was only a verbal order and no Auror actually took action.

At this moment, more Death Eaters had begun to escape.

They no longer blindly followed Voldemort, but chose to protect themselves. The others were also fighting and retreating while paying attention to the situation here with Voldemort. They only retained the last bit of loyalty and seemed ready to leave this place of right and wrong at any time.

Only Bellatrix was so anxious that she kept jumping up and down. She screamed hysterically at the black mist transformed by the Death Eaters on the steps: "Come back and fight! Come back!"

However, her shouts echoed in the empty hall, but no one responded to her.

In fact, Levin never really planned to keep Voldemort here, even though their overall strength far exceeded the dark wizard.

In Levin's careful planning, he originally just wanted to attack Voldemort in a special way - that is, by pushing Voldemort behind the mysterious curtain to really kill him.

This plan is full of risks and uncertainties, but Levin believes that this is a method worth trying. If this plan succeeds, it will be equivalent to solving the most serious enemy of the people without a single blow.

However, he was also prepared for failure.

If this ambush failed, he had no intention of using powerful magic like [Dimensional Anchor] to force Voldemort to stay.

Although they had the opportunity and strength to truly kill Voldemort here, Caiwen also analyzed the consequences of doing so.

Voldemort is an extremely dangerous and tenacious enemy. If he is forced into a desperate situation, he will fight back with all his strength. Such a battle would be extremely brutal, and the price paid would be unimaginable.

Even if they could eventually defeat Voldemort, they would surely suffer unbearable casualties. Moreover, such victory is only temporary, because Levin knows that many years later, Voldemort will definitely make a comeback in some way, and then all efforts will be in vain.

Things are completely different now. They have proven through actual combat that in a well-prepared frontal war, their high-end combat capabilities combined with the power of Aurors can completely crush the Death Eaters and achieve an overwhelming victory.

Now that we already have such strength and confidence, there is no need to adopt overly radical and all-out measures to deal with Voldemort.

After all, their goal is not just to defeat Voldemort once, but to completely destroy his power so that the dark wizard can no longer pose a threat to the wizarding world.

On the political level, Nanwen and Gianna have extremely far-reaching considerations.

They knew that the strong strength shown today and the glorious record of successfully repelling Voldemort would undoubtedly win Jaina's faction a pivotal position within the Ministry of Magic, and could even lead the direction of the entire magical world in Yin. However, they also know the truth that "the trees that stand tall in the forest will be destroyed by the wind." Today's outstanding performance will inevitably arouse the fear and hostility of British pure-blood families in the future.

Especially Levin and Jaina, they almost all came here as outsiders. The wizard team they lead is mostly composed of Muggle-born, half-blood wizards, and pure-blood wizards who no longer have much influence in politics. Such a composition undoubtedly touches the interests of those traditional pure-blood families, just like touching their cheese.

Therefore, keeping Voldemort behind became a necessary part of their strategy.

Only by allowing Voldemort to continue to be the Sword of Damocles hanging over everyone's heads will wizards in the magical world truly feel the existence of a powerful threat. This desire for security will make them more tolerant of the actions and policies of Jaina's faction. After all, in the current situation of the great enemy, internal disputes and dissatisfaction seem insignificant.

Levin and Jaina knew this very well, so they did not choose to completely eliminate Voldemort, but left this hidden danger. They believe that in the days to come, this will become an important trump card for them to consolidate their position and expand their influence.

Within the Department of Mysteries, arcane eyes are spread across every corner like stars, silently recording every tiny movement. Today's duel scene, from Voldemort's arrogant provocation to Levin's calm response, every moment was captured by these secret eyes.

These precious materials, after clever editing and arrangement, will be presented on television in the wizarding world, allowing countless audiences to witness Levin's bravery and wisdom.

As the picture spreads, Levin's image will gradually become more and more popular. His fame will not be limited to academia, but will be the new savior who will stand on the cusp of the storm. His figure will replace the respected white wizard Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore who has guarded the world for a long time, and the legendary boy who survived Harry James Potter , becoming a new spiritual symbol and idol in the wizarding world.

And most importantly, Levin believes in his talent and potential and "believes that time will be his greatest ally.

With each passing day, his strength is steadily growing; with each challenge he experiences, his strength becomes stronger.

If he continues to grow at this rate, he will definitely face Voldemort in a year or two with a more mature and powerful attitude. By then, he believed he could defeat Voldemort in a fair one-on-one duel, so why should he be so eager now?

Voldemort, who was tightly surrounded by everyone, raised his wand high in the air. His black magic robe seemed to come to life, turning into long tentacle-like belts, waving wildly behind him, sweeping away... these long belts With the fierce sound of wind, he wolfishly attacked Levin and others who were closest to him.

Followed closely by the vigorous fire, the flames seemed to be carried by the strong wind, forming fire snakes, twisting and rolling in the air, roaring towards the encirclement.

Just when everyone was trying their best to deal with his sudden outburst, Voldemort took the opportunity to transform into a billowing column of black smoke. His figure flickered in and out of the black smoke, escaping directly from the arch at a strange speed and trajectory.

It turned out that he had already keenly observed the loopholes in the encirclement, and now he had selected the opponent that was easiest to solve quickly. If he couldn't afford to offend the wizards of the Genius Club, could he still

-Can’t you afford ordinary people?

Voldemort suddenly rose up, ignoring the weak magic power in his body, and forcefully activated [All Curses End].

A dazzling blue light burst out from the tip of his wand, violently colliding with the vigorous blue wall of fire. The blue light instantly tore a big hole in the flame, and Voldemort took the opportunity to rush out of the hole, directly knocking away several Aurors and Death Eaters on his way. During this process, he did not forget to move the silver shield to his back. In order not to be tripped, he even ignored most of the attacks coming from behind, only resisting those spells that would cause fatal injuries.

Just like that, he managed to get some injuries and flew out quickly.

Seeing him break out of the encirclement safely and unharmed, Bellatrix was so excited that she couldn't control herself and cheered loudly. Voldemort heard her cheers and changed his flight direction and flew towards her.

At the same time, Lucius Malfoy also saw this scene. His eyes flashed under the mask, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart. He grabbed Rudolfs who was in a daze - the latter was looking deeply at his severed hand in trance.

Lucius forcefully pulled Rudolfs back to reality. Their eyes met in the air for a moment, and then they moved away 3.75.

"My loyal servants, leave this place quickly." Voldemort's cold voice like a snake's hiss echoed inside and outside the Death Hall, and every word and every sentence was like an icy tentacle.

Wrapped in everyone's heart, "And you, those who are my enemies and dare to hurt my men, will eventually be swallowed up by the endless darkness. Ministry of Magic, just watch carefully, what is waiting for you is the end of the world." Judgment..."

The walls and floors seemed to be trembling with the anger of the Dark Lord, transmitting his voice to every corner, so that everyone could clearly feel the biting chill.

With the issuance of this order, those Death Eaters who had not dared to act rashly due to fear of the Dark Lord suddenly felt relieved. They sped up the spells, eager to get rid of the entanglement with the Aurors and escape from the battlefield as soon as possible. Their figures quickly dissipated in the darkness, leaving only the tension and fear in the air.

At the same time, Voldemort's figure had approached the female Death Eater. His voice suddenly became high-pitched, and his cold tone revealed endless murderous intent. "Levin Green, you better pray you have such luck next time."

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