"I didn't do anything, and these are not my fault..." Fudge's face was dark, and his voice was low and weak. He had been beaten down by successive blows, but he still muttered and tried to shirk responsibility.

Jaina Proudmoore frowned slightly. She walked up to Fudge and reminded: "Cornelly, Azkaban is under your direct jurisdiction. As the Minister of Magic, you have an unshirkable leadership responsibility for it. .”

Behind Fudge, Percy Weasley curled his lips quietly. He has always prided himself on being flexible and good at observing people's actions, and at this moment he is also keenly aware that the change of power is taking place.

He had previously chosen to become Fudge's assistant because it was easier to climb up in this position, but just in case, he also agreed to provide intelligence to the Jaina faction.

Now he is extremely glad that he did so at that time. It was this decision that allowed him to successfully make a big contribution at the critical moment.

Percy was secretly pleased with himself. Although he was close to Fudge, he had not completely lost the trust of Jaina's faction. In addition, he is a member of the Weasley family, and Levin has always been on good terms with the Weasley family, so his status in the family has also increased - Levin has not only invested in the business of his father and twin brother Judging from the many women around Levin now, the relationship between his sister and him is obviously unclear.

With so many connections as support, Percy is full of confidence in his future political future.

At the same time, Fudge also noticed Percy's gaze. Following the direction he looked, the familiar white beard and half-moon glasses came into view.

For a moment, he seemed to be back in his heyday. As the Minister of Magic, he could dispatch countless Aurors with a single order.

"Arrest Dumbledore quickly..." Fudge's conditioned reflex made him almost order the arrest of Dumbledore on the high platform.

However, he immediately realized his situation. Today, he is no longer the powerful Minister of Magic, but a down-and-out man who ignored warnings and made poor decisions, causing the situation to get out of control.

He shook his head, reluctantly giving up on arresting Dumbledore. He has too much time to take care of himself, so why bother arresting Dumbledore?

Fudge's heart was filled with regret. He regretted that he had not listened to Dumbledore's warning about the return of the mysterious man, and regretted that his overconfidence and blind optimism had led to the current situation.

If Dumbledore's warning could have been heeded, perhaps the situation now would be completely different.

He looked up at Dumbledore on the high platform, the great wizard he had always wanted to surpass but could never reach. At this moment, Dumbledore still maintained his calmness and calmness, as if he had anticipated all this.

Obviously, Dumbledore did not care about the existence of Fudge, a loser, but walked straight towards Levin near the arch, which meant that in his eyes, Levin was the first person to talk on the battlefield.

Behind him, Fudge could only shake his head helplessly, lamenting that his former glory had become a thing of the past.

Dumbledore walked up to Levin, and their eyes met in the air.

After experiencing this series of events, Dumbledore's eyes towards Levin have undergone subtle changes. It is no longer filled with the kindness of elders and the majesty of the principal as in the past, but with more equality and respect.

Apparently, he already regards Levin as his equal.

"Levin.`" Dumbledore spoke, his voice calm, but with an attitude that could not be refused. "Now that you have won the victory, I beg you to allow the members of the Order of the Phoenix to leave. You know, they have not yet adapted to this game. Reform, but they have no ill intentions towards the Ministry of Magic or you. They just want to protect Harry and don't let them get hurt in this fight.

Dumbledore said, pointing in the direction of the Order members.

"At least we have the same position when it comes to Tom Riddle."

"Headmaster Dumbledore, I should respect your request." Levin sighed, "But they broke into the Ministry of Magic without permission, especially into the Department of Mysteries, which has the highest level of confidentiality. This is undoubtedly a serious violation of the law. . We cannot just ignore them because of a special situation. This is unfair to other wizards and disrespectful of the law."

Levin straightened his back. Although his magic power was somewhat depleted at this time, he knew that he had to persevere and not expose any flaws. After all, he now represented not only himself, but also Lifa United Company and Jaina of the Ministry of Magic. group.

Dumbledore listened quietly and nodded slightly to express his understanding of Levin's position.

Levin paused for a moment and continued: "However, I also understand your concerns. The members of the Order of the Phoenix played an important role in this operation. They are innocent baits. If we really catch them, That is indeed a bit too unauthentic.

He pondered for a while, and then made a compromise suggestion: "How about this? In view of the special nature of tonight's incident, the Ministry of Magic only used a warning as a punishment for them. But I hope that this incident can make the wizarding world Wizards are truly aware of the seriousness of the law, rather than treating the law with a "humane touch" as before. "

Levin looked up at Dumbledore and said seriously: "Principal Dumbledore, I believe that only in this way can our wizarding society be more just and orderly. The law should not be a piece of paper, but should be a solid foundation for maintaining the order of our society. I hope you will Understand and support my decision.”

"Your idea does sound exciting, Levin." Dumbledore said gently, "But if you are still willing to listen to the advice of an old man like me, I hope you can take a more steady pace when promoting reforms. You are still young and have Enough time to realize these ambitious plans. Change that is too rapid or radical can often cause unintended harm.”

After solving the Order's problem, Dumbledore turned his attention to Levin and the girls around him. A flash of admiration flashed in his eyes: "I must admit, I underestimated your growth rate. Levin, your performance today is indeed impressive. In my memory, no wizard can show such outstanding performance at your age." With such outstanding abilities and wisdom, not to mention, you also brought a group of equally outstanding...companions?"

Dumbledore smiled and winked at Levin: "I will talk to Ms. Jaina Proudmoore later. I originally planned to invite you to discuss matters about your class schedule, but seeing the concerned eyes of these girls, "

He pointed to the girls around him, "I think it's better for you to take a rest first." (Li Dehao)

Levin nodded helplessly. As expected of Dumbledore, no matter how hard he tried to hide it, he still made the other party aware of his current weakness.

"Thank you, Headmaster Dumbledore. I think we can find a more suitable time to discuss these matters." After saying that, his eyes inadvertently fell on the hood of Dumbledore's dark purple robe studded with silver stars. Suddenly, he was stunned for a moment, and pointed to a few popcorns exposed in his hood with some embarrassment: "Uh... Principal, you seem to have a few popcorns in your hood..."

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter. He took off his hood, shook it, and a few popcorn fell out.

"Oh, it seems you discovered my little secret." He smiled, picked up a piece of popcorn and put it in his mouth, "I have to admit, the programs broadcast on the TV station you established are indeed quite attractive. Sometimes. , I can’t help but eat a few popcorns while watching TV.

Levin and the girls around him were all amused by Dumbledore's actions, and the atmosphere finally relaxed. .

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