Karkaroff was caught by Onyxia here.

On the Quidditch field, the battle gradually came to an end.

New Aurors formed teams one by one, and together with their steel golem companions, poured into the venue from all directions, bringing a glimmer of peace to the chaotic scene.

The audience finally found the backbone and fled to these Auror teams, asking for shelter.

The main purpose of this operation was to maintain order rather than brutally suppress the Death Eaters. Therefore, the steel golems also put on new equipment:

The weapons that could have caused lethal damage were all replaced with rubber batons and steel forks, giving the look of riot police.

Those wizards controlled by the [Soul-stealing Curse] originally could not use any powerful magic, so they could only cause destruction.

Facing such an enemy, the Auror team did not even need to take action personally, the steel golems could easily subdue them.

As for the Auror team, under the command of Levin, they began to chase the Death Eaters who tried to escape.

As the strongest man present, the president of the Erudite Society, and the designer of the [Ring Circle], Levin did not have an official position in the Ministry of Magic, but he gained the respect and trust of the Aurors as soon as he appeared.

They willingly obeyed Levin's instructions and fought alongside him.

With the cooperation of the Auror team, those Death Eaters running around were in bad luck.

After being killed several times by Levin without fear of death, they had already experienced the boy's great strength.

They understood that Levin Green was almost as powerful as Dumbledore.

They tried to hold Levin back, but found that they couldn't hold on for long even if they spent their lives.

After Voldemort gave the gathering signal, these Death Eaters fled like frightened birds, never daring to confront Levin again.

In this case, Levin got a headache.

He is only one person, how can he support so many rats running around?

He can only choose a few of the most dangerous guys to scare others.

Of course, Levin has no intention of letting anyone else go.

Under his skillful control, the secret eye originally used to broadcast live events transformed into a celestial eye that monitors the entire field, overlooking the entire battlefield like a god's perspective.

Most of the Death Eaters who escaped, their every move was within the detection of the arcane eye, ensuring that Caiwen could catch them with his hands free.

When the Auror team arrived at the scene, Levin immediately directed the Aurors to carry out the arrest operation accurately based on the information collected by the arcane eye.

During this process, many Death Eaters naturally tried to resist.

But with the exquisite cooperation of the new Auror team, their resistance seemed so feeble.

The new Auror training method has been reformed and draws on the Muggle army and the Iron Triangle model of combat, animal husbandry and classic games.

Under this new system, team operations usually consist of a group of three people. Each of the three people has a clear division of responsibilities, namely the defender, the field controller and the output player.

The first is the defender, who usually specializes in protection and illusion magic.

Since the steel golem serves as a human shield, the defender is mainly responsible for dealing with enemy spells, attracting and dispersing enemy firepower during battle.

Next are the field controllers, who specialize in magic control and transformation magic.

The controller's duty is to use magic to interfere with and control the enemy, exert negative effects on the enemy, and at the same time exert beneficial effects on one's own side.

Finally, there are the damage dealers, who specialize in conjuration and evocation magic.

As an expert in spell combat, the damage dealer is responsible for using powerful magic to destroy the enemy's formation and cause damage to the enemy.

Of course, the above division of labor and the practice of magic schools are just because they are good at certain tasks.

It doesn't mean that the transformation type can't play output, nor does it mean that a defensive player can't do the job of a field control player.

It's just that in the unified training of Aurors, these people just need to develop in their own profession. If they want to go further, it depends on the efforts of the Aurors themselves.

In battle, if it is a team battle, then all three positions must be completed.

A solid defender, a controller who controls the battlefield, and a powerful DPS player. The three men worked closely together to form an impeccable fighting team.

At least one steel golem fought alongside them, providing solid support.

When needed, these three team members can use the [Ring Array] to maximize their respective abilities and form an unrivaled force.

In large corps operations, Aurors with three different positions will be centrally managed to form a powerful corps that works together.

In addition to these three basic positions, there is also an elite intelligence team hidden among the new Aurors. They usually sneak in the shadows, do not participate in daily tasks, and only appear quietly during legion operations and special tasks.

The members of the intelligence team are proficient in prophecy and necromancy. They are not only masters of intelligence collection, but also experts in torture and forensic work.

Their work is secretive and important [equal to the responsibilities of police detectives, FBI and Internal Affairs at the same time.

Most of these new Aurors are young and promising. Although they lack experience, they eagerly accept the new system and actively learn new spells.

Perhaps when facing these senior Death Eaters one-on-one, the new Aurors may not be their opponents.

But once they are assembled into a small team, their combat effectiveness will far exceed the effect of 1+12.

The Death Eaters were caught off guard by these young and energetic teams and were defeated one after another.

Soon, the Death Eaters were either shot dead on the spot or became prisoners of the Aurors.

It's not like no Death Eaters escaped,

In fact, four or five Death Eaters, seeing that the situation was over, actually broke into the entrance of the maze, trying to use magic to blow up the outer wall of the maze, release all the monsters in the maze, and cause chaos.

But to deal with these fools, Levin didn't even send an Auror.

The part-time patrollers in the maze alone were enough to keep them going.

At first, the Death Eaters succeeded in using the bear's powerful fire to burn through the maze's outer walls.

For a moment, many magical creatures began to flee in panic, startling the audience.

However, before the creatures could threaten them, thick vines suddenly sprang out from under the ground, binding them tightly like living snakes, and then dragged them one by one into the depths.

The Death Eaters were caught off guard and were suddenly attacked by the flower demon, and were hit by the psychedelic pollen machine they spilled.

Before they had time to struggle and resist, they were already fascinated and disoriented, and were finally captured.

As for the ferocious fire, it did not cause fatal damage to the maze.

It only burned a section of the outer wall, and the dryads arrived quickly. They skillfully manipulated the hedges, leaving a long isolation strip to contain the spread of the fierce fire at the outermost circle.

In this way, a crisis that might have caused huge chaos was resolved silently. .

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