Little Hangleton Cemetery.

Voldemort's curse tore through the quiet night like thunder, marking the official start of the war.

He was exchanging trash talk with Dumbledore. Who would have thought that he would just raise his hand and fire [Avada Kedavra], and the black and green sparks would be like a black meteor, heading towards Harry.

Harry couldn't even open his mouth to resist, his mind went blank and his wand was pointing feebly at the floor, to no avail.

However, at this critical moment, a tombstone in the cemetery flew out from its base and landed on the ground between Harry and Voldemort with a thud. It was like a strong shield, protecting Harry from the death curse.

Upon seeing this, Voldemort immediately raised his wand and attacked Dumbledore.

A dazzling green light shot out of the sky, heading towards Dumbledore.

But Dumbledore dodged in a flash and cleverly avoided it through [Apparition].

The next second, Dumbledore appeared behind Voldemort,

His wand pointed at other headstones in the cemetery.

As the wand was waved, another tombstone flew out under the influence of the [Levitating Spell], this time the target was Bellatrix.

Bellatrix screamed and fired spells, but these hasty attacks had no effect on the hard marble.

The tombstone slammed into Bellatrix with an unstoppable force, knocking her away and then pressing heavily to the ground.

At the same time, another cross-shaped tombstone rushed towards Voldemort.

Voldemort also activated [Disapparation] and instantly appeared next to the cauldron.

When Dumbledore launched an attack on Voldemort, with just a wave of his free hand, Harry was pulled behind him by an invisible force and away from the center of the battle.

"You would be foolish to stay here, Tom," Dumbledore said calmly. "The Aurors are on their way -"

"By the time they come, you will be dead and I will be gone!" Voldemort responded viciously.

Voldemort spat, his 89 pair of slender red eyes staring at Dumbledore like poisonous snakes.

His wand drew an elegant arc in mid-air, like a death spell, and shot a [Killing Curse] towards Dumbledore. However, this fatal spell failed to reach its target.

Dumbledore seemed to have already understood his intention. When the spell was formed, he had already [Apparated] and changed his position.

The failed killing curse hit a lush cypress tree. The once vibrant tree withered in an instant, and the green leaves turned yellow and fell one after another.

Meanwhile, Dumbledore waved his wand in a much slower motion.

This time, the spell shot by the wand was invisible and difficult to detect with the naked eye, but its power was staggering.

Although Harry stood behind Dumbledore and was protected by a solid magic shield wall, the moment the spell was fired, his hair seemed to feel the impact of the power and stood on end.

Voldemort no longer dared to underestimate the enemy this time, and he went all out to maintain a shining silver shield to withstand this powerful attack.

This mysterious spell did not seem to cause obvious damage to the silver shield, but a low, gong-like trembling sound came from the silver shield.

This strange sound echoed in the night sky, making people feel frightened.

"[Avada Kedavra]!" The two Death Eaters took the opportunity to shoot two green lights from behind the silver shield, aiming directly at Dumbledore.

However, due to the distance, Dumbledore did not dodge.

With just a finger, a tombstone flew in front of him.

Two killing curses hit the tombstone one after another, blowing it into countless pieces.

Before the pieces hit the ground, Dumbledore quickly withdrew his wand and waved it around like a whip.

A slender and blazing flame shot out from the tip of the staff, like a fire dragon tightly entwining Voldemort and his silver shield.

Under the raging flames, the light of the silver shield (cjdh) gradually dimmed, and finally dissipated invisible, and Voldemort's figure also looked increasingly embarrassed under the firelight.

At that moment, Dumbledore seemed to have the upper hand, but the battle situation changed rapidly, and the matchlock was suddenly swallowed by Voldemort's open mouth.

When he spit it out again, the flaming whip created by Dumbledore had transformed into a giant snake made of condensed room fire in the picture.

The fiery snake quickly broke free from Voldemort's control and turned around to attack Dumbledore. The mouth of the flames made an angry hissing sound, as if it was a provocation to its original owner.

Voldemort took advantage of this short gap to cover himself in a layer of mysterious black energy, and he began to rise slowly into the sky.

At the same time, the fire snake stood tall in front of Dumbledore, ready to attack.

The sky above Dumbledore suddenly burst into flames,

Voldemort raised his wand high, suspended in mid-air, on a stone tablet not far from Dumbledore.

At this moment, he was like a demon in the night, overlooking the battlefield below.

"Careful!" Harry couldn't help shouting, and he instinctively wanted to rush out to help Dumbledore.

Dumbledore looked back at Harry and yelled, "Stay there and don't move."

As he shouted, Harry felt an invisible force push him back again.

Dumbledore pointed towards the ground, and the soil and the tombstone instantly merged, turning into a huge stone warrior, firmly protecting Harry like a solid fortress.

At the moment Dumbledore shouted, a dazzling green light shot out from Voldemort's wand again, directly hitting Dumbledore's vitals.

And the fire snake also launched a fatal attack at this moment——

At this critical moment, Phoenix Fox resolutely stood in front of Dumbledore. It spread its broad wings, opened its big mouth, and swallowed the green light entirely into its belly.

The next moment, Fox instantly ignited into a blazing flame. Its body became small and wrinkled, and fell weakly to the floor, unable to fly anymore.

But Fox's sacrifice was not in vain. Dumbledore waved his wand at this moment, displaying his vast magical power area.

The fiery giant snake was about to swallow Dumbledore, but when it was still some distance away from him, it was thrown into the air by Dumbledore's wand, like a meteor in the dark night. It rolled and struggled in the air, and finally turned into a plume of black smoke and dissipated in the endless night sky.

At the same moment, the mud and tombstone fragments on the ground rose up under the control of Dumbledore's magic, like a huge mire cocoon, tightly wrapping Voldemort.

Dumbledore actually forced himself to perform two tasks and completed the spell.

For seven or eight seconds in this dark cocoon, only a few vague lights could be seen faintly flickering in the mud. It was Voldemort struggling with all his strength, trying to use various spells to escape from this suffocating restraint.

After a period of struggle, the marsh cocoon finally couldn't bear Voldemort's power and fell apart with a crash.

Voldemort rolled out of the broken cocoon in disgrace, his body covered in mud and scars.

He randomly wiped the scratches on his face with his hands, and deliberately coughed a few times before expelling the mud from his nostrils.

His image at this moment has lost all its previous majesty.

However, he did not give up and shot a killing weapon at Dumbledore again).

Dumbledore showed no sign of weakness. The red curse and the green [Killing Curse] collided fiercely in the air, and the magic power surged, like two giant dragons fighting in the air.

Magical lightning continued to burst out in the confrontation between the two magic spells. The surrounding tombstones were shattered under the impact of this force, and the fragments were scattered everywhere.

The Death Eaters were far apart and could only watch the battle unfold.

There were those Death Eaters who overestimated their capabilities and tried to rush into the battlefield to help Voldemort attack Dumbledore, but they were instantly minced by the violent torrent of magic and scattered everywhere.

In the tense confrontation, Dumbledore's magic gradually suppressed Voldemort, and the red curse gradually suppressed the green.

Seeing that Dumbledore's curse was gradually approaching him, Voldemort waved his wand and released the magical link with Dumbledore.

In an instant, a terrifying bulging black gas spurted out from his wand, like a tornado raging in the night, heading straight for Dumbledore with the aura of destruction.

Dumbledore struggled to resist the impact of this black energy, while Voldemort let out a thunderous roar, and his magic power surged instantly. At this critical moment, Dumbledore could only cast a transformation spell in a hurry, raising a magic barrier in front of him to block the black energy.

He understood that the other party was going to fight tooth and nail, and as long as he withstood this wave, Voldemort would no longer be able to fight back.

But Voldemort was more cunning than he expected.

The skyrocketing black energy was like an out-of-control giant beast, passing over Dumbledore's head and shattering the tombstones and stone warriors in front of Harry, completely removing his defenses.

A cheerful smile appeared on Voldemort's face.

The stones and tombstones behind him rose into the air one after another, like arrows given life, shooting towards Dumbledore and Harry with fierce momentum.

Seeing that Dumbledore was unable to do anything, and Harry was about to die under this attack, suddenly, the space in front of Harry seemed to split open, and a man wearing a new Auror uniform and a standard beak mask walked out of the crack. .


Harry shouted urgently, recognizing the Auror's uniform and knowing that this man was here to help.

He didn't want the reinforcements that had just appeared to die because they were caught off guard.

"It doesn't matter."

The Auror said calmly, seemingly not taking Voldemort's attack seriously.

With a wave of his hand, a semi-elliptical light shield rose up, blocking the flying tombstone fragments like a solid shield.

Voldemort's smile froze on his face. He thought he would be able to kill Harry with victory in sight, but he didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin and ten proud troops suddenly arrived and neutralized his attack.

But the Auror didn't seem to be satisfied. He waved his hand, and the rubble blocked by the shield returned the same way, with the same power as when they were shot at Harry.

[Reverse Arrow: 3-ring protection system, the protected creature gains the ability to resist long-range weapons. Within the withstand range, the damage of any projectile will be absorbed, and the projectile will bounce back to the creature that launched it. 】

This time it was Voldemort's turn to have a headache. He was caught off guard by this move of "replying the enemy in return", and could only wave his wand hastily to summon the Dark Power to resist the flying rubble.

That dark force was like a wild storm, instantly crushing tombstones and stones into gray powder, dissipating their attack power invisible.

But under the influence of inertia, the powder still flew into Voldemort and the Death Eaters, making them look very embarrassed and disgraced.

This Auror who arrived should not be underestimated.

Voldemort finally realized that he couldn't deal with Dumbledore and Harry in a short time.

The vanguard of the Aurors has already arrived, and the rest may arrive at any time. However, there are only a few of his men around him now, and they are all his confidants for his future rise. He is unwilling to take the risk of continuing to fight Dumbledore.


Voldemort gave the order decisively, and at the same time turned to cast a cold look at Dumbledore, "Next time, if you still want to live, it won't be so easy.

After saying that, he grabbed Bellatrix and jumped into the air, flying towards the distant sky with billowing black air. .

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