The other party actually made an inquiry, which made Karkaroff relieved.

At the same time, he also felt a trace of contempt in his heart.

Look at what you said, it's too simple and crude.

How could anyone discuss the price of a bribe so openly? It’s not decent at all.

He is indeed a country bumpkin from South America.

Despite what he thought in his heart, Karkaroff still answered cautiously: "What do you think of a thousand Galleons?"

"Less." Onyxia rolled her eyes.

As the president of the three major universities in Europe, it is not a problem to be greedy for tens of thousands of galleons.

After spitting out this little money, you just want to leave and look down on the dragon?

"Less... less!" Karkaroff was frightened by her greed.

He gritted his teeth and tentatively raised the price: "Then...two thousand? Three thousand? Five thousand galleons?"

As the numbers continued to rise, Karkaroff felt a burst of physical pain.

The money was not a small amount to him, but Ms. Presto in front of him still had an expressionless face, as if the money was not worth mentioning in her eyes.

Karkaroff secretly cursed the guy in front of him for his unsatisfied desire. You know, based on her position in the Ministry of Magic, the money was equivalent to her salary for two or three years.

He couldn't help but begin to wonder how big the appetite of Yin Kingdom's civil servants was.

If the situation were different, he would never be willing to spend so much money.

However, at the critical moment of life and death, Karkaroff knew that he had no way out.

He was cruel, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Ten thousand gold galleons, no more! I also want to live. If you are not satisfied with this, let's just fight to the death!"

"Ten thousand gold galleons is really a considerable number. It makes my heart move." Onyxia said quietly after hearing this, but I couldn't agree more. 11

"What?" Karkaroff couldn't believe it, "You refuse even this?"

"What I, Katlana Presto, like to do most is to say no to those who think they are self-righteous." Onyxia recalled Levin's expression when she said this during the previous chat, and put on a pose with a smile on her face. Weirdly beautiful pose.

"'ve been playing tricks on me from the beginning!" Karkaroff finally understood. The woman in front of him never thought about agreeing to buy the road in the first place. She made inquiries before and so on. It's fun to take him.

"You can't say that." Onyxia shook her head, "I still want the money, but Levin requires me to be a good person. No matter how much I like money, I can't engage in crooked ways. The money must be obtained openly and through Only the income from one's own labor will do.

"Are all your civil servants in the Yin Kingdom so honest?" Karkaroff's tone revealed a hint of disbelief.

That was not the case with the people he had met.

"No, maybe you misunderstood what I meant."

Onyxia's lips curved into a meaningful smile,

"What I want to say is that as long as I defeat you in an upright manner, then all your Galleons will belong to me. This is reasonable. After all, fighting is also a kind of labor.

As soon as he finished speaking, Karkaroff saw Onyxia punching him in the head.

His vision became blurry in an instant, there was a buzzing in his ears, and his body seemed to be pulled backwards by a huge force.

Karkaroff fell, falling under Onyxia's white fist.

As his consciousness gradually blurred, he still couldn't understand why this seemingly weak fist could break his [Armor Curse] and knock him to his knees with one punch.

He didn't know that the reason why the woman in front of him was able to suppress the three fire dragons with her momentum was entirely because she was a real dragon that was superior to the fire dragons - the real giant.

Moreover, she is not an ordinary dragon, but the princess of the black dragon among the dragons.

In her prototype state, her power reaches an astonishing 41 points.

Let's put it this way, even the legendary Titan's strength attribute is only around 40 points.

There are 41 points of power in the dragon form. Even if it is limited to the human form, the power is reduced and reaches 30 points.

What is the concept?

The average of human six-dimensional attributes is 10 points, and the physiological attributes are 18 points.

For example, the world weightlifting champion can correspond to 18 points of strength. He can lift almost 240 kilograms of objects.

The average level for ordinary people is about 60 kilograms.

Converted, for every 4 points of strength attribute added, the actual strength will be doubled.

30 points of strength corresponds to 8 times that of a weightlifting champion.

With this punch, it was easy to penetrate the [Iron Armor Curse] he used in a hurry.

Seeing Karkaroff collapse to the ground, Onyxia confiscated his wand and immediately started rummaging through his bag.

Her movements were extremely skillful, as if she had repeated them countless times. After a while, a shining hill formed in front of her eyes.

It was a full fifty thousand gold galleons, as well as various other belongings, shining brightly in the dark room.

"This guy is really rich!" Looking at the golden mountain in front of him, the true nature of the female black dragon was revealed at this moment.

Her eyes flashed with golden light, and she couldn't hide the excitement in her voice, "I'm getting rich, I'm getting rich!"

However, just as she was immersed in joy, Gwen's voice was ruthlessly poured down like a basin of cold water:

"Miss Onyxia, you can't take all this money!"


The female black dragon was like a hen guarding her young, tightly guarding the Garonne Hill behind her, "These money are my trophies, of course they all belong to me!"

Gwen shook her head and explained patiently: "Miss Onyxia, the master said that at least half of the money should be left to Durmstrang as funding. His purpose is to replace Karkaroff and control Durmstrang, not destroy Durmstrang.”

".....…I see.

After some inner struggle, Onyxia gave in.

She understood that what Gwen said was right. The plan to replace Karkaroff in controlling Durmstrang has long been in place. According to their plan, the education of the Erudite Society will also be implemented in Durmstrang, making Durmstrang another one of theirs. Talent source.

In this way, they always have to leave money for Durmstrang to run, and they can't just take the money and run away like Karkaroff.

So, she reluctantly divided half of the Gallon hill.

Looking at the golden mountain that was missing half of it, she felt extremely painful, as if a piece of flesh in her heart had been cut off.

However, Gwen hadn't finished her words yet: "Miss Onyxia, according to the master's rules, as his servant, any spoils you have will be given to him in half."

"That's too much! You stinky master, you don't do anything but talk in vain and you want half of it to be taken away!"

Onyxia couldn't help complaining loudly.

Levin did this once, and now he's being cited again.

However, Levin's majesty and power forced her to surrender. After a fierce ideological struggle, she could only divide half of the gold coins.

Only a quarter of the Jinshan Mountain in front of us is left.

"Ms. Onyxia..." Gwen's voice sounded again, but this time she was rudely interrupted by Onyxia.

"That's enough!" she shouted angrily, "You doll, shut up! Don't even think of finding any more reasons to share my 840 dollars!"

She now feels hairy all over when she hears this title, as if it represents endless exploitation and oppression.

"No, Ms. Onyxia, I just want to remind you -" Gwen stretched out her hand, pointing her slender index finger at Karkaroff who collapsed on the ground, "The detection nest I just showed that the target Igor... Karkaroff's vital signs are slowly declining. I'm afraid your previous punch was too strong."

She reminded in a gentle voice:

"Don't forget, Karkaroff is the top priority of our operation. Before these galleons, ensuring his life safety is the first priority. Once he dies unfortunately or becomes a fool, the master's grandeur The plan will be in vain. With the master's temper, when he is angry, you will not be able to keep the remaining money."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Onyxia's heart tightened, and her figure moved to Karkaroff's side almost instantly, and began to check the man's physical condition.

Sure enough, as Gwen said, something was not right with him. It seemed that he had a concussion at that moment.

But how to treat it?

Onyxia suddenly discovered that most of the magic he knew involved fire elements, earth elements, and some spells of the control and transformation systems... She didn't know how to heal magic at all.

This is how to do?

In desperation, she had no choice but to turn to the puppet maid: "Gwen, you should know some healing magic, right?"

"Of course, Ms. Onyxia, I am willing to serve you." Gwen bowed slightly, "I will do my best to help Karkaroff regain his life.

At this moment, Onyxia looked at Gwen with great gratitude.

She discovered that the doll that had been following her didn't seem so annoying.

Five updates tomorrow

Pictured is Onyxia.

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