Facing the furious Scrimgeour, Penello's attitude was very polite, but it seemed more like she was sarcastically saying: "Director, please forgive me. You don't have to worry about the commotion outside, I haven't lost my mind yet. This is Direct orders from Deputy Chief Jaina Proudmoore."

"Deputy Director Jaina's order?" Scrimgeour frowned, "Are you kidding me? What order requires you to do this?"

Penello's tone remained calm: "Just now, in the Triwizard Tournament, more than ten Death Eaters and their wizards controlled by the [Soul-Impering Curse] launched an attack on the audience. And all of this The mastermind was Barty Crouch Jr., and with the help of Barty Crouch Sr., he faked his own death and successfully escaped from prison."

"Barty Crouch Jr. is still alive. How is this possible?"

Not only Scrimgeour, but also the Aurors present expressed disbelief.

But Penello said conclusively, "In fact, he is indeed still alive. Fortunately, Captain Cirella has successfully arrested him. Based on the evidence collected previously, he himself, his father Crouch Sr., And none of their Death Eaters hiding in the Ministry of Magic can escape."

Even after hearing this, Scrimgeour "920" remained unmoved and expressed his position in a strong tone: "As the most senior director of the Auror Office, why was I not informed of this event? I want to see Minister Fudge. "

Penello pointed to the seat in the conference room with his chin, "Director, I suggest you take a break in the conference room for a while. These are extraordinary times. There are people in the Ministry of Magic who are colluding with Death Eaters, and our colleagues are under tension. An arrest operation. If you go out at this time, you may run the risk of being accidentally injured."

With that said, she made an invitation gesture: "Director Scrimgeour, you'd better take a seat."

"You dare to order me?" Scrimgeour's eyes widened and he said angrily, "You are my subordinates and should obey my orders!"

"Sorry, Director," Penello bowed slightly to apologize, "Aurors do have to obey the command of the Auror Office, but the Auror Office is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Minister Fudge is currently not in the ministry. Therefore we must now obey the orders of Deputy Chief of Magical Law Enforcement Jaina Proudmoore."

No matter Scrimgeour got angry or tried to persuade him nicely, Penello pushed back with such a gentle tone without any sharpness, leaving him alone to sulk beside him.

While Cirilla captured Crouch Jr. and Jaina conducted a purge at the Ministry of Magic, Onyxia was also acting secretly.

She found Karkaroff with the precise positioning provided by Artificial Maid No. 1 Gwen.

However, the headmaster of Durmstrang had already left the "lively" Quidditch pitch and was having a heated argument with Snape in a secluded corner.

"I...can't go see him!" Onyxia noticed that Karkaroff's whole body was shaking slightly.

The Dark Mark on his bare left arm had now turned into a dull, burnt black.

This was a sign that Voldemort was calling his Death Eaters back to his side.

According to the rules, when this dark signal is conveyed, all Death Eaters must immediately disapparate and appear next to him.

"I must...escape..." Karkaroff whispered desperately, "Severus, I still ask the same as last time. Let's escape together, stay anonymous, and hide in a distant place. That way we can still look out for each other.”

Snape was silent for a moment, then shook his head, his voice calm and firm: You go...I want to stay at Hogwarts. "

"Why, why don't you run away? Do you think you will be safe hiding here?" Karkaroff asked eagerly: "Dumbledore is old! He can protect you for a while, but he cannot protect you for a lifetime! The Dark Lord will kill you sooner or later. There's no need to work for Dumbledore!"

Snape didn't answer.

Seeing that his persuasion was fruitless, Karkaroff said no more, turned around and left in a hurry.

Snape's dark eyes were fixed on Karkaroff's retreating back.

He suddenly murmured: "Lily."

Snape's voice revealed a deep desolation, and his back looked a little stooped in the dim light. When he turned around again his expressionless indifference had returned to his face.

"Human emotions are really complicated." Onyxia sighed softly, then turned around and quietly followed Karkaroff who was escaping in a hurry.

It was also an escape, but the situation Karkaroff faced was not as urgent as Crouch Jr.

After all, Voldemort had just been resurrected, and it would take time to sort out the relationships among his subordinates. His disobedience would not be noticed for a while, and he would not immediately come to hunt him down.

This gave him plenty of time to prepare for his escape.

As a result, Onyxia witnessed Karkaroff rushing towards Durmstrang's ship.

He really wanted to run away, but before leaving, he needed to collect his gold and silver, and he couldn't just leave empty-handed.

He took over as the principal of Durmstrang and has been running it for so many years. He has been saving money on school expenses, which has caused the level of wizards graduated from Durmstrang to drop so much. This is not because he wants to save more Galleons and find a stranger in the future. A place to retire.

Now, although the principal's term was forced to end early, he was obviously unwilling to let go of the wealth he had worked so hard to save before fleeing.

As well as all the teaching funds in Durmstrang, grants from the Ministry of Magic of various countries and donations from parents of students, are now in his hands.

This money is his pension and cannot be taken advantage of by others.

As for how Durmstrang will maintain operations after he takes the money and runs away, it is obviously not within the scope of his consideration.


Just as Karkaroff quickly put the valuable things in the room into a box with a [Space Expansion Spell], the door was suddenly blown open by a huge force.

"Who?" Karkaroff raised his wand in panic and fired a magic spell backwards almost instinctively.

The person who walked into the room was a graceful black-haired woman. She turned sideways lightly and escaped the oncoming spell, with an unfathomable smile on her face:

"What are you doing, Karkaroff?"

Karkaroff recognized the identity of the person at a glance, and his attitude immediately softened: "It's Ms. Katlana, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you... I just... I'm just a temporary member of the family." Something happened and I need to go back to Norway."

"Are you sure it's as simple as going home?" Katlana's smile became even weirder, "I heard some interesting news, Igor... your old master, Voldemort has been resurrected. You Are you in a hurry to show your loyalty to him?!"

"Don't mention that name again!" Karkaroff's voice revealed an instinctive fear.

But soon, the fear of the woman in front of him outweighed the fear of Voldemort.

Voldemort was far away, but this woman in front of him could capture him immediately.

Thinking of Ms. Catlana's identity in the Ministry of Magic of the Underworld, the headmaster of Durmstrang turned pale.

"Ms. Katlana, you misunderstood." He explained eagerly, with deep fear in his voice, "I had no intention of meeting him at all...I am just packing up now to escape!"

"Really? I don't believe it. Onyxia shook her head in disbelief.

Her eyes were like sharp blades, as if they were going to pierce Karkaroff's heart.

"What I said is true!" Karkaroff's face was full of begging and his voice was trembling. "I really didn't go to see him. I betrayed so many Death Eaters, how could I still have the courage? Go face him? He'll kill me!"

"Kill you? Then you can escape to the Ministry of Magic of the Underworld, which should be the safest place for you!" Onyxia pointed out sharply.

Her words were like a hammer, hitting Karkaroff's heart hard, blocking his plan to find an excuse.

Indeed, if you don't want to cooperate with Voldemort, you can go to the Ministry of Magic.

Before the appeasement policy became popular and Fudge showed his lower limit, the Ministry of Magic in the Kingdom of Yin did not have a certain credibility.

Karkaroff fell silent.

He knew that he had been forced into a desperate situation, and his heart was full of struggle.

If he really goes to the Ministry of Magic, then his embezzlement of funds and running away with money will be exposed, and he will have to pay back the money again and again.

He won't do it.

When he thought that this golden Galleon had been ruined by students, Karkaroff had to say: "What a sin!"

Of course, it's not like Karkaroff didn't think about killing Ms. Katrana Pristo in front of him - she was alone anyway, and if she were to be killed, there would be no evidence.

As a former Death Eater, Karkaroff is also an expert in using dark magic.

Otherwise, he would not be qualified to be the principal of Durmstrang.

But he gave up this idea as soon as he was born.

At the end of the first game of the Triwizard Tournament, the scene where the opponent tamed three violent fire dragons just by relying on momentum was still fresh in his memory.

In front of such a fierce man who can subdue fire dragons, a mere former Death Eater is nothing.

Not daring to fight, not being able to talk, the scene suddenly froze.

Karkaroff thought hard about how to make way for the humanoid monster in front of him.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

He raised his head and said to Onyxia in the most flattering tone possible: "Ms. Presto, I really have something urgent to leave now. If you can be noble and let me live, I will be grateful. "

"Thank you very much." Onyxia nodded after hearing this.

Just when Karkaroff thought the other party was going to refuse, she suddenly asked: "How much does it weigh?"

Pictured is Onyxia.

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