In the stands of the Quidditch match at Hogwarts, Professor Moody, who is loved by the Gryffindor wizards, is not here.

After coming out of the maze, instead of resisting the attackers like other professors, he ran towards the Black Lake.

Under the night, Cirilla Leanne led a team of Aurors to rush through the darkness, and their goal was also the mysterious black lake.

Professor Moody is so agile that he doesn't look like someone who has lost a leg.

He climbed over a low fence neatly, like a dark shadow passing by. He bypassed the Black Lake and crossed the ancient stone bridge, with only one thought in his mind - to leave the Hogwart Medicine range and reach a place where he could Apparate.

He glanced back at the Death Eaters in the audience who were guerrillas and killing wantonly, and a disdainful sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"These despicable things are only worthy of being here as abandoned sons to buy some time for their master. And I, Barty Crouch, I am about to return to my master. I gave Potter to him, how will he reward me?" .”

Moody was dreaming happily while running.

"That is what he needs most for his resurrection. I will receive an honor that exceeds that of any other Death Eater, and I will become his most beloved confidant... Closer than his son..."

Thinking of this, Moody felt a surge of enthusiasm in his heart.

He quickened his pace, but suddenly narrowed his eyes and snorted: "Damn Dumbledore, there must be a conspiracy! After Harry touched the medal, that annoying Levin Green also appeared and touched the medal. From then on, You can tell there’s a problem.”

Thinking of this, another sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"They must have been planning for a long time. But he must not have thought that we had already prepared countermeasures."

Finally, he arrived at the stone bridge, and Moody felt a glimmer of hope.

As long as he reaches that place, he can see the owner...

Just get to that place….

As Moody moved forward quickly, his normal eye bulged, and his magic eye stared straight ahead.

However, at this moment, a dazzling red light came straight towards Moody in the darkness at an alarming speed.

Moody was hit before he could dodge. He was knocked away and fell hard to the grass. The wand in his hand flew away and fell into the deep black lake.

In the darkness, seven Aurors wearing standard equipment appeared around Moody, approaching Moody like ghosts, walking quickly and firmly.

An Auror took the lead, and the handcuffs shone coldly in the darkness, clasping Moody's wrist tightly.

Moody suddenly found that he could no longer sense the magic power on his body. Not only that, but even the magic effect of the polyjuice potion was immediately lifted.

These are Levin's specially made anti-magic handcuffs, with an [anti-magic field] fixed on them. As long as they are cuffed by the handcuffs, the prisoner cannot use any magic, and even the magic effects exerted on his body will be completely removed.

Of course, Animagus is still not in this category.

The remaining six people raised their wands and pointed them at Moody who was lying on the ground. Their eyes were cold and there was no relief from Si Fu.

"Thank you, Oriana, you can go back." Cirilla's voice echoed in the darkness.

Following her words, a figure gradually emerged from the void, holding up the maid's skirt and bowing towards Cirila.

That was Oriana, the clockwork maid. She had a unique figure, with conspicuous spherical structures at her joints and a partially naked vault insert that reflected the cold light in the faint moonlight.

"This is...a living puppet?!" Moody's eyes widened and he looked at this strange magic puppet in shock.

He was actually being followed by a strange magic puppet.

He suddenly remembered the shocking army of metal golems at the World Cup.

Such powerful magic puppets appear one after another in the magical world, and there is obviously a common creator behind them all.

Since these magic puppets are in the hands of Jaina's faction, it is obvious who their creator is.

"You damn Aurors, the master will not let you go!" Moody shouted angrily, his voice full of despair and resentment, "And that stinking mud

"Shut up, Crouch!"

Hearing this word, Cirila suddenly interrupted him angrily.

The tip of the wand in her hand burst out with a purple-black magic spark, accurately hitting Crouch, who had been released from the transformation effect.

Little Crouch's expression instantly became horrified, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

He shouted uncontrollably, his voice full of despair and pleading: "No...Master...Don't abandon me...Mom...What's wrong with you..." .………Mother..………"

The Aurors saw with disgust that there were yellowish water stains under his body.

[Fear spell: Level 3 necromantic system, allowing all living creatures affected by magic to see terrifying illusions and fall into a state of panic. 】

Cirilla watched the miserable situation of little Crouch with cold eyes and said "cut" with disdain.

How dare you insult Levin in front of me?

She thought hard, still feeling a little bit upset,

Then a few more curses passed by like lightning. Little Crouch's hands and feet were paralyzed on the grass in an extremely twisted posture, and his bones were shattered into powder under the ruthless destruction of the curse.

However, even though Little Crouch was powerless to resist, the other six Aurors still held their wands tightly and pointed at him relentlessly.

"[The magic wand is flying]!"

Even though she was furious because Crouch Jr. insulted Levin, Cirilla remained calm and did not leave any consequences.

The wand that had just fallen into the black lake seemed to have heard the call, flying out of the lake with a trace of water, and fell steadily into her hand. The next moment, the wand broke in the girl's hand and broke into four pieces.

At the same time, the Ministry of Magic is also staged a thrilling arrest drama. To be more precise, it is a thorough cleansing of hostile forces.

Jaina Proudmoore had been carefully preparing this plan for a whole year.

Using the fact that Barty Crouch Jr. was still alive and the attack on the arena as an excuse, she launched a sudden attack at the Ministry of Magic and used various incriminating evidence that had been collected and prepared.

Successfully linked Barty Crouch and his forces to the Death Eaters.

Then, she led the Wizards of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and the Wizengamot to arrest those employees of the Ministry of Magic who were affiliated with Crouch's best friends.

Jaina Proudmoore was accompanied by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and wizards from the Wizengamot. Those wizards were arrested and tried one by one on the spot.

Of course, there was no resistance, such as Jaina's immediate boss, Amelia Bones, director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Frankly speaking, she is indeed an upright official and has not taken refuge in either Crouch or Gianna, but she is also an incompetent official.

After Crouch was transferred from the Legal Enforcement Department, Amelia has been serving as the director of the Legal Enforcement Department, but she has been ignored by the old Crouch. She is a complete rubber stamp and has no actual power at all.

After Gianna's rise, she was sidelined by both Gianna and Crouch. The entire Legal Enforcement Department only knew that there was Gianna as the deputy director and not Amelia as the director.

But now, Amelia Bones has become the powerful director overnight. Many of Crouch's henchmen gathered in her office to complain to her when the leader was not present and the Ministry of Magic was blocked. Complained about Jaina's abuse of power.


In their mouths, they all became Amelia's most loyal subordinates. What Jaina did was to subvert her power of Amelia - as if all the previous excuses were nothing.

Here I am.

Amelia also seemed to feel that she had found an opportunity to take power, and immediately raised objections to Gianna's large-scale trial.

In addition to her, the few Fudge members who remained in the Ministry of Magic also joined the protest.

The most typical one is Ulimchi, the pink toad who screamed loudly that he had to wait for the demon chief to come before he could be judged.

But Jaina completely ignored their protests and declared that because Fudge was attacked by Death Eaters, the Ministry of Magic had entered a temporary state of emergency and could take temporary coercive measures.

As Jaina brought out the witness of Bertha Jorkins, the physical evidence collected through the intelligence provided by Percy Weasley, and a large amount of various evidence collected over the past year, the protesters' momentum became weaker and lower.

When the news came that Crouch Jr. had been arrested, everyone realized that Crouch was really finished.

So no one stopped Jaina, the trial was finally completed quickly, and these people were all imprisoned in Azkaban.

In fact, the reason why Jaina dared to take such decisive action in the absence of the Minister of Magic was entirely because of the unique status and authority of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

The Magical Law Enforcement Department led by Jaina has always been not only the largest department in the Ministry of Magic in the Kingdom of Hell, but also the vital core of the entire Ministry of Magic system.

Except for the Department of Mysteries, all other departments need to obey the orders of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Therefore, among the past ministers of the Ministry of Magic, most ministers came from the Department of Law Enforcement, while Fudge was in the minority.

In the absence of the Minister, the Director of the Legal Enforcement Department can temporarily act as the Minister's functions.

And when the director is sidelined, she, the deputy director, can also do the work of a minister.

After successfully sending criminals to prison, those vacated positions provided Jaina with an excellent opportunity.

She cleverly took advantage of Fudge's absence and relied on her authority to promote cronies who had infiltrated various departments over the past year to key positions, and quickly completed all necessary installation procedures.

During this operation, the new Aurors formed under Jaina's instructions showed extremely high execution ability and professionalism.

They quickly sealed off the Ministry of Magic to ensure that no one could come or go at will, and at the same time showed selfless determination during the arrest process, and would never relent even in the face of their former colleagues.

At the same time, in the Auror office, Penello, who was attending a meeting, received the task order.

She was explaining the material to everyone when she suddenly took out her magic wand, and under the gaze of many astonished staff, she used her superb transformation technique to turn the two door panels of the conference room door into one piece, making it impossible for anyone to open it.

"Clivat, you are simply crazy!" Rufus Scrimgeour, Director of the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic, stood up angrily, "Who gave you the power and courage to work in the Auror Office?


However, his anger seemed so weak.

Because his people had been transferred away from the beginning.

Except for a few of his subordinates, all the old-fashioned Aurors under his command, and even civilian staff, were sent by Jaina to maintain the Triwizard Tournament due to lack of manpower.

and the order of Hogsmeade.

Seeing that the boss was angry, the remaining three could only stand up timidly and follow Scrimgeour. .

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