"You should all have noticed that the famous Harry Potter actually stepped into my rebirth party.

A twisted smile appeared on Voldemort's pale face, "We might as well call him a special guest."

Harry had thought that Voldemort would immediately end his life in front of all the servants.

But the Dark Lord, under the flattery of Gaholis Greengrass, indulged in telling his legendary experience, thus giving Harry another chance to breathe.

He completely ignored that the reason why he could stand here and boast to the Death Eaters about his great achievements was entirely because his most loyal servant bought him this little time at the cost of his life.

"I know you are all thinking about this boy who you regard as my nemesis..."

Voldemort waved his wand and cast a Cruciatus Curse on Harry, allowing all the Death Eaters to see his miserable and painful appearance.

"It's so ridiculous to think that he can beat me."

"I admit that it was indeed a fluke that Harry Potter escaped from my hands." Voldemort said calmly, "There is no protection from Dumbledore here, nor is there any sacrifice of his mother to protect him."

"Now, I want to end Harry Potter's life with my own hands to prove my power."

Voldemort knew that this was the best way to regain the loyalty of the Death Eaters.

"But I will give Harry a chance to fight me to the death and die bravely on the battlefield like his father. Then you will no longer have any doubts about who is the real strong one.

Harry took back his wand in a daze and stood opposite Voldemort, preparing to have a life-and-death contest with the notorious Dark Lord. Ten duels that would be unfair starting from ten.

Voldemort had ulterior motives. Not only did he plan to kill him to establish his authority, he also wanted to have fun with him before taking his life.

Harry held the wand tightly and stared at Voldemort, but he was secretly glad in his heart.

Voldemort thought that Dumbledore would not come, but Harry knew that Dumbledore and Levin Green had already foreseen this moment coming, and they would definitely appear in time.

Before that, he had to face it alone. He had to find a way to hold on for a while. It would be a pity that when Dumbledore arrived, he would see a fallen Harry.

Although Harry briefly joined a dueling club two years ago and learned a lot of spells from Sirius and Levin in recent months, he knew that these skills would be difficult to use against an opponent like Voldemort. use.

"Be brave Harry."

Harry took a deep breath and held his head up as high as possible.

Just when he mustered up the courage to say something to Voldemort and talk some trash, a flame suddenly lit up not far away, and Dumbledore walked out of the flames.

Voldemort's brows immediately frowned.

How did Dumbledore arrive so quickly?

This was really beyond his expectation.

Sure enough, those who implemented the plan were indeed useless, and they failed to drag down Bledo.

However, this did not affect Voldemort's confidence after his resurrection.

"Dumbledore, you are late." Voldemort's snake face twisted, revealing a cold smile, "You are always late, it was like this thirteen years ago, and it is also like this this time.

"Tom, long time no see." Dumbledore stared at Voldemort, his tone as calm as if they were attending a friendly party rather than engaging in a life-or-death contest.

"Yes, so many years have passed." Voldemort's voice revealed a bit of pride, "Four years ago, you ruined my resurrection plan, but this time, victory belongs to me!"

"My loyal servants carried out my carefully planned plan and successfully brought Harry Potter out of your protection!" His words were full of pride and complacency.

"See, I have truly defeated death and gained a new body, and now no one can stop me...not even you, Dumbledore!"

Voldemort said viciously, his red eyes fixed on Dumbledore, expecting to see regret and frustration on his face.

But there was none of this. Dumbledore just looked at him with disappointed eyes, and then said in a deep voice:

"Tom, I think I once warned you that "blind confidence will make people lose the most basic judgment. All you do is push yourself into the depths of death faster (kjdd)...

"Shut up, Dumbledore!" Voldemort interrupted Dumbledore rudely, "Your preaching has no effect on me. Do you think a few words can influence me? Or

Are you going to use this to save Harry Potter?"

"The Aurors are already on their way." Dumbledore glanced at Harry standing beside him and said calmly, "I think they will be happy to catch you all. By then, they will have no other excuses."

The surrounding Death Eaters began to commotion uneasily. If anyone else had said such words, they would have scorned them, but at this moment, the words came from Dumbledore.


Voldemort looked around at the restless Death Eaters, raised his wand, and stared at Dumbledore, "I'm curious, how do you plan to duel me while protecting that boy?"

"If you really plan to do this, I really can't stop you." Dumbledore said calmly, "But equally, you can't stop me from destroying other people.

Dumbledore's voice was cold, like a cold wind passing over a frozen lake, causing the Death Eaters around him to shiver involuntarily.

They all knew that Dumbledore could do it.

If Voldemort killed Harry Potter in front of Dumbledore, there would be at least a few Death Eaters buried with Harry.

Harry became happy almost immediately after hearing Dumbledore's voice.

However, before this joy could overtake him, he realized that he had become a burden to Dumbledore.

"Leave me alone, professor, if I die, then avenge me and kill them all!"

Harry mustered up the courage and shouted to Dumbledore, his voice full of tragedy and determination.

At this moment, the expressions of all the Death Eaters suddenly changed. They had never thought that Harry Potter was also a ruthless person and would even risk their own lives.

"Harry himself has had that realization, how about you?" Dumbledore's eyes turned to the Death Eaters beside Voldemort, as if he was preparing to pick a good target.

If Voldemort hadn't been present, these Death Eaters would have fled long ago.


Voldemort stroked his wand and waved his hand to signal the Death Eaters to disperse.

The Death Eaters around Voldemort retreated one after another as if they had been granted amnesty, fearing that they would be involved in the duel between the two, which would be a disaster.

"Are we dueling, or are you afraid?" Dumbledore challenged.

"Why should I do what you want?" Voldemort looked at the old man opposite and seemed surprised by his proposal, "I know you want to rescue Harry Potter.

"You heard it just now, you can't protect everyone." Dumbledore raised his wand, ready to fire a spell at Voldemort at any time.

"This is not like what you would say. I know you will save Potter, and I know your weaknesses." A proud smile appeared on Voldemort's face, as if he had read through Dumbledore's mind.


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