As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, Hermione was the first to stand up and walk out.

The little lions around her, as well as the little wizards from the Knowledge Society, all applauded her and sent them blessings and good luck.

After her, Harry, Fleur, Viktor, Estella, and Polyakov walked out of the auditorium together.

Of course, there were six security officers who left with them, but Snape was not among them. He seemed to have something to do temporarily, and Hagrid took his place.

Five minutes later, spectators began to enter the stands of the Quidditch pitch.

They were all shocked when they saw what the Quidditch pitch looked like.

The place has become completely unrecognizable.

A six-meter-high hedge, like a solid city wall, surrounds the edge of the hexagonal site.

There are six gaps on each of the six sides of the site, which are the entrances to this large maze. The passages inside are dark and full of mystery and unknowns.

Thousands of students, parents and various tourists filed into their seats. The air was filled with excited voices and chaotic footsteps, as if a grand celebration was about to begin.

The sky is now a clear "527" deep blue, and stars are beginning to appear, dotting the night sky, adding a romance and poetry to the game.

Levin, Cirilla, Tonks, Hagrid, Professor Moody, and Professor Flitwick walked into the Quidditch pitch and walked towards Bagman and several warriors. Their hats were all decorated with big, shining red stars, except for Hagrid, whose red star was on the back of his terry vest.

Most people were surprised that a young wizard like Levin would serve as a security officer, but it was also reasonable.

When Cirilla appeared in everyone's sight, the young wizards at Hogwarts burst into cheers, welcoming the senior sister back to Hogwarts.

Everyone has heard about the girl winning the World Cup with Levin, and many young wizards have heard about her series of achievements after becoming an Auror.

Everyone thinks she is the pride of Hogwarts.

But apparently someone here didn't think so.

When he saw her, Krum's face turned dark.

It’s really a narrow road between enemies.

When Hermione saw Cirilla, a flash of joy flashed in her eyes and she wanted to go up and have a chat with her.

However, Ludo interrupted their conversation. He reminded every warrior: "If you encounter difficulties in the maze and want to be rescued, just shoot red sparks into the sky, and we will send people to help immediately. Do you understand? ?”

He added: "You must understand that once the sparks are fired, it means that you have voluntarily given up the qualification to set!"

The warriors nodded together to show that they understood.

"Okay, then the security officer will enter first!" Bagman said happily to the six patrol members.

The six people walked away in different directions, entering the camp from the six entrances of the maze.

Next, Bagman walked up to the stands, pointed his wand at his throat, and said "loud voice."

His voice, amplified by magic, echoed clearly and powerfully over the stands.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the last competition of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! After the fierce competition in the first three rounds, the scores of the contestants have been settled [I will announce the current overall ranking for everyone] .”

Ludo paused, as if he was brewing momentum.

"Hermione Granger, ranked first with a score of 34.5, comes from Hogwarts School!"

At the same time, the live camera was focused on Hermione, and applause and cheers erupted one after another, even frightening the birds in the Forbidden Forest. They fluttered their wings and flew into the darkening night.

"Fleur Delacour, 25 points, second place, from Beauxbatons Academy!" There was another burst of warm applause, and when the camera showed a close-up of Fleur, there were screams from the stands.

"Harry Potter, third place, 21 points, Hogwarts School!"

"Estella Dumont, fourth place, 10.5 points, Beauxbatons Academy!"

"Vector Krum, tied for fourth place, 10.5 points, Durmstrang College!" There were actually two warriors with the same score, which triggered a burst of discussion and attention.

"Polyakov Onegin, sixth place, 7.75 points, Durmstrang College!" The final applause has become sparse, even accompanied by bursts of ridicule.

Two of the top three are students from Hogwarts, which makes the net masters of Yin Kingdom feel extremely proud.

The wizards from Northern and Eastern Europe had slightly gloomy expressions, obviously dissatisfied with the results of their colleges.

Klum and Dumont had the same score and were tied for fourth.

However, because he was dissatisfied with Karkaroff, the principal of Durmstrang College, Ludo Bagman deliberately adjusted his tone when announcing the results as if Durmstrang College had taken the last two places.

Mrs. Maxim seemed calm about this, but Karkaroff's face instantly darkened, as if shrouded in dark clouds.

He snorted coldly, feeling that he was being targeted again.

But it doesn't matter, he recently gave Krum special physical training, which lasted until late at night every day, fully instilling in him his own experience of being lost in the maze.

Among all the warriors present, he was the only one who knew the inside of the maze.

In the last competition, he will definitely get the trophy first.

"The contestants will enter the maze one after another in order of points."

Bagman's voice resounded throughout the arena, introducing the rules of the competition, "Every point of advantage can allow the contestants to enter the maze thirty seconds earlier than others. In other words, Miss Hermione Granger, who leads in points, will be ahead of Fleur. Miss Delacour entered the maze four minutes and forty-five seconds early.

Following Bagman's guidance, the six players each selected an entrance and quietly waited for the start of the game.

...Miss Hermione Granger, get ready!" Bagman shouted, "Listen to my whistle! Lord——

With a sharp whistle piercing the night sky, Hermione rushed into the maze like an arrow from a string.

Cirilla, who had already used [Invisibility] to wait quietly at the entrance of the maze, immediately followed.

The tall hedges cast dark shadows on the path, like thick barriers...

I don't know whether it was because of the tall and dense hedge itself or the effect of magic. Once entering the maze, the noise of the audience disappeared without a trace, leaving only the rustling of the leaves in the wind and the subtle footsteps of the wizards.

Hermione wasn't using magic to illuminate her surroundings.

Lighting up the light in the dark will undoubtedly become the most obvious target, as if it is an invitation to the monsters in the maze.

Hermione felt that only a fool would do this.

But in night games, you can’t see the road clearly even if you don’t think of ways to do it.

Hermione was prepared for this.

Suddenly, her body underwent wonderful changes. A pair of pointed cat ears popped out from the top of the head, shaking playfully; a pair of tails that moved wildly emerged from the buttocks, which looked particularly cute; traces of flesh pads could also be vaguely seen on the palms of the hands; the original brown color His pupils even turned into a cat-eye shape, emitting a faint light.

These changes made her at home in the dark.

The originally dark environment suddenly seemed much brighter.

Cats have far better night vision than humans, and Hermione suddenly felt that everything around her became clearer.

The texture on the leaves, the faint fluorescence in the distance, and even the dust floating in the air cannot escape her eyes.

"It's Nekomata. Hermione used some Animagus skills to turn part of her body into Nekomata!" Bagman praised loudly.

The audience turned their attention to the image of the cat-eared girl in the illusion live broadcast, and there was a lot of discussion.

"As we all know, Levin Green of Hogwarts is the first magical Animagus in the history of the wizarding world. After a series of studies, he successfully transformed himself into a chimera."

Bagman opened his mouth to educate viewers who didn’t know the situation.

"Mr. Green did not stop there. He conducted a more in-depth exploration of Animagus and discovered many powerful techniques, such as this partial Animagus 4.1 technique, which allows wizards to transform without complete transformation. When the body is still alive, only part of the body changes. Oh, by the way, Mr. Green is also one of the important organizers of our Triwizard Tournament. Many new systems and technologies, including the live broadcast system we are using now, are His masterpiece."

After complimenting Levin as usual, Bagman turned the topic to Hermione.

"As a good friend of Mr. Green, Miss Granger has learned a lot of skills from him, and the magical Animagus is one of them. Cats are magical creatures from the East. They are like special cats with amazing powers. The agility and powerful magic...

Speaking of this, the sight of Hermione moving flexibly like a civet in the picture aroused his amazement again:

"Look, Ms. Granger, transformed into Nekomata, is moving freely through the maze, as if this maze is her world. It seems that she is the winner of this competition."

Update【4/3】, additional update【86/107】

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